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Created July 21, 2015 01:32
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var SourceBufferWrapper = require('foreground/model/sourceBufferWrapper');
var MediaSourceWrapper = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function() {
return {
mediaSource: new window.MediaSource(),
sourceBufferWrapper: null,
// The video encoding format and codec used to render mediaSource; i.e. video/webm codecs="vp9"
bufferType: '',
// The URL which points to mediaSource's data
objectURL: null
initialize: function() {
// IMPORTANT: Prefer binding like this rather than using .bind(this) inline because bind will return a new function.
// This will break unobserve because it expects to be given a reference to the original function.
this._onSourceOpen = this._onSourceOpen.bind(this);
this._onSourceClose = this._onSourceClose.bind(this);
this._onSourceEnded = this._onSourceEnded.bind(this);
var mediaSource = this.get('mediaSource');
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', this._onSourceOpen);
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceclose', this._onSourceClose);
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceended', this._onSourceEnded);
this.on('change:bufferType', this._onChangeBufferType);
cleanup: function() {
var mediaSource = this.get('mediaSource');
mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', this._onSourceOpen);
mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceclose', this._onSourceClose);
mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceended', this._onSourceEnded);
_onChangeBufferType: function(model, bufferType) {
_onSourceOpen: function() {
_onSourceClose: function() {
_onSourceEnded: function() {
// If a bufferType is known then create a sourceBuffer which will expect content encoded with that bufferType.
// Otherwise, clean-up any existing buffer since no content is expected.
_setBuffer: function(bufferType) {
if (bufferType === '') {
} else {
// Creating a buffer mostly consists of setting the objectURL of the source.
// Once that is set, the source will transition to the 'open' state and the buffer will become usable.
_createBuffer: function() {
if (this.get('sourceBufferWrapper') === null) {
sourceBufferWrapper: new SourceBufferWrapper({
bufferCache: chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().player.get('buffers')
// Recreate objectURL whenever sourceBufferWrapper is modified or video won't start properly.
objectURL: window.URL.createObjectURL(this.get('mediaSource'))
} else {
console.error('sourceBufferWrapper already created');
// Destroying a buffer means cleaning up the existing buffer from the source and clearing the objectURL.
// When the objectURL is cleared the source will transition to the 'closed' state and become unusable.
_destroyBuffer: function() {
var sourceBufferWrapper = this.get('sourceBufferWrapper');
if (sourceBufferWrapper !== null) {
// Setting objectURL to null will cause _onSourceClose to fire because the video element's src is cleared.
this.set('objectURL', null);
} else {
console.error('sourceBuffer already destroyed');
// Only attach a buffer to a MediaSource which is 'open'
_attachBuffer: function() {
var buffer = this.get('mediaSource').addSourceBuffer(this.get('bufferType'));
this.get('sourceBufferWrapper').set('sourceBuffer', buffer);
// Only detach a buffer from a MediaSource which is 'closed' or 'ended'.
_detachBuffer: function() {
var sourceBufferWrapper = this.get('sourceBufferWrapper');
if (sourceBufferWrapper !== null) {
this.set('sourceBufferWrapper', null);
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