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Lua 5.1 Async/Await
--- Async/Await for Lua 5.1
-- This script implements async/await functions for Lua, allowing tasks to
-- be queued and scheduled independently.
-- This is just an example and has a bunch of issues, isn't tested, isn't
-- even actually used anywhere; I basically just got bored and had one of
-- those "what if?" type ideas 6 hours ago.
local co_create = coroutine.create
local co_resume = coroutine.resume
local co_running = coroutine.running
local co_status = coroutine.status
local co_yield = coroutine.yield
-- Packs the given arguments into a table with an `n` key denoting the number
-- of elements.
local function pack(...)
return { n = select("#", ...), ... }
-- Invokes a given function with the given arguments.
local function invoke(fn, ...)
return fn(...)
--- Thread API
-- Implements a basic thread pool of coroutines that can execute functions.
-- Pool of threads that can be acquired. These are allowed to be GC'd.
local thread_pool = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
-- Internal function used by thread pool coroutines to execute tasks and
-- return their results until the thread dies.
local function thread_main()
while true do
-- Creates a new thread for task execution and returns it.
local function thread_create()
-- Create and resume immediately so that thread_main yields in the loop
-- to wait for tasks.
local thread = co_create(thread_main)
return thread
-- Acquires or creates a thread from the pool. The thread should have a task
-- function submitted to it via coroutine.resume, which will be executed
-- and its result returned.
-- When your task has finished, it is the responsibility of the caller to
-- release the thread back into the pool via thread_release.
-- If an error is raised, the thread follows standard coroutine semantics
-- and will die. A dead thread should not be released.
local function thread_acquire()
local thread = next(thread_pool) or thread_create()
thread_pool[thread] = nil
return thread
-- Releases a given thread back into the pool. The given thread must not
-- be dead. Releasing a thread into the pool before it has finished executing
-- a function will lead to undefined behaviour.
local function thread_release(thread)
assert(co_status(thread) ~= "dead", "attempted to release a dead thread")
-- We need to resume a thread to get it back to the inner coroutine.yield
-- call and make it wait for tasks again.
thread_pool[thread] = true
--- Task API
-- Implements a basic task system around the coroutine thread pool.
-- This API exposes a lot of functions, most of which should be treated as
-- internal only due to invariants that need to be maintained. The following
-- functions are safe for public use:
-- task_create
-- task_start
-- task_join
-- task_yield
-- task_schedule
-- task_schedule_all
-- Task tables have the following fields which may be publicly inspected,
-- but not modified. Any field not listed here should be considered internal.
-- state: State of the task, as documented below.
-- error: If non-nil, the error that arose during task execution.
-- result: The result from the task function. This is a table of results
-- unless no values are returned, in which case it should be
-- assumed that if error == nil and result == nil that the task
-- returned no values.
-- Tasks may be in one of the following states:
-- pending: task has been created but not yet started
-- runnable: task has been started and can be resumed
-- running: task has been started and is in-progress
-- suspended: task has been started but is blocked awaiting completion of
-- another task, and cannot be resumed
-- dead: task has finished executing
-- Marker value for a successful task execution.
local TASK_SUCCESS = {}
-- Marker value for a task that yielded.
local TASK_YIELDED = {}
-- Stack of actively resumed tasks.
local task_stack = {}
-- Mapping of tasks that are considered runnable.
local task_runnable = {}
-- Counter used to forcefully join tasks due to external threads.
local task_join_count = 0
-- Returns the actively running task.
local function task_stack_top()
return task_stack[#task_stack]
-- Pushes the given task to the top of the stack.
local function task_stack_push(task)
task_stack[#task_stack + 1] = task
-- Pops the task at the top of the stack.
local function task_stack_pop()
task_stack[#task_stack] = nil
-- Enqueues a given runnable task, allowing the scheduler to dispatch it.
local function task_enqueue(task)
assert(task.state == "runnable", "attempted to queue a non-runnable task")
task_runnable[task] = true
-- Dequeues a given task, preventing the scheduler from dispatching it.
local function task_dequeue(task)
task_runnable[task] = nil
-- Marks a given task as having a dependent task that should be notified
-- upon completion.
local function task_wait(task, dependent_task)
if not task.notify then
task.notify = {}
task.notify[#task.notify + 1] = dependent_task
-- Notifies all dependents of a task of completion, marking them as runnable
-- and allowing them to be scheduled.
local function task_notify(task)
if not task.notify then
for i = #task.notify, 1, -1 do
local dependent_task = task.notify[i]
dependent_task.state = "runnable"
task.notify[i] = nil
-- Internal function used by tasks to invoke their function and uphold the
-- invariants of the task API.
local function task_main(task)
return TASK_SUCCESS, invoke(unpack(, 1,
-- Internal function called when a task thread has returned from a resumption.
local function task_postresume(task, ok, result, ...)
