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Created August 9, 2020 16:23
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Simple implementation of lazy propagation
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
# define create(type, size) ((type*) malloc(sizeof(type)*size)) //to be used to malloc just to keep code neat
void update_children(int i, int se, int nv);
int *lazy; // this is lazy propagation
int* buildSegTree(int *arr, int s) { //assume that s is the actual size of the array and not the last index
//get the height of the tree first
int h = ceil(log2(s));
//get the max_size of the segment tree
int st_s = 2*pow(2, h)-1;
printf("Size of ST: %d\n", st_s);
int *st = create(int, st_s);
lazy = create(int, st_s); /**/
memset(lazy, 0, sizeof(int)*st_s);
memset(st, 0, sizeof(int)*st_s);
int make_tree(int*, int*, int, int, int);
make_tree(arr, st, s-1, 0, 1); // we gonna make the root value be at index 1
return st;
#define left_child(index) (2*index)
#define right_child(index) (2*index+1)
int make_tree(int *arr, int *st, int size, int arr_index, int st_index) {
if (arr_index == size) {
st[st_index] = arr[arr_index];
return st[st_index];
int mid = (arr_index+size)/2;
int sum = make_tree(arr, st, mid, arr_index, left_child(st_index)) + make_tree(arr, st, size, mid+1, right_child(st_index));
st[st_index] = sum;
return sum;
int get_sum(int *st, int st_s, int st_e, int st_index, int l, int r) {
// if (st_e < st_s || st_e < l || st_s > r) return 0;
// if (st_index >st_e) return 0;
if (lazy[st_index]) {
st[st_index] += (st_e-st_s+1)*lazy[st_index];
if (st_e!=st_s)
update_children(st_index, st_e, lazy[st_index]);
lazy[st_index] = 0;
if(st_s > r || st_e < l)
return 0;
if (l <= st_s && r >= st_e)
return st[st_index];
int mid = (st_s+st_e) /2;
return get_sum(st, st_s, mid, left_child(st_index), l, r)
+ get_sum(st, mid+1, st_e, right_child(st_index), l, r);
int sum(int *st, int l, int r, int arr_size) {
if (l > r || r > arr_size || l < 0)
return 0; // invalid
return get_sum(st, 0, arr_size-1, 1, l, r);
void update_helper(int *st, int ss, int se, int index, int st_index) {
if (ss == se) {
st[st_index] += st[0];
int mid = (ss+se)/2;
int next_st_index = st_index;
if (index <= mid) {
se = mid;
next_st_index = left_child(st_index);
else {
ss = mid+1;
next_st_index = right_child(st_index);
st[st_index] += st[0];
update_helper(st, ss, se, index, next_st_index);
void update(int *st, int *arr, int index, int val, int arr_size) {
if (index < arr_size) {
int diff = val - arr[index];
st[0] = diff;
update_helper(st, 0, arr_size-1, index, 1);
st[0] = 0;
void swap(int *st, int *arr, int i, int j, int arr_size) {
if (i < arr_size && j < arr_size && i != j) {
int temp = arr[i];
update(st, arr, i, arr[j], arr_size);
update(st, arr, j, temp, arr_size);
// updates values from l ro r inclusive with the new value
//if l<0 or r>array size then we dont satisfy the request
void lazy_range_update(int *st, int l, int r, int arr_size, int new_value) {
if (l<0 || r > arr_size-1) return;
int h = ceil(log2(arr_size));
//get the max_size of the segment tree
int st_size = 2*pow(2, h)-1;
void lazy_range_update_helper(int *st, int si, int ss, int se, int us, int ue, int nv);
lazy_range_update_helper(st, 1, 0, arr_size-1, l, r, new_value);
#define in_range(l, r, v) (l<=v && r >=v)
void lazy_range_update_helper(int *st, int si, int ss, int se, int us, int ue, int nv) {
void update_children(int i, int se, int nv);
// case 1: if current segment has any updates
if (lazy[si]) {
if (ss!=se) {
update_children(si, se, lazy[si]);
lazy[si] = 0;
if (se < ss || ss > ue || se < us) return;
//case 2: If current node's range lies completely in
if (ss>=us && se<=ue) {
//update the current node's range
//Postpone updates to children by setting lazy value for children nodes.
if (ss!=se)
update_children(si, se, nv);
st[si] += (se-ss+1)*nv;
//case 3: If current node's range overlaps with update range
int mid = (ss+se)/2;
/*diff +=*/ lazy_range_update_helper(st, left_child(si), ss, mid, us, ue, nv);
/*diff +=*/ lazy_range_update_helper(st, right_child(si), mid+1, se, us, ue, nv);
st[si] = st[left_child(si)] + st[right_child(si)];
void update_children(int i, int se, int nv) {
// if (i >= se) return;
lazy[left_child(i)] += nv;
lazy[right_child(i)] += nv;
void print_tree(int *st, int arr_size) {
int h = ceil(log2(arr_size));
//get the max_size of the segment tree
int st_size = 2*pow(2, h)-1;
for (int i=0; i<st_size-1; ++i) {
printf("%2d ", st[i]);
printf("%2d\n", st[st_size-1]);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int arr[] ={ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 };
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Size of array: %2d\n", n);
int *st = buildSegTree(arr, n);
printf("Before updating range:\n");
print_tree(st, n);
printf("sum before update of 1:3 is: %2d\n", sum(st, 1, 3, n));
lazy_range_update(st, 1, 5, n, 10);
printf("After updating range:\n");
print_tree(st, n);
print_tree(lazy, n);
printf("sum after update of 1:3 is: %2d\n", sum(st, 1, 3, n));
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