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Last active June 5, 2020 07:20
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Simple setup guide for Unity Development with VSCode.

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Simple setup guide for Unity Development with VS Code.

This guide Supports languages below.

Created: 2020-06-04
Last updated: 2020-06-05


Install & run Unity Hub


Go to Profile > Sign in on the top-right.

Activate license

Go to Profile > Manage license on the top-right.

  • Choose License Agreement: Unity Personal
  • Choose I don't use Unity in a professional capacity.
  • Click DONE.

Install Unity3D

Go to Installs on the left.
Click ADD.

  • Choose version of Unity: Unity 2019.3.15f1
  • Click NEXT.

Create & run new project

Go to Projects on the left.
Click NEW.

  • Leave options as default.
  • Click CREATE.

Setup VSCode as Unity Script Editor

Go to Edit > Preferences.

  • Click External Tools on the left.
  • Choose Exteral Script Editor: Visual Studio Code.

Install & setup VSCode extension asset

Go to Asset Store and search the keyword as VSCode.

  • Download & Import this.

Go to Edit > Preferneces.

  • Click VSCode on the left.
  • Edit VS Code Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin\code.cmd
  • Enable all options listed below.
    • Enable Integration
    • Use Unity Debugger
    • Revert Script On Unl..
    • Output Messages To Console
    • Always Write Lauch File

✨Dark theme

(Optional) If you are interested in dark theme on Unity, see here.



Requires .NET Core SDK.
Check the stuff installed via dotnet command on CMD.

$ dotnet --version

If you have to install newly, restart Windows would be needed.

Install & run VSCode

Install extensions for Unity

Go to View > Extensions.
Install extensions listed below.


Create new script

Go to Assets > Create > C# Script.
Create with default name(NewBehaviourScript) & open it.

Copy & paste code lines below to NewBehaviourScript.cs.

using  System.Collections;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  UnityEngine;

public  class  NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
	int test = 0;

	// Start is called before the first frame update
	void  Start()

	// Update is called once per frame
	void  Update()
		Debug.Log("Update(): test = "+test);

Add componet to GameObject

Choose SampleScene > Main Camera in Hierachy window.
Click Add Component and choose Scripts > New Behaviour Script in Inspector window.
Save. (shortcut: Ctrl+S)


Restart both Unity & VScode.

Start debugging

Set a breakpoint on a line of Debug.Log("Update(): test = "+test);.
Go to Run > Start Debugging. (shortcut: F5)

Play the scene.

Check out


When the code at the breakpoint is executed, the debugger will stop.


Restart would resolve most of problems.
Good luck. 😉


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