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#define map_size 64
#define traceback_buf_size 16
//char traceback_buf[traceback_buf_size];
int freeRam () {
extern int __heap_start, *__brkval;
int v;
return (int) &v - (__brkval == 0 ? (int) &__heap_start : (int) __brkval);
class robot {
char head_dir (char num) {
while (num < 0)num += 4;
while (num > 3)num -= 4;
return num;
char dx_dir(char _dir) { //cosine
_dir = head_dir(_dir);
if (_dir == 0)return 1;
if (_dir == 2)return -1;
return 0;
char dy_dir(char _dir) { //sine
_dir = head_dir(_dir);
if (_dir == 1)return 1;
if (_dir == 3)return -1;
return 0;
class state {
char head_dir (char num) {
while (num < 0)num += 4;
while (num > 3)num -= 4;
return num;
char pos = 0;
char head = 0;//initial heading
char front() {
return head;
char left() {
return head_dir(head + 1);
char right() {
return head_dir(head - 1);
char back() {
return head_dir(head + 2);
bool operator==(state &comp) {
if (pos == comp.pos && head == comp.head)return true;
else return false;
bool operator!=(state &comp) {
if (pos == comp.pos && head == comp.head)return false;
else return true;
state crr_state;
class maping {
class map_node {
char x = -128;
char y = -128;
char connect[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1}; // -1 refer to null
unsigned int weight[4] = {65535, 65535, 65535, 65535};
void weight_reset() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
weight [i] = 65535;
bool is_unvisited() {
return connect[0] == -1 || connect[1] == -1 || connect[2] == -1 || connect[3] == -1;
char maplength = 0;
map_node map_arr[map_size];
char length () {
int size_all = sizeof(map_arr);
int size_each = sizeof(map_node);
return (size_all / size_each);
char _new_ () {
char new_node = maplength;
return new_node;
char find_xy (char _x, char _y) {
for (char i = 0; i < map_size; i++) {
if (map_arr[i].x == _x && map_arr[i].y == _y) {
return i;
return -1;
maping mazemap;
char occ[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1}; //right,up,left,down
char gfocc() {//put front sensor read hear // return 0 = clear ,return 1 = occupied
Serial.print('F');//demo for simulator
while (!Serial.available());
char gdat =;//get data
return gdat == '1';
char glocc() {
while (!Serial.available());
char gdat =;//get data
return gdat == '1';
char grocc() {
while (!Serial.available());
char gdat =;//get data
return gdat == '1';
void action (char cmd) {
if (cmd == 'W') {
crr_state.pos = mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[crr_state.head];
else if (cmd == 'A') {
crr_state.head = crr_state.left();
else if (cmd == 'D') {
crr_state.head = crr_state.right();
Serial.println("err in action");
state new_state(char _pos, char _head) {
state result;
result.pos = _pos;
result.head = _head;
return result;
state action_result (char cmd, state _crr) {
if (cmd == 'W') {
_crr.pos = mazemap.map_arr[_crr.pos].connect[_crr.front()];
else if (cmd == 'A') {
_crr.head = _crr.left();
else if (cmd == 'D') {
_crr.head = _crr.right();
return _crr;
state back_tracking_result (char cmd, state _crr) {//invert from action result
if (cmd == 'W') {
_crr.pos = mazemap.map_arr[_crr.pos].connect[_crr.back()];
else if (cmd == 'D') {
_crr.head = _crr.left();
else if (cmd == 'A') {
_crr.head = _crr.right();
return _crr;
char get_action(state prov, state next) {
if (action_result('W', prov) == next)return 'W';
else if (action_result('A', prov) == next)return 'A';
else if (action_result('D', prov) == next)return 'D';
else return '\0';
void tl() {
// Serial.print('A');
void tr() {
void gh() {
// Serial.print('W');
void occ_update() {
for (char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
occ[i] = -1;
occ[crr_state.front()] = gfocc();
occ[crr_state.right()] = grocc();
occ[crr_state.left()] = glocc();
char f_occ () {
return occ[crr_state.front()];
char l_occ () {
