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Last active September 14, 2022 20:30
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DS Anim Studio 4.8.x Changelogs


  • Added splash screen on startup, which displays copyrights of all libraries and tools used, required fmod logo branding, and the names of the top 10 supporters of all time from Patreon.
  • Added appropriate licenses for all application libraries used into the /LICENSE/ folder.
  • Fixed an issue with clicking the links under Help in the menu bar.
  • Updated most the legacy text rendering to use ImGui. Let me know if anything is broken on high DPI scaling.
  • Rewrote entire fucking sound engine after running into many issues with Elden Ring sound support.
    • Very small change: when right clicking to preview a slotted/looping sound you must hold the right mouse button down to continue playback. Letting go of the button stops the playback.
    • Overall should just be less jank.
  • Added experimental Elden Ring sound effect playback support.
    • Some sounds do not get recreated perfectly.
    • Effects such as filters and reverb are not simulated.
    • Sounds are temporarily unpacked into the /Temp/ folder and decoded with a separate vgmstream process so you may experience performance issues on slow hard drives. SSD reccommended.
  • Fixed issue where the menu bar stayed open behind dialogs and could be accidentally clicked when dismissing the dialogs.
  • Removed debug testing functionality which allowed you to open enemy variants and have the app read data from the base one instead, causing lots of weird jankiness to occur.
    • Now replaced with a proper dialog box stating that there was no TimeAct (.TAE) data in the selected anibnd and asking if the user would like to load the base ANIBND if applicable.
  • Cleaned up loading process popups and stuff:
    • All popups are centered in the middle of the main window.
    • Now it doesn't ask YES/NO if you'd like to choose a different model but rather opens up a model select list with the default already selected (so you can quickly hit enter or click "OK" to use default)
    • Model select is now the same one as the one from Open From Packed Game Data Archives menu, meaning it allows you to select the model from packed game data archives or modengine as well, as long as you setup your data directories correctly.
      • It also prompts to select a model after the prompt rather than before, in order to make sure the game data directories are set right.
  • Various menus have very slight tweaks such as title bar text changes etc I don't remember all the stuff I changed.


  • Fixed critical issue where showing lots of text strings onscreen caused graphical corruption.
    • Fixing this required me to compile cimgui.dll myself, which also required updating everything to the latest version of ImGui, which may have introduced small bugs with the menus. Please report any weirdness in any of the menu panels.
  • Fixed the option for sounds not disabling slotted/looping sounds when off.
  • Removed the display of the selected model in the entries of the Recent Files list as it now asks for a model in a quick way upon loading any file.
    • Definitely not just because the new ImGui doesn't allow multi-line menu items. :)
  • Removed 2 unfinished test menus under Tools which I accidentally left in.
  • Removed very ancient code for importing HKXs that are dragged and dropped onto the application window (it was never updated so it didn't work right). In a future version I may properly reintroduce this feature.


  • Seem to have improved framerate and reduced stuttering, but I'm not sure how.
  • Fixed various popup dialogs failing to render and going into an infinite error message loop.
  • Fixed bug where popup dialogs would get dimmed instead of the background behind them (you couldn't really see this bug because of the infinite error message bug listed previously, but it was there).
  • The event slice tool (hold alt then left click and drag) now properly only slices events from the start of the drag to the end of the drag instead of the top of the graph to the end of the drag. It can also properly be undone with Ctrl+Z.
    • Didn't know there was an event slice tool? Don't worry I didn't know either, which is why it has been in a broken state for many months now.
    • I also added the ability to hold down Shift to make the current slice line slide left/right with the mouse cursor.
    • I promise it's less confusing to use than it sounds.
  • Fixed an issue where if you loaded a shared base ANIBND which does not have a default model for the cXXX0 variant, such as c4350 (only c4351, c4352, etc have models), it wouldn't auto highlight a default in the select model popup that came up you'd have to scroll to it (which is cringe).
  • NpcParam ID now defaults to the first one matching the full character ID like so: cXXXX --> NpcParam XXXX0000. Previously, an oversight made it default to matching like so: cXXX0 --> XXX00000, which caused issues for things such as Fingercreeper, which has different hitbox sizes on each model (c4240, c4241, c4242), and Hoarah Loux (c4171), which had entirely different behaviors than phase 1 of the boss (c4170). The NpcParams matching cXXX0 can still be selected for some edge cases where they're needed but they are now listed after the NpcParams matching cXXXX.
  • Fixed graph rendering issues.
  • Updated many things in the interface to render using Dear ImGui instead of MonoGame's SpriteBatch and SpriteFont tools.
    • Since I already had to snoop around in the draw code to do this, I took the time to make it look a bit nicer as well.
  • Many extremely tiny changes in the interface like different spacing between some things, different alignment, etc. Some of it is due to the update to Dear ImGui rendering as mentioned previously and some of it is due to me just wanting it changed.
  • Removed the Use New Graph Design option and made it always use that type of graph rendering because I don't want to keep maintaining 2 different modes and 99% of people don't even know the option to use the old graph existed.
  • Added a popup warning if you try to load a base ANIBND with a separate model if that model's matching ANIBND has TimeAct data (.TAE) in it, telling you to load that model's matching ANIBND instead.
  • Made the enter key accept the values in the Setup Project Directory dialog and dismiss the dialog.
  • The Choose Character Model window title now says Choose Character Model for cXXXX.anibnd.dcx, showing the ID of the ANIBND you're loading there, just to help my fellow scatterbrains.


