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Created April 21, 2024 22:10
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-- Proof that my somewhat unusual Biapplicative instance for
-- PredicateZipper is lawful in
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Function
record RawBifunctor (F : Set → Set → Set) : Set₁ where
bimap : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} → (A → A′) → (B → B′) → F A B → F A′ B′
record Bifunctor (F : Set → Set → Set) : Set₁ where
is-raw-bifunctor : RawBifunctor F
open RawBifunctor is-raw-bifunctor public
-- According to
-- we only need to prove the identity law, and we get the
-- composition law by free theorems.
bimap-id : ∀ {A B : Set} (x : F A B) → bimap id id x ≡ x
record RawBiapplicative (F : Set → Set → Set) : Set₁ where
bipure : ∀ {A B : Set} → A → B → F A B
_⟪*⟫_ : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} → F (A → A′) (B → B′) → F A B → F A′ B′
infixl 40 _⟪*⟫_
record Biapplicative (F : Set → Set → Set) : Set₁ where
is-bifunctor : Bifunctor F
is-raw-biapplicative : RawBiapplicative F
open Bifunctor is-bifunctor public
open RawBiapplicative is-raw-biapplicative public
-- Pulling these laws from
bipure-id : ∀ {A B : Set} (v : F A B) → bipure id id ⟪*⟫ v ≡ v
bipure-homo : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} (f : A → A′) (g : B → B′) (x : A) (y : B) →
bipure f g ⟪*⟫ bipure x y ≡ bipure (f x) (g y)
bipure-interchange : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} (u : F (A → A′) (B → B′)) (x : A) (y : B) →
u ⟪*⟫ bipure x y ≡ bipure (_$ x) (_$ y) ⟪*⟫ u
bipure-∘ : ∀ {A A′ A′′ B B′ B′′} (u : F (A′ → A′′) (B′ → B′′)) (v : F (A → A′) (B → B′)) (w : F A B) →
bipure _∘′_ _∘′_ ⟪*⟫ u ⟪*⟫ v ⟪*⟫ w ≡ u ⟪*⟫ (v ⟪*⟫ w)
Predicate String TType : Set
data PredicateZipper (A B : Set) : Set where
PEquals : A → B → PredicateZipper A B
PImplies : Predicate → PredicateZipper A B → PredicateZipper A B
PForall : String → TType → PredicateZipper A B → PredicateZipper A B
zipper-bimap : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} → (A → A′) → (B → B′) → PredicateZipper A B → PredicateZipper A′ B′
zipper-bimap f g (PEquals a b) = PEquals (f a) (g b)
zipper-bimap f g (PImplies lhs rhs) = PImplies lhs (zipper-bimap f g rhs)
zipper-bimap f g (PForall x t zipper) = PForall x t (zipper-bimap f g zipper)
RawBifunctorPredicateZipper : RawBifunctor PredicateZipper
RawBifunctor.bimap RawBifunctorPredicateZipper = zipper-bimap
module _ where
open RawBifunctor RawBifunctorPredicateZipper
zipper-bimap-id : ∀ {A B : Set} (x : PredicateZipper A B) →
bimap id id x ≡ x
zipper-bimap-id (PEquals _ _) = refl
zipper-bimap-id (PImplies x zipper) = cong (PImplies x) (zipper-bimap-id zipper)
zipper-bimap-id (PForall x x₁ zipper) = cong (PForall x x₁) (zipper-bimap-id zipper)
BifunctorPredicateZipper : Bifunctor PredicateZipper BifunctorPredicateZipper = RawBifunctorPredicateZipper
Bifunctor.bimap-id BifunctorPredicateZipper = zipper-bimap-id
zipper-biapply : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} →
PredicateZipper (A → A′) (B → B′) → PredicateZipper A B → PredicateZipper A′ B′
zipper-biapply (PEquals f g) (PEquals a b) = PEquals (f a) (g b)