return occ[crr_state.left()];
char r_occ () {
return occ[crr_state.right()];
void printocc() {
for (char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (i < 3) Serial.print(",");
void map_update() {
//Serial.println("\nmap update.. at node " + String(int(crr_state.pos)));
for (char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (occ[i] != -1) {
char new_x = mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].x + dx_dir(i);
char new_y = mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].y + dy_dir(i);
if (occ[i] == 1) { //occupied
mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[i] = crr_state.pos;
else if (occ[i] == 0 && mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[i] == -1 ) {
char new_node;
if ( mazemap.find_xy(new_x, new_y) == -1) {
new_node = mazemap._new_();
else new_node = mazemap.find_xy(new_x, new_y);
mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[i] = new_node;
mazemap.map_arr[new_node].connect[head_dir(i + 2)] = crr_state.pos;
mazemap.map_arr[new_node].x = new_x;
mazemap.map_arr[new_node].y = new_y;
Serial.println("create node " + String(int(new_node)) + " , x = " + String(int(new_x)) + " , y = " + String(int(new_y)));
else {
//Serial.println("We have some Error here!!");
void startup() {
crr_state.pos = 0;//init
crr_state.head = 0;
char new_node = mazemap._new_ ();
mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].x = 0;
mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].y = 0;
if (glocc() == '0') { //left is clear
else tr();
unsigned int get_weight_state(state _crr) {
return mazemap.map_arr[_crr.pos].weight[_crr.head];
void set_weight_state(state _crr, unsigned int _weight) {
mazemap.map_arr[_crr.pos].weight[_crr.head] = _weight;
void run() {
const unsigned int W_weight = 5;
const unsigned int A_weight = 3;
const unsigned int D_weight = 3;
Serial.println("now on node = " + String(int(crr_state.pos)) + " , x = " + String(int(mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].x)) + " ,y = " + String(int(mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].y)));
//Serial.print("that connect to");
//for (char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
//Serial.print((int) mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[i]);
//if (i < 3)Serial.print(",");
if (mazemap.map_arr[mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[crr_state.front()]].is_unvisited() ) {
Serial.print("on node = " + String( (int)mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[crr_state.front()]) + " , we found ");
for (char i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Serial.print((int)mazemap.map_arr[ mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[crr_state.front()]].connect[i]);
if (i < 3)Serial.print(",");
Serial.print(" and ");
else if (mazemap.map_arr[mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[crr_state.left()]].is_unvisited() ) {
else if (mazemap.map_arr[mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].connect[crr_state.right()]].is_unvisited() ) {
else {
Serial.println("start searching!!");
state goal_state = new_state(-1, 0);
char unvisited = 0;
for (char i = 0; i < mazemap.maplength; i++ ) {
Serial.println("found "+String(int(unvisited))+" unvisited nodes");
if(unvisited == 0){
Serial.println("exploration complete, stopprogram");
mazemap.map_arr[crr_state.pos].weight[crr_state.head] = 0;
unsigned int base_weight = 0;
///some loop here
bool search_loop = true;
while (1) {
//Serial.println("start serch at weight = " + String(base_weight));
for (char _pos = 0; _pos < mazemap.maplength; _pos++ ) {
if (goal_state.pos != -1)break;
for (char _head = 0; _head < 4; _head++) {
state base_state = new_state(_pos, _head);
//Serial.println("searching at state ,pos = "+String(int(_pos)) + " ,head = "+String(int(_head))+ " ,weight = "+String(get_weight_state(base_state)));
