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Created July 21, 2015 01:33
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Save MeoMix/a2c738f863025e719f2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var SourceBufferWrapper = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function() {
return {
sourceBuffer: null,
appendedBufferCount: 0,
// Buffered data which has already been leveraged by YouTube is cached on the background page and re-used as needed.
bufferCache: []
initialize: function() {
// IMPORTANT: Prefer binding like this rather than using .bind(this) inline because bind will return a new function.
// This will break unobserve because it expects to be given a reference to the original function.
this._onObserveBufferCacheChange = this._onObserveBufferCacheChange.bind(this);
this._onUpdate = this._onUpdate.bind(this);
this._onWindowUnload = this._onWindowUnload.bind(this);
window.addEventListener('unload', this._onWindowUnload);
this.on('change:sourceBuffer', this._onChangeSourceBuffer);
// Called only before removing all references to the model - prevents memory leaks
cleanup: function() {
window.removeEventListener('unload', this._onWindowUnload);
this.set('sourceBuffer', null);
_onChangeSourceBuffer: function(model, sourceBuffer) {
if (sourceBuffer === null) {
var previousSourceBuffer = this.previous('sourceBuffer');
if (previousSourceBuffer !== null) {
} else {
// _onUpdate will run whenever sourceBuffer has updated itself and is ready to accept more data.
_onUpdate: function() {
_onWindowUnload: function() {
// It's important to call unobserve on bufferCache because bufferCache originates from the background page.
// Without this, a memory leak is formed and _onObserveBufferCacheChange can fire without an existing foreground page.
Array.unobserve(this.get('bufferCache'), this._onObserveBufferCacheChange);
// This callback will run whenever the bufferCache Array announces that changes have been made to it.
// The only announcement expected is for elements to be added or removed from it. When buffers are added they can be utilized.
_onObserveBufferCacheChange: function() {
Array.unobserve(this.get('bufferCache'), this._onObserveBufferCacheChange);
// Listen for a given sourceBuffer's update events and attempt to populate the buffer with data if available.
_startMonitoringSourceBuffer: function(sourceBuffer) {
sourceBuffer.addEventListener('update', this._onUpdate);
// Stop listening for a given sourceBuffer's update events and also cancel any async requests for data which may be in progress.
_stopMonitoringSourceBuffer: function(sourceBuffer) {
sourceBuffer.removeEventListener('update', this._onUpdate);
Array.unobserve(this.get('bufferCache'), this._onObserveBufferCacheChange);
// Attempt to retrieve the next buffer of data which should be rendered. If no additional data exists, or hasn't been received,
// return nothing.
_getNextBuffer: function() {
var nextBuffer = null;
var bufferCache = this.get('bufferCache');
var appendedBufferCount = this.get('appendedBufferCount');
if (bufferCache.length > appendedBufferCount) {
nextBuffer = bufferCache[appendedBufferCount];
return nextBuffer;
// Make an attempt at appending buffer data, or, if no data is ready, setup an intent to append buffer data in the future.
_loadNextBuffer: function() {
var nextBuffer = this._getNextBuffer();
// If more data has been loaded then go ahead and append it. Otherwise, wait for the data to come in.
if (nextBuffer === null) {
Array.observe(this.get('bufferCache'), this._onObserveBufferCacheChange);
} else {
// Append data to the buffer and keep track of how many buffers have been loaded so that
// the buffer chunks are loaded in the correct order.
_appendBuffer: function(buffer) {
var sourceBuffer = this.get('sourceBuffer');
// sourceBuffer could be processing data and will throw an error if given more
if (!sourceBuffer.updating) {
this.set('appendedBufferCount', this.get('appendedBufferCount') + 1);
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