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Created August 10, 2022 20:14
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DS Anim Studio Version 4.6.X Changelogs


  • Pressing Ctrl+J will copy the current animation ID to the clipboard immediately as aXXX_YYYYYY format. Use Ctrl+Shift+J to copy it as an unformatted number.
  • Pressing Ctrl+K will immediately jump to an animation ID in the clipboard. For use with the Ctrl+J above.
  • Added Tools->Export All Animation Names... and Tools->Import All Animation Names.... Pretty self-explanatory. The file is outputted as a .txt file with the format aXXX_XXXXXX=<Name>
  • Added a push notification system that pushes little notifications to the bottom of the screen for actions that previously either had no indicator or had a popup indicator, such as saving.
  • Corrected an oversight that sometimes prevented Request Character Reload from showing an error when being unable to hook into the process.
  • Excluded a few Dark Souls: Nightfall mod dev specific features which were accidentally enabled on 4.5.0 (not because I'm secretive about it but rather because some of the stuff is jank or too hyper-specific for a public release).
  • When you click the Ignore button on the error popup it should start showing that error in the new push notification system instead.
  • Reworked the way the application loads additional game data files it needs. Rather than expecting all files to be there in the original structure, you can choose where to load files from.
    • Upon loading a new file you will be represented with a dialog asking for the game data directory and (optionally) the mod data directory (which defaults to the parent folder of the current folder, so /mod/chr/c0000.anibnd.dcx will automatically assume /mod/ is the mod data directory.
    • It will first try to load files from the mod directory and if it can't find them it goes to the data directory.
    • These directories are saved in the same folder as the anibnd, as a file named _DSAS_PROJECT.json
  • Added support for loading packed game files
    • This will create /_DSAS_Cache folder in the same folder as the anibnd. This is where DSAS will store decrypted archive headers so it doesn't take super long to load subsequent times.
    • This may create /_DSAS_Temp folder in the same folder as the anibnd. It is used for some files that need to be temporarily unpacked such as the sound files in DS1/DS3/SDT
  • Fixed issue where page up/down wasn't working on some files.
  • Changing weapons on player no longer resets the camera location.
  • Changing equipment no longer scrolls the equipment ID list all the way to the top.
  • Fixed regression that caused crashing when loading Demon's Souls characters.
  • Fixed Demon's Souls file saving causing the game to crash.
  • Fixed issue where you could interact with the window while popup dialogs were showing and cause many glitches and potentially lose data in the case of error message dialogs.
  • Added way to change base naked body / face model in the equipment screen (needed for Sekiro etc).
  • Fixed regression where DS3 ember effect texture was no longer blacklisted from showsing on model.
  • Fixed normal maps not working on some DS3 models.
  • MTD/MatBin Parameters are now listed in the material editor, for reference. Ones that the application reads for the shading are white and those that the application doesn't use are gray.
  • Fixed issue where animation playback hotkeys did not register without clicking inside the graph first.
  • Fixed issue with modded models crashing with the updated material system.
  • Fixed bug where texture transparency settings didn't work per-material.
  • Scene manager window now shows partsbnd names of each thing equipped onto player.
  • Scene manager now shows player weapons in the model list.
  • Font for ImGui OSD changed from Noto Sans CJKjp to Noto Sans Mono CJKjp - Bold, which is bold, monospaced, and easier to read.
  • Fixed bug where Reset Lighting Settings to Default button set LdotN Power Mult to 0.1 instead of 1.0.
  • Rotated environment maps so that the brightest part is behind the camera instead of in front of it
  • Made it where escape closes animation properties window if no changes have been done. It will not let you accidentally lose changes though, unless you do Shift+Escape which will immediately close it without saving any changes.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting Change Type of Selected Event from the menu bar would crash upon dismissing the dialog.


  • Fixed it not launching for most people


  • Added push notification whenever a game asset fails to load.
  • Fixed bug where extra animations failing to load caused an error (intended behavior is the animations just not being loaded).
  • Added new option Tools - Enable GameData Logging, which will cause all game data file read attempts to be logged in DSAnimStudio_Log.txt.


  • Fixed an issue where any placing any of the additional assets the editor looks for (such as extra texture or animation files) inside the specified ModEngine folder would cause them to fail to load entirely from any location.
  • Made the Open From Packed Game Data Archives and Setup Project Directory windows closeable.
  • Fixed minor layout issues in Setup Project Directory window.
  • Fixed issue in Open From Packed Game Data Archives window where the ... button (browse button) next to the ModEngine directory field was grayed out.
  • Fixed issue in Open From Packed Game Data Archives window where the little (X) error icon by the game EXE path box saying "Invalid game installation." would not go away after a valid game installation was entered.


  • Fixed ingame chr reload again after Elden Ring v1.06 update. Should hopefully work on past and future versions without needing an update.
  • Fixed the "Load UXM unpacked game files" option not saving on the Setup Project Directory window (so you had to re-enable it every time).
  • Fixed bug where all push notifications would disappear if any of them went past the top of the screen.
  • Fixed some push notifications about project files using a mixture of forward and backward slash in the same path.
  • Fixed the Apply button in Setup Project Directory being 1 pixel higher than the Cancel button. It was really bothering me.
  • Fixed an issue where the cached decrypted BHD headers were technically not in the proper spec of the Elden Ring BHD5 file format. They only happened to be loadable by DSAS due to sheer luck with how the values lined up
  • Fixed a crash due to attempting to use cached decrypted game archive headers from a previous version of Elden Ring after updating the game to v1.06. DSAS now keeps track of the header file hashes to detect if the headers have changed since the cache was made, remaking them if needed.


  • Fixed error when trying to create a new archive header cache.
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