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Last active May 6, 2022 12:53
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A Tkinter based GUI demo which is able to show images and support dragging, scaling.
""" ImageViewer which supports dragging and scaling and
fits altered size of windows.
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageTk
import PIL.Image as Image
from copy import deepcopy
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import Canvas
# Constant
global_image_bank = dict()
CV2_COLOR_BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
CV2_COLOR_BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
def clip_range(x, a, b):
""" clip x in [a, b]
assert a <= b
return min(max(x, a), b)
def inter_box(box1, box2):
x1 = max(box1[0], box2[0])
y1 = max(box1[1], box2[1])
x2 = min(box1[2], box2[2])
y2 = min(box1[3], box2[3])
return (x1, y1, x2, y2)
class ScrollItem:
""" Counter of Scroll to implement scroll event.
def __init__(self, sensitivity=60, ranges=[5, 2], int_val=0):
self.int_eval = int_val
self.counts = int_val
self.sensitivity = sensitivity
self.ranges = ranges
def add_counts(self):
if self.counts > self.ranges[0] * self.sensitivity:
self.counts += 10
def delete_counts(self):
if self.counts < self.ranges[1] * -1 * self.sensitivity:
self.counts -= 10
def get_ratio(self):
return self.counts / self.sensitivity
def release(self):
self.counts = self.int_eval
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.counts}"
class ImageCanvas(Canvas):
""" Canvas widget providing an easy way for showing images.
Image item are stored in np.ndarray format for better
def __init__(self, master, img=None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, *args, **kwargs)
def set_image_from_ndarray(self, image: np.ndarray):
assert image.ndim == 2 or image.ndim == 3
self.image = image
if not hasattr(self, "img_name"):
self.img_name = ""
if not hasattr(self, "img_ext"):
self.img_ext = ""
def set_image_from_path(self, path: str):
# load from image path
assert os.path.exists(path)
self.image = np.asarray(
path_name = os.path.basename(path)
path_ext = path_name.split(".")[-1]
self.path_name = path_name
self.path_ext = path_ext
def load_image(self, img):
if img is None:
self.image = None
if isinstance(img, str):
elif isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
def get_img_height(self):
if not hasattr(self, "image"):
return -1
return self.image.shape[0]
def get_img_width(self):
if not hasattr(self, "image"):
return -1
return self.image.shape[1]
def show_images(self):
assert hasattr(self, "image"), "Image of canvas is not assigned, aborted."
opened = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray(self.image))
# To keep the buffer of opened images.
global global_image_bank
global_image_bank[self.__hash__()] = opened
self.create_image(0, 0, anchor="nw", image=opened)
def bind_events(self):
""" ImageCanvas implements two events: MiddleWheel to scale up/down
image; left mouse key to drag and view image.
# events related parameters.
self.scroll_counts = ScrollItem()
# dragging events related
self._press_in = False
self._move_start_x = 0
self._move_start_y = 0
self._moved_actual_dx = 0
self._moved_actual_dy = 0
# TODO: possible bugs if there is no image of Canvas.
def _on_scroll_up(event):
def _on_scroll_down(event):
if self.scroll_counts.get_ratio() <= 0:
self._move_start_x = 0
self._move_start_y = 0
self._moved_actual_dx = 0
self._moved_actual_dy = 0
def _change_show(event):
iw, ih = self.get_img_width(), self.get_img_height()
self._calculate_showd_area(), (iw, ih),
def _on_double_click(event):
self._move_start_x = 0
self._move_start_y = 0
self._moved_actual_dx = 0
self._moved_actual_dy = 0
# ScrollEvent is binded to scale up/down image.
self.bind("<Button-4>", _on_scroll_up)
self.bind("<Button-5>", _on_scroll_down)
# DoubleClickEvent is binded to restore original image.
self.bind("<Double-Button-1>", _on_double_click)
# ----------- bind dragging events ----------------
def _on_press_down(event):
""" press down to start dragging
x, y = event.x, event.y
self._move_start_x = x
self._move_start_y = y
self._press_in = True
# print("Press Down: " + f"({x},{y})")
def _on_press_up(event):
""" press up to release dragging
x, y = event.x, event.y
self._press_in = False
# print("Press Up: " + f"({x},{y})")
def _on_move(event):
""" move when press down to move showed image.
if not self._press_in:
r = self.scroll_counts.get_ratio()
if r < 0:
return # disable dragging when scale rate is lower than 1.
r = abs(r) + 1
x, y = event.x, event.y
current_moved_x = (x - self._move_start_x) / r
current_moved_y = (y - self._move_start_y) / r
# dx, dy relative to center original places.
dx = current_moved_x + self._moved_actual_dx
dy = current_moved_y + self._moved_actual_dy
# showed area.
iw, ih = self.get_img_width(), self.get_img_height()
