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Last active September 6, 2022 14:32
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  • Save Meorawr/b92d0e1ca2ac09afc7b8440ac126987c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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TextureAtlasViewer Atlas Compiler
#Requires -Version 7.1
Generates an output document of atlases pulled from WoW client databases
suitable for use with the Texture Atlas Viewer addon.
param (
# Client version to generate atlases for, eg. "".
[string] $Version
function New-LookupTable {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[Object[]] $InputObject,
[string] $Property
begin {
$Table = @{}
process {
foreach ($Object in $InputObject) {
$Table[$Object.$Property] = $Object
end {
function Get-WowToolsDatabase([string] $Name) {
Invoke-WebRequest "${Name}&build=${Version}&useHotfixes=true" `
| ConvertFrom-Csv
function Get-WowToolsListfile {
Invoke-WebRequest "" `
| ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Header "ID", "Name"
function Get-Atlases {
$Atlases = Get-WowToolsDatabase -Name "uitextureatlas" | New-LookupTable -Property ID
$Elements = Get-WowToolsDatabase -Name "uitextureatlaselement" | New-LookupTable -Property ID
$Members = Get-WowToolsDatabase -Name "uitextureatlasmember"
$Files = Get-WowToolsListfile | New-LookupTable -Property ID
$Members | ForEach-Object {
$Atlas = $Atlases[$_.UiTextureAtlasID]
$Element = $Elements[$_.UiTextureAtlasElementID]
$File = $Files[$Atlas.FileDataID]
Name = $Element.Name
Left = $_.CommittedLeft / $Atlas.AtlasWidth
Right = $_.CommittedRight / $Atlas.AtlasWidth
Top = $_.CommittedTop / $Atlas.AtlasHeight
Bottom = $_.CommittedBottom / $Atlas.AtlasHeight
Width = ($_.OverrideWidth ? $_.OverrideWidth : $_.CommittedRight - $_.CommittedLeft)
Height = ($_.OverrideHeight ? $_.OverrideHeight : $_.CommittedBottom - $_.CommittedTop)
TileHorizontally = [bool] ($_.CommittedFlags -band 0x4)
TileVertically = [bool] ($_.CommittedFlags -band 0x2)
AtlasID = $Atlas.ID
FileDataID = $Atlas.FileDataID
FileName = ($File ? $File.Name.Substring(0, $File.Name.LastIndexOf(".")) : $Atlas.FileDataID)
function Write-GroupedAtlases {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[Object[]] $InputObject
begin {
"local _, _addon = ...;"
"_addon.dataBuild = $($Version.Split(".")[3]);"
" = {"
process {
foreach ($GroupInfo in $InputObject) {
"`t[`"$($GroupInfo.Name)`"] = {"
foreach ($_ in $GroupInfo.Group) {
"`t`t[`"$($_.Name)`"] = { $($_.Width), $($_.Height), $($_.Left), $($_.Right), $($_.Top), $($_.Bottom), $($_.TileHorizontally ? "true" : "false"), $($_.TileVertically ? "true" : "false") },"
end {
Get-Atlases `
| Sort-Object -Property Name `
| Group-Object -Property FileName `
| Sort-Object -Property Name ` # Sorts by the grouped-by filename.
| Write-GroupedAtlases
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