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Created November 30, 2013 18:36
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/*jslint node: true*/
// Provides methods which may be executed from the command prompt by being in this files cwd.
// Type grunt to run the default method, or "grunt paramater" to run a specific method.
// Options:
// * grunt: Start up a server, run Jasmine test cases, watch for changes.
// * grunt test: Start up a server, run Jasmine test cases.
// * grunt lint: Display linter errors about the project
// * grunt dist: Create a dist folder with a .zip containing the extension ready to be uploaded
// See here for more information:
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Read project settings from package.json in order to be able to reference the properties with grunt.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
// Tasks:
// Connect spins up tiny, quick servers for testing on
connect: {
test: {
port: 8000
// Jasmine is for running our test cases. This runs in a headless web browser using phantom-js which is pretty sweet.
jasmine: {
// Here's all the JavaScript I want to consider when running test cases
src: 'app/js/*.js',
options: {
// Specs are all the cases I want to run
specs: 'test/js/spec/*Spec.js',
// Don't run under file:// because some APIs don't respond well to that
host: 'http://localhost:8000/',
template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs'),
templateOptions: {
requireConfigFile: 'test/js/main.js',
requireConfig: {
// Override the base URL with one relative to the gruntfile.
baseUrl: 'app/js/',
// Emulate main.js' initialization logic.
deps: ['settings', 'backbone', 'jquery','lodash'],
callback: function (Settings, Backbone, $, _) {
// Enable testing in Settings so configuration values can be set accordingly (API keys, etc. testing runs on localhost)
Settings.set('testing', true);
// Testing should hit a local server and not be ran against the production database.
Settings.set('localDebug', true);
// Improve code quality by applying a code-quality check with jshint
jshint: {
// Files to analyze:
files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'app/js/**/*.js', 'test/js/**/*.js'],
options: {
// Override JSHint defaults for the extension
globals: {
jQuery: true,
console: true
// Don't validate third-party libraries
ignores: ['app/js/thirdParty/**/*.js']
watch: {
files: ['<%= jshint.files %>'],
tasks: ['jshint']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['connect jasmine watch']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['connect', 'jasmine']);
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint']);
// Generate a versioned zip file after transforming relevant files to production-ready versions.
grunt.registerTask('dist', 'Cleanup the extension and zip it up.', function (version) {
// Update version number in manifest.json:
if (version === undefined) {
grunt.warn('dist must be called with a version. e.g.: dist:0.98');
grunt.option('version', version);'dist-update-manifest-version', 'dist-remove-old-folder', 'dist-copy-source', 'dist-manifest-transform', 'dist-transform-settings', 'dist-compress');
// Update the manifest file's version number first -- new version is being distributed and it is good to keep files all in sync.
grunt.registerTask('dist-update-manifest-version', 'updates the manifest version to the to-be latest distributed version', function () {
grunt.config.set('replace', {
updateManifestVersion: {
src: ['app/manifest.json'],
overwrite: true,
replacements: [{
from: /"version": "\d{0,2}.\d{0,2}"/,
to: '"version": "' + grunt.option('version') + '"'
// Cleanup any old dist folder to ensure only the files we want are put into the current release.
grunt.registerTask('dist-remove-old-folder', 'removes any previously existing dist folder', function () {
if (grunt.file.exists('dist')) {
// Can't delete a full directory -- clean it up.
grunt.config.set('clean', ['dist']);'clean');
// Copy everything before transforming to not affect the originals.
grunt.registerTask('dist-copy-source', 'copy all the needed files to the dist directory', function () {
grunt.config.set('copy', {
copyExtension: {
expand: true,
src: 'app/**',
dest: 'dist'
// Remove debugging information from the manifest file
grunt.registerTask('dist-manifest-transform', 'removes debugging info from the manifest.json', function () {
grunt.config.set('replace', {
removeDebuggingKeys: {
src: ['dist/app/manifest.json'],
overwrite: true,
replacements: [{
// Remove manifest key -- can't upload to Chrome Web Store if this entry exists in manifest.json, but helps with debugging.
from: /"key".*/,
to: ''
}, {
// Remove permissions that're only needed for debugging.
from: '"http://localhost:61975/Streamus/"',
to: ''
// Remove debugging information from the JavaScript
grunt.registerTask('dist-transform-settings', 'ensure all the debugging flags are turned off in settings', function () {
grunt.config.set('replace', {
transformSettings: {
src: ['dist/app/js/background/model/settings.js'],
overwrite: true,
replacements: [{
// Find the line that looks like: "localDebug: true" and set it to false. Local debugging is for development only.
from: 'localDebug: true',
to: 'localDebug: false'
}, {
// Find the line that looks like: "testing: true" and set it to false. Testing is for development only.
from: 'testing: true',
to: 'testing: false'
// Zip up the dist folder
grunt.registerTask('dist-compress', 'compress the files which are ready to be uploaded to the Chrome Web Store into a .zip', function () {
var zipFileName = 'Streamus v' + grunt.option('version') + '.zip';
// Remove old version if it exists
if (grunt.file.exists(zipFileName)) {
grunt.config.set('compress', {
dist: {
options: {
archive: zipFileName
files: [{
src: ['dist/app/**'],
dest: 'streamus/'
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