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Created January 20, 2020 17:37
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Unit Searcher
-- Mapping of all root unit tokens in the game.
local UNIT_TOKENS = {
["player"] = true,
["target"] = true,
["mouseover"] = true,
["focus"] = true,
["pet"] = true,
["npc"] = true,
["vehicle"] = true,
-- Something-something hardcoded constants yadda yadda.
for i = 1, 40 do
if i <= 3 then
UNIT_TOKENS["arena" .. i] = true;
if i <= 4 then
UNIT_TOKENS["party" .. i] = true;
UNIT_TOKENS["partypet" .. i] = true;
if i <= 5 then
UNIT_TOKENS["boss" .. i] = true;
UNIT_TOKENS["raid" .. i] = true;
UNIT_TOKENS["raidpet" .. i] = true;
UNIT_TOKENS["nameplate" .. i] = true;
-- Returns true if the given unit token is a "unittarget" type token.
local function IsDescendantUnitToken(unitToken)
return not UNIT_TOKENS[unitToken];
-- Returns the descendant target unit token for a given parent unit token.
local function GetDescendantUnitToken(unitToken)
return unitToken .. "target"; -- TODO: Could cache these.
-- Returns the root ancestor unit token from a descendant unit token.
local function GetRootAncestorUnitToken(unitToken)
-- We'll cut 6 characters off the end of the token so long as the third
-- character from the end of it is a "g". As the "target" unit exists
-- as a valid root, we need to keep a minimum of 6 characters.
local finish = #unitToken;
while finish > 6 and unitToken:byte(finish - 2, finish - 2) == 0x67 do
finish = finish - 6;
return unitToken:sub(1, finish); -- TODO: Could cache these.
-- Returns the next unit token from a mapping that exists ingame. If the
-- starting token has any descendant target units that exist, those will be
-- returned first as a priority.
local function NextExistingUnitToken(unitTokens, unitToken)
-- If the current unit token is valid we should test its descendants
-- before moving onto the next root token.
if unitToken and UnitExists(unitToken) then
local descendantToken = GetDescendantUnitToken(unitToken);
if UnitExists(descendantToken) then
return descendantToken;
elseif IsDescendantUnitToken(unitToken) then
unitToken = GetRootAncestorUnitToken(unitToken);
-- Advance root unit tokens until we find something.
unitToken = next(unitTokens, unitToken);
if UnitExists(unitToken) then
return unitToken;
until not unitToken;
-- Returns an iterator for accessing all existing units from the given
-- mapping of unit tokens.
local function EnumerateExistingUnitTokens(unitTokens)
return NextExistingUnitToken, unitTokens or UNIT_TOKENS, nil;
-- Returns a table of all existing units as a mapping of GUIDs to unit tokens.
local function GetExistingUnits()
local units = {};
-- unitToken is the existing unit token we're currently testing,
-- rootToken is its root ancestor.
local unitToken = NextExistingUnitToken(UNIT_TOKENS, nil);
local rootToken = unitToken;
while unitToken do
local unitGUID = UnitGUID(unitToken);
if not units[unitGUID] then
-- This is our first time seeing the GUID; store it and descend.
units[unitGUID] = unitToken;
unitToken = NextExistingUnitToken(UNIT_TOKENS, unitToken);
rootToken = UNIT_TOKENS[unitToken] and unitToken or rootToken;
-- We've seen this GUID before, skip to the next root token.
unitToken = next(UNIT_TOKENS, rootToken);
rootToken = unitToken;
return units;
-- Usage:
print("Existing units:");
for unitToken in EnumerateExistingUnitTokens() do
print("Unit Mapping:");
local units = GetExistingUnits();
for unitGUID, unitToken in pairs(units) do
print(unitGUID, unitToken)
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