-- Pop this task from the stack.
assert(task_stack_top() == task, "internal task stack error")
-- Process the results from the task.
if not ok or result == TASK_SUCCESS then
-- If the task completed successfully we can recycle the thread.
if result == TASK_SUCCESS then
-- Notify any dependent tasks that they're now unblocked.
task.state = "dead"
task.thread = nil
task.error = (not ok and result or nil)
task.result = (ok and select("#", ...) > 0 and pack(...) or nil)
elseif result == TASK_YIELDED then
if (...) ~= nil then
-- Task yielded due to blocking on another task. The task we're
-- waiting on will be returned, so we just need to wait on it.
task_wait((...), task)
task.state = "suspended"
-- The task yielded explicitly. Nothing is blocking it so allow
-- it to be rescheduled.
task.state = "runnable"
-- Don't allow coroutine.yield() to be called blindly from within
-- the body of a task; simplifies our invariants. Such code wouldn't
-- work if it were a standard Lua function outside of a coroutine,
-- after all.
error("attempted to yield from a task function body")
-- Internal function used to resume a task. Requires that the given task
-- is runnable.
local function task_resume(task)
assert(task.state == "runnable", "attempted to resume a non-runnable task")
-- Dequeue the task so the scheduler doesn't see it, then mark it as our
-- current running task.
task.state = "running"
-- Acquire or resume the thread this task is running on.
if not task.thread then
task.thread = thread_acquire()
return task_postresume(task, co_resume(task.thread, task_main, task))
return task_postresume(task, co_resume(task.thread))
-- Creates a new task that will execute the given function with the supplied
-- arguments. The task must be started via task_start before it can be
-- scheduled and joined upon.
local function task_create(fn, ...)
return {
state = "pending", -- State of this task.
target = pack(fn, ...), -- Target function and arguments.
thread = nil, -- Thread used by this task.
notify = nil, -- Array of tasks to notify upon completion.
error = nil, -- Error result for this task.
result = nil, -- Success result data for this task.
-- Starts the given task, allowing it to be scheduled and joined upon.
-- Raises an error if the task has already been started.
local function task_start(task)
assert(task.state == "pending", "attempted to start a non-pending task")
task.state = "runnable"
-- Blocks on a given task, either immediately executing it if in the context
-- of a non-task thread, or suspending the current task.
-- If the given task has already executed to completion, this function does
-- nothing. Raises an error if the given task has not been started.
local function task_join(task)
-- Dead tasks tell no tales.
assert(task.state ~= "pending", "cannot join a pending task")
assert(task.state ~= "running", "cannot join a running task")
if task.state == "dead" then
local current_task = task_stack_top()
if not current_task
or current_task.thread ~= co_running()
or task_join_count > 0 then
-- If there's no current task or we're joining from an external
-- thread, we need to forcefully resume the task now and execute
-- it to completion. To prevent blocking, we increment a counter
-- (task_join_count) so that if the task tries to join other tasks
-- we don't park and instead execute those fully too.
task_join_count = task_join_count + 1
task_join_count = task_join_count - 1
-- We're running inside of a task so we can mark it as blocked and
-- yield, allowing the scheduler to execute our dependency.
co_yield(TASK_YIELDED, task)
-- Yields the active task, suspending its execution. The task will be set in
-- a state that allows it to be resumed via task_schedule or task_join at
-- any point without waiting upon any dependencies.
-- The request to yield a task will be ignored if the user has explicitly
-- requested that this task, or a dependent of this task, to be joined.
-- Does nothing if there is no actively running task.
local function task_yield()
local task = task_stack_top()
if task_join_count > 0 or not task then
-- task_join was called and we're forcefully resolving this task,
-- or there's no task to be yielded.
-- Schedules an unspecified runnable task and executes it. This function will
-- return when the task either completes, or yields due to blocking upon
-- another task.
