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Created March 18, 2023 21:02
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LuaBridge type alignment
template<class T>
class UserdataValue : public Userdata
UserdataValue(UserdataValue<T> const&);
UserdataValue<T> operator=(UserdataValue<T> const&);
using AlignType = typename std::conditional<alignof(T) <= alignof(double), T, void*>::type;
static constexpr int MAX_PADDING = alignof(T) <= alignof(AlignType) ? 0 : alignof(T) - alignof(AlignType) + 1;
alignas(AlignType) unsigned char m_storage[sizeof(T) + MAX_PADDING];
char m_storage[sizeof(T)];
Used for placement construction.
if (MAX_PADDING > 0)
uintptr_t offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&m_storage[0]) % alignof(T);
if (offset > 0) offset = alignof(T) - offset;
assert(offset < MAX_PADDING);
m_storage[sizeof(m_storage) - 1] = static_cast<unsigned char>(offset);
m_p = 0;
if (getPointer() != 0)
Push a T via placement new.
The caller is responsible for calling placement new using the
returned uninitialized storage.
@param L A Lua state.
@returns An object referring to the newly created userdata value.
static UserdataValue<T>* place(lua_State* const L)
UserdataValue<T>* const ud =
new (lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(UserdataValue<T>))) UserdataValue<T>();
lua_rawgetp(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, detail::getClassRegistryKey<T>());
if (!lua_istable(L, -1))
throw std::logic_error("The class is not registered in LuaBridge");
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
return ud;
Push T via copy construction from U.
@tparam U A container type.
@param L A Lua state.
@param u A container object reference.
template<class U>
static inline void push(lua_State* const L, U const& u)
UserdataValue<T>* ud = place(L);
new (ud->getObject()) U(u);
Confirm object construction.
void commit() { m_p = getObject(); }
inline void* __storagePtr()
if (MAX_PADDING == 0)
return &m_storage[0];
return &m_storage[0] + m_storage[sizeof(m_storage) - 1];
return &m_storage[0];
T* getObject()
// If this fails to compile it means you forgot to provide
// a Container specialization for your container!
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(__storagePtr());
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