new_iw, new_ih = iw/r, ih/r
cx, cy = iw / 2, ih / 2
x1, y1, x2, y2 = cx - new_iw / 2, cy - new_ih / 2, \
cx + new_iw / 2, cy + new_ih / 2
# constrain the present area.
ava_left, ava_up, ava_right, ava_bottom = \
x1, y1, iw - x2, ih - y2
# actual moved distance.
if dx > 0:
ax = min(ava_right, dx)
ax = -min(ava_left, abs(dx))
if dy > 0:
ay = min(ava_up, dy)
ay = -min(ava_bottom, abs(dy))
self._moved_actual_dx = ax
self._moved_actual_dy = ay
self._move_start_x = x
self._move_start_y = y
# print(self._moved_actual_dx, self._move_start_y)
self.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", _on_press_down)
self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", _on_press_up)
self.bind("<Motion>", _on_move)
def _calculate_showd_area(self):
r = self.scroll_counts.get_ratio()
# center
iw, ih = self.get_img_width(), self.get_img_height()
t_cx, t_cy = iw / 2, ih / 2
# mind the _moved_actual_dx is relative to scaled img.
t_cx -= self._moved_actual_dx
t_cy -= self._moved_actual_dy
# area size
ratio = abs(r) + 1
new_iw, new_ih = iw / ratio, ih / ratio
# bounding box
x1, y1, x2, y2 = t_cx - new_iw / 2, t_cy - new_ih / 2, \
t_cx + new_iw / 2, t_cy + new_ih / 2
# overflow boundary process.
if x1 < 0:
mx = abs(x1)
x1 += mx
x2 += mx
if y1 < 0:
my = abs(y1)
y1 += my
y2 += my
if x2 > iw:
mx = abs(x2 - iw)
x1 -= mx
x2 -= mx
if y2 > ih:
my = abs(y2 - ih)
y1 -= my
y2 -= my
# print(x1, y1, x2, y2)
x2 -= 1
y2 -= 1
return (x1, y1, x2, y2)
def _show_transformed_images(self, boxes, area_size, r):
""" show image transformed from original image.
- boxes: (list or tuple), coordinates in form of x1y1x2y2.
- area_size: (list or tuple), (iw, ih)
- r: float, scale ratio, r < 0 means scale down.
iw, ih = area_size
x1, y1, x2, y2 = [round(x) for x in boxes]
# print(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# print("{:2.6f} {:2.6f}".format((x2-x1)/(y2-y1), (iw / ih)))
assert hasattr(self, "image"), "Image of canvas is not assigned, aborted."
vimage = self.image.copy()
if r < 0:
vimage = cv2.resize(vimage, (x2 - x1, y2 - y1), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
plain_image = np.zeros_like(self.image)
plain_image[y1: y2, x1: x2, :] = vimage
vimage = plain_image
vimage = vimage[y1: y2, x1: x2, :]
vimage = cv2.resize(vimage, (iw, ih), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
opened = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray(vimage))
# To keep the buffer of opened images.
global global_image_bank
global_image_bank[self.__hash__()] = opened
self.create_image(0, 0, anchor="nw", image=opened)
# ---------------- new defined area ---------------------
class NewScrollItem(ScrollItem):
def get_ratio(self):
r = super().get_ratio()
if r > 0:
r = abs(r) + 1
r = 1 / (abs(r) + 1)
return r
class ScreenFitImageCanvas(ImageCanvas):
def __init__(self, master, img=None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, img, *args, **kwargs)
self.wwidth = 0
self.wheight = 0
def set_image_from_ndarray(self, image: np.ndarray):
if self.image is not None:
nw, nh = self.get_img_width(), self.get_img_height()
self.wwidth = nw
self.wheight = nh
def set_image_from_path(self, path: str):
if self.image is not None:
nw, nh = self.get_img_width(), self.get_img_height()
self.wwidth = nw
self.wheight = nh
def show_images(self):
assert hasattr(self, "image"), "Image of canvas is not assigned, aborted."
if self.wwidth == 0 or self.wheight == 0:
self.wwidth = self.get_img_width()
self.wheight = self.get_img_height()
self.configure(width=self.wwidth, height=self.wheight)
def display_image(self, image, start):
assert isinstance(image, np.ndarray)
x1, y1 = int(start[0]), int(start[1])
opened = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray(image))
# To keep the buffer of opened images.
global global_image_bank
global_image_bank[self.__hash__()] = opened
self.create_image(x1, y1, anchor="nw", image=opened)
def center_display_image(self, image):
""" display image in the center of canvas by
accurately calculating the margin.
assert isinstance(image, np.ndarray)
h, w = image.shape[:2]
x1, y1 = (self.wwidth - w) / 2, (self.wheight - h) / 2
self.display_image(image, (x1, y1))
def bind_events(self):
""" ImageCanvas implements two events: MiddleWheel to scale up/down
image; left mouse key to drag and view image.
# events related parameters.
self.scroll_counts = NewScrollItem()
# dragging events related
self._press_in = False
self._move_start_x = 0
self._move_start_y = 0
self._moved_actual_dx = 0
self._moved_actual_dy = 0
# TODO: possible bugs if there is no image of Canvas.
def _on_scroll_up(event):
def _on_scroll_down(event):
if self.scroll_counts.get_ratio() <= 1:
self._move_start_x = 0
self._move_start_y = 0
self._moved_actual_dx = 0
self._moved_actual_dy = 0
def _on_double_click(event):
self._move_start_x = 0
self._move_start_y = 0
self._moved_actual_dx = 0
self._moved_actual_dy = 0
# ScrollEvent is binded to scale up/down image.
self.bind("<Button-4>", _on_scroll_up)
self.bind("<Button-5>", _