  • Added some error handling for being unable to load GameParam. Might allow you to edit TAE without a GameParam file but I haven't tested it.
  • If an issue occurs and the model isn't able to be loaded it should hopefully now load an empty dummy model instead of throwing errors everywhere. This hasn't really been tested yet.
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where some Sekiro clothing sounds didn't play for Sekiro himself (c0000).
  • Fixed an issue with past games before Elden Ring showing errors when trying to play a sound it's unable to find (instead of just not playing a sound which is the more sane result).
  • Fixed Dear ImGui windows not staying focused unless you were holding the mouse button down.
  • Fixed a rare issue where weapons would sometimes become permanently pointing backward on all files for a specific game until you delete the DSAnimStudio_Config.json file.
  • Fixed an issue where model select would show up empty and softlock the program when opening DS1 PTDE player.
  • Fixed an issue where DS3/ER combined paired weapons (where it's one weapon, like Starscourge Greatsword) had hitboxes spawning only on one hand.
  • Fixed more small UI issues.
  • Fixed an issue where tabbing out of the application didn't stop all currently playing sounds on Elden Ring.


  • (Hopefully) Fixed "Key is not reserved" error when trying to save Sekiro files.
  • Fixed a "file not found" error immediately upon attempting to open an ANIBND that doesn't have a cXXX0 variant.
  • Added new dialogs for when users attempt to load supplemental animation files such as c0000_xx and cXXXX_divXX, asking if they'd like to load the base anibnd for editing instead.