zipper-biapply (PEquals f g) (PImplies lhs rhs) = PImplies lhs (zipper-biapply (PEquals f g) rhs)
zipper-biapply (PEquals f g) (PForall name ttype rhs) = PForall name ttype (zipper-biapply (PEquals f g) rhs)
zipper-biapply (PImplies lhs rhs) pab = PImplies lhs (zipper-biapply rhs pab)
zipper-biapply (PForall name ttype rhs) pab = PForall name ttype (zipper-biapply rhs pab)
RawBiapplicativePredicateZipper : RawBiapplicative PredicateZipper
RawBiapplicative.bipure RawBiapplicativePredicateZipper = PEquals
RawBiapplicative._⟪*⟫_ RawBiapplicativePredicateZipper = zipper-biapply
module _ where
open RawBiapplicative RawBiapplicativePredicateZipper
zipper-bipure-id : ∀ {A B : Set} (v : PredicateZipper A B) → bipure id id ⟪*⟫ v ≡ v
zipper-bipure-id (PEquals _ _) = refl
zipper-bipure-id (PImplies lhs rhs) = cong (PImplies lhs) (zipper-bipure-id rhs)
zipper-bipure-id (PForall a t body) = cong (PForall a t) (zipper-bipure-id body)
zipper-bipure-homo : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} (f : A → A′) (g : B → B′) (x : A) (y : B) →
bipure f g ⟪*⟫ bipure x y ≡ bipure (f x) (g y)
zipper-bipure-homo _ _ _ _ = refl
zipper-bipure-interchange : ∀ {A A′ B B′ : Set} (u : PredicateZipper (A → A′) (B → B′)) (x : A) (y : B) →
u ⟪*⟫ bipure x y ≡ bipure (_$ x) (_$ y) ⟪*⟫ u
zipper-bipure-interchange (PEquals _ _) _ _ = refl
zipper-bipure-interchange (PImplies lhs rhs) x y = cong (PImplies lhs) (zipper-bipure-interchange rhs x y)
zipper-bipure-interchange (PForall v t u) x y = cong (PForall v t) (zipper-bipure-interchange u x y)
zipper-bipure-∘ : ∀ {A A′ A′′ B B′ B′′} (u : PredicateZipper (A′ → A′′) (B′ → B′′))
(v : PredicateZipper (A → A′) (B → B′)) (w : PredicateZipper A B) →
bipure _∘′_ _∘′_ ⟪*⟫ u ⟪*⟫ v ⟪*⟫ w ≡ u ⟪*⟫ (v ⟪*⟫ w)
zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) (PEquals va vb) (PEquals wa wb) = refl
zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) (PEquals va vb) (PImplies wlhs wrhs) = cong (PImplies wlhs) (zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) (PEquals va vb) wrhs)
zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) (PEquals va vb) (PForall wx wt wbody) = cong (PForall wx wt) (zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) (PEquals va vb) wbody)
zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) (PImplies vlhs vrhs) w = cong (PImplies vlhs) (zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) vrhs w)
zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) (PForall vx vt vbody) w = cong (PForall vx vt) (zipper-bipure-∘ (PEquals ua ub) vbody w)
zipper-bipure-∘ (PImplies ulhs urhs) v w = cong (PImplies ulhs) (zipper-bipure-∘ urhs v w)
zipper-bipure-∘ (PForall ux ut ubody) v w = cong (PForall ux ut) (zipper-bipure-∘ ubody v w)
BiapplicativePredicateZipper : Biapplicative PredicateZipper BiapplicativePredicateZipper = BifunctorPredicateZipper BiapplicativePredicateZipper = RawBiapplicativePredicateZipper
Biapplicative.bipure-id BiapplicativePredicateZipper = zipper-bipure-id
Biapplicative.bipure-homo BiapplicativePredicateZipper = zipper-bipure-homo
Biapplicative.bipure-interchange BiapplicativePredicateZipper = zipper-bipure-interchange
Biapplicative.bipure-∘ BiapplicativePredicateZipper = zipper-bipure-∘
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