if (get_weight_state(base_state) == base_weight) {
//Serial.println("found base weight = " + String(get_weight_state(base_state)) + "base state , node = " + String(int(base_state.pos)) + " , head = " + String(int(base_state.head)));
state w_state = action_result ('W', base_state) ;
state a_state = action_result ('A', base_state) ;
state d_state = action_result ('D', base_state) ;
if (W_weight + base_weight < get_weight_state(w_state)) {
set_weight_state(w_state, W_weight + base_weight);
if (mazemap.map_arr[w_state.pos].is_unvisited()) {
goal_state = w_state;
if (A_weight + base_weight < get_weight_state(a_state)) {
set_weight_state(a_state, A_weight + base_weight);
if (mazemap.map_arr[a_state.pos].is_unvisited()) {
goal_state = a_state;
if (D_weight + base_weight < get_weight_state(d_state)) {
set_weight_state(d_state, D_weight + base_weight);
if (mazemap.map_arr[d_state.pos].is_unvisited()) {
goal_state = d_state;
}//"if (mazemap.map_arr[_pos].weight[_head] == base_weight)" 's statement
}//find match weight with base weight statement
if (goal_state.pos == -1) {
unsigned int minimum_weight = 65535;
for (char _pos = 0; _pos < mazemap.maplength; _pos++ ) {
for (char _head = 0; _head < 4; _head++) {
state base_state = new_state(_pos, _head);
unsigned int _weight = get_weight_state(base_state) ;
if (_weight > base_weight && _weight < minimum_weight) {
//Serial.println("debug : update state, pos = "+String(int(base_state.pos))+" head = "+String(int(base_state.head)));
minimum_weight = _weight;
Serial.println("debug : minimum weight = "+String(minimum_weight));
if (minimum_weight == base_weight) {
while (1);
else if(minimum_weight == 65535){
Serial.println("stop, exploration complete!");
while (1);
else {
base_weight = minimum_weight;
else {//next pos != -1 , found next pos to go.
//Serial.println("\nwholaa ,we found next target at node = " + String(int( goal_state.pos)) + " , head = " + String(int(goal_state.head)) + " , at weight = " + String(base_weight));
//begin backtracking
Serial.println("ram:" + String(freeRam()));
char traceback_buf_index = 0;
char traceback_buf[traceback_buf_size];
Serial.println("ram:" + String(freeRam()));
for (char i = 0; i < traceback_buf_size; i++) {
traceback_buf[i] = '\0';
state backtracking = goal_state;
//Serial.println("back-tracking start ,node = " + String(int(backtracking.pos)) +" ,head = "+ String(int(backtracking.head)));
while ( backtracking != crr_state) {
state b_w = back_tracking_result('W', backtracking);
state b_a = back_tracking_result('A', backtracking);
state b_d = back_tracking_result('D', backtracking);
unsigned int w_b_w = get_weight_state(b_w);
unsigned int w_b_a = get_weight_state(b_a);
unsigned int w_b_d = get_weight_state(b_d);
if ( w_b_w <= w_b_a && w_b_w <= w_b_d) {
backtracking = b_w;
traceback_buf[traceback_buf_index] = 'W';
else if (w_b_a <= w_b_d) {
backtracking = b_a;
traceback_buf[traceback_buf_index] = 'A';
else {
backtracking = b_d;
traceback_buf[traceback_buf_index] = 'D';
// Serial.println("back-tracking node = " + String(int(backtracking.pos)) +" ,head = "+ String(int(backtracking.head)));
//Serial.println("back-tracking cmd = "+ String(char(traceback_buf[traceback_buf_index]+32)));
traceback_buf_index ++;
if (traceback_buf_index >= traceback_buf_size)traceback_buf_index -= traceback_buf_size;
for (char i = 0; i < traceback_buf_size; i++) {
if (traceback_buf_index <0)traceback_buf_index += traceback_buf_size;
if(traceback_buf[traceback_buf_index]!= '\0'){
else break;
// map_update();
//Serial.println("temporary stop!! 000");
//while (1);
}//while(true) statement
robot mazerunner;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.println("robot start!");
while (!Serial.available());;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:;
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