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Last active December 19, 2019 04:23
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What is the value of a checklist?

Ever since hearing about the checklist manifesto - [(], it immediately connected with me that our brains do not have the capacity to remember everything, and it is often ego that stops off from using a simple, yet vital tool. When one writes down tasks & items that need to be completed- you are able to mentally & physically prioritize & move on to a more pressing & urgent task, while being able to come back to follow-up on other items. The value is to be more efficient with your time, while ensuring that other important items & tasks are not forgotten about.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

I plan on improving on my HTML, CSS & JavaScript knowledge. Additionally, want to improve upon my organization skills, which is an area that I will never stop wanting to grow in. I really am looking forward to being able to improve my communication skills with my cohort, TAs, and teachers. Being an effective communicator is a great way to ensure that my time is utulized in the most effective ways, while building a solid network of additional professionals that I can get support from. An additional hope & goal to is make new friends that I will continue to be in contact with in the future.

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