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Last active September 28, 2020 21:57
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Mod 5 DTR

Accountability Group DTR


Group Members:

Schedule for weekly meetings and regular Stand Ups (must have 2 meetings a week): Be prepared to come up with 2-3 different times in case groups overlap so that your adviser can meet with all groups.

Melissa - I like Mondays & Thurs/Friday for stands up. Tracey had also mentioned that successful groups meet daily for the application process - getting on a call and simply applying for a job.

Technical Section

  • What do we want to work on together for technical practice? Suggestions: group code challenges/project work/code reviews
  • How we will hold each other accountable to this technical work:

Melissa - Ideally I'd like to do a code challenge a day - however, I will be focusing on my capstone presentation until demoComp on 10/7.

Strengths & Supports

  • Group member strengths for supporting each other in the job search (what can we each help our group with?):

Melissa - Hold me accountable - being postive and supportive, reminding me of the bigger picture.

  • What does everyone need in terms of self-care and support:

    • Systems, people, activities for physical health support:

    Melissa - I've been scheduling all the Dr's appointment that I've put off in the past year, so I will have some appointments that will need to be worked around. Otherwise, checking in that I've gotten outside, or have been productive around the home would be great/fitness.

    • How we will hold each other accountable to using these supports:

Melissa - mental health is soooo important. Asking about mental health in a daily question or in the standups?

Meeting Structure

  • Group meeting structures (what will we work on/discuss during group meetings?): Suggestions: Finding jobs/companies, working on cover letters, finding company contacts, creating messages, finding contact info, etc.

  • How we will hold each other accountable to following through on action steps:

Melissa - I am happy to be a support in this area - I've been in HR/Recuriting for YEARS and can help be a resource. I'm also super open to people brainstorming ideas too.

  • How we will communicate if someone needs to miss a meeting:

Melissa - Slack group

  • Stand Up discussions (what specific questions will we use in our Stand Ups twice a week?):
    • Stand Up #1:

Melissa - Did any outreach turn into a coffee chat?

  • Stand Up #2:

Melissa - Code Challenges - how did it go? Did you meet a personal goal this week?

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