-- This function should not be called in a non-terminating loop; tasks that
-- explicitly yield may be immediately re-executed by the scheduler if so
-- and the you'd end up in a deadlock if the task doesn't stop yielding.
local function task_schedule()
local task = next(task_runnable)
if not task then
-- Schedules all tasks, executing them fully to completion. Any subtasks that
-- are created during execution of this function are themselves also executed.
local function task_schedule_all()
-- We collect the runnable tasks into a new list and execute it fully,
-- and keep doing so until we run out of them. This prevents edge cases
-- where a task yields explicitly without a dependency and gets executed
-- in a loop because Lua's table ordering decided it wanted to constantly
-- put it at the start of the runnable tasks mapping.
local runnables = {}
while next(task_runnable) do
for task in pairs(task_runnable) do
runnables[#runnables + 1] = task
for i = #runnables, 1, -1 do
local task = runnables[i]
runnables[i] = nil
--- Futures API
-- Futures provide a lighter weight read-only view of tasks to allow
-- accessing and storing their result data. All fields on futures are
-- considered internal.
-- Creates a future that monitors the given task.
local function future_create(task)
return {
task = task, -- Task that this future is monitoring.
error = nil, -- Error data received from the task.
result = nil, -- Result data received from the task.
-- Returns the result of the task this future is watching. The task must
-- have been started via task_start, or an error will be raised.
-- If the result of the task isn't yet ready, the task will be joined and
-- waited upon for completion.
-- If the task fails with an error, the error is re-raised via the error()
-- function, otherwise the return values of the task are returned as-is.
local function future_get(future)
local task = future.task
if task and task.state ~= "dead" then
assert(task.state == "dead", "internal error: joined task must die")
future.task = nil
future.result = task.result
future.error = task.error
if future.error ~= nil then
elseif future.result ~= nil then
return unpack(future.result, 1, future.result.n)
--- Async/Await API
-- Provides a lightweight way of declaring async functions and awaiting upon
-- their results.
-- Marker value indicating an async function should run immediately and not
-- spawn a task. This is used as an optimization when the user would want to
-- await upon an async function immediately.
-- Wraps the given function in an async task wrapper. Calling the returned
-- function will return a future that may be queried for a result via the
-- future_get function.
local function async(fn)
return function(...)
if (...) == RUN_MODE_IMMEDIATE then
return fn(select(2, ...))
local task = task_create(fn, ...)
local future = future_create(task)
return future
-- Awaits upon a given future, returning its result or raising an error if
-- an async function failed.
-- Optionally, users may provide an async function in place of a future. This
-- will cause the function to be executed immediately, rather than creating
-- a future.
local function await(future, ...)
if type(future) == "function" then
-- future in this case is assumed to be an async function, we'll
-- optimize by just running it directly and skipping all task/future
-- management.
return future(RUN_MODE_IMMEDIATE, ...)
return future_get(future)
--- Usage Examples
-- In a WoW environment you'd typically want to set up an OnUpdate script or
-- a timer that calls task_schedule() as many times as desired to process
-- tasks asynchronously. You can also force all outstanding tasks to be
-- executed to completion via task_schedule_all().
-- Generates several batches of numbers and strings and prints them in
-- whatever order the scheduler feels like. The print_value async function
-- is used to demonstrate that we can await upon tasks from within other
-- tasks (print_values), which waits for the scheduler to print a number
-- and yields allowing the non-deterministic ordering of output.
local print_value = async(function(value)
print("Value: ", value)
local generate_numbers = async(function(count)
-- Generate the requested number of random numbers and yield this task
-- on each one, allowing other tasks to be executed.
local numbers = {}
for i = 1, count do
numbers[i] = math.random(25, 75)
return numbers
local print_values = async(function(values)
for i = 1, #values do
if i % 2 == 1 then
-- Run the print_value function immediately inside this task.
await(print_value, values[i])
-- Spawn print_value as a new task and await upon it.
local generate_strings = async(function(count)
local strings = {}
for i = 1, count do
strings[i] = string.format("%08x", math.random(2^8, 2^24))
return strings
for _ = 1, 2 do
-- Parking a task and awaiting an external event: For this we set an external
-- boolean flag up and toggle its state, a task polls this periodically when
-- scheduled and if it isn't set then it will yield.
local event_fired = false
local wait_for_event = async(function()
while not event_fired do
task_yield() -- Explicitly yield to allow other things to happen.
local do_work_after_event = async(function()
print("Waiting for event...")
print("Event fired!")
local fire_event = async(function()
while not event_fired do
if math.random(1, 25) < 10 then
print("Firing event...")
event_fired = true
os.execute("sleep 0.1")
task_yield() -- Explicitly yield to allow other things to happen.
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rice7th commented Mar 9, 2022

wow cool

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