  • Setup Project Directory renamed to Setup Project Directories since there is, in fact, multiple directory fields.
  • Fixed buttons slightly overlapping text in Setup Project Directories window.
  • Fixed Sekiro weapons pointing backwards.
  • Fixed Sekiro OverrideProstheticLocation event (type 715) spamming errors every frame if the ProstheticDummyPolyID value was over 255.
  • Renamed all event parameters named SlotNumber and TimerNumber to their intended name, SlotID.
  • Text now added to the Setup Project Directories and Select Character Model windows to let the user know they can quickly press the Enter key to accept the current values and continue.
  • Elden ring NPCs now read which sound banks they are supposed to load from the NpcParam, fixing sounds for some NPCs.
  • Fixed issue where Elden Ring NPCs couldn't play sounds that reference the player's sounds (such as Kaiden Sellsword's sword ground impacts referencing the player's sword ground impacts).
  • Armor sound effect type now automatically matches the armor equipped.
  • Actually properly fixed the missing clothing sounds on Sekiro player, they were using the wrong sound IDs when I "fixed" them previously.
  • Fixed some hitboxes not following root motion (dunno how I fixed it but I did).
  • (Hopefully) Fixed issue where selecting an anibnd in Create Project From Packed Game Data menu sometimes didn't automatically select the matching chrbnd.
  • Fixed issue where selecting an anibnd with no TimeAct (.tae) data in the Create Project From Packed Game Data menu would just silently fail to open.
  • Fixed issue where separate project directory ANIBNDs with no TimeAct (.tae) data would silently fail to open.
  • Fixed background thread Windows Forms modal popup windows stealing input focus from other applications.
  • You can now click and drag the main application window while a background thread Windows Forms modal popup window is showing.
  • Fixed issue where _DSAS_TEMP and _DSAS_CACHE folders would sometimes be placed in parent directory of project when using Create Project From Packed Game Data window.
  • When opening a loose ANIBND with no TimeAct (.tae) data it will now detect if a base ANIBND it reads events from is found in the packed game data and it asks if you'd like to unpack it to the project folder and open it for editing instead.
  • Fixed a softlock with an empty character model select when using invalid game directories on project path setup screen thing. Now displays an error message telling you to check your directories and aborts the load operation.
  • Fixed a misconception with Elden Ring sound playback logic. The IsAutoSlot parameter is now renamed to KillSoundOnEventEnd. This value being false will actually make a slotted sound continue playing after the event ends, fixing a few issues with the rare examples of this such as Beast Clergyman's footsteps during his attacks (previously they'd get cutoff at the end of each of the events since DSAS was treating them like regular slotted sounds).
  • Sekiro player now defaults to Sekiro's actual face instead of the unused face placeholder model FromSoft left in.
  • The Bone Lines helper in Scene Explorer now defaults to disabled.
  • Fixed a few model materials, such as Sekiro player model skin.
  • Now shows a warning if your antivirus has deleted the exe DSAS calls to decode Elden Ring sounds rather than just showing an error box on every sound playback attempt.
  • Entirely reworked Sekiro event 715 (OverrideProstheticLocation) because it was wrong. I figured out how it actually works. It's now named OverrideWeaponModelLocation and has a dropdown for whether you wanna override the location of the right weapon or the left weapon, then it has a DummyPoly ID for models 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the selected weapon (-1 to hide the respective model).
  • Fixed error when opening Elden Ring c0100 and c0110.
  • Characters should automatically load texture references from other characters when necessary now.
  • Added the animation layer info and weapon info from the viewport into the Entity Utils window, under STATUS, showing only the current animation name in the viewport. It can be shown in the viewport like old versions of the application if you set the Entity Utils window's Viewport Status Type option to Full.
  • Framerate and memory displays in the viewport are now much smaller font size, but now both have an adjustable scale multiplier in the Toolbox right under to the status text scale option.
  • Status, framerate, and memory displays in viewport all have smaller font size.
  • Framerate and memory displays now both have an adjustable scale multiplier in the Toolbox right under to the status text scale option.
  • 4.8.5 Known Issues:
    • Player weapon animations don't play if animations are activated with Combo Viewer. I am too tired to fix this before releasing 4.8.5


  • Fixed DS1 PTDE and DS1R files crashing the game after saving them. If you have a file from before this patch that is crashing the game you must open the file in DS Anim Studio and resave the file (upon opening the messed up file you should hopefully see little asterisks on the TAE sections showing that they have unsaved changes. The unsaved changes are the crash fixes).
  • Fixed various severe text placement issues with nonstandard interface scaling for high DPI screens etc.
  • Added weapon model name and moveset IDs to the default condensed viewport status type.
  • Fixed weapon model animations not changing in the middle of combos played via Combo Viewer.
  • Fixed volume slider not working for Elden Ring sounds.
  • Optimized animation loading code, should hitch less when scrolling through player animations.
  • Significantly reduced RAM used for Elden Ring characters (now uses up to 60% less).
  • Fixed bug where uninteractable reference animations weren't grayed out.
  • For animations that are clones of others the little status text above the graph now has a button that says Go To Original (F4 Key), which, when pressed, jumps to the original animation that the current one is a clone of, so that you can edit it. As the button text implies, the F4 key also does this (as it always has).
  • Fixed bug where some slotted sounds played forever in games other than Elden Ring.
  • Added Purge Sound Cache button to Wwise Options menu. The sound cache can start taking up a few hundred megabytes when scrolling through lots of player animations. Clear the cache if you'd like to free up some RAM (but then sounds have to reconvert and might play back slightly delayed like when freshly opening the application).
  • Updated materials:
    • Added player hair.
    • Added subsurface scattering support. It has to be opted in per-material so if I missed any, let me know.
    • Several materials corrected.
    • You can now choose colors to tint player skin / body hair etc. The ability to tint a material by one of these colors is opted in per-material so if I missed any, let me know. Very early beta feature, likely going to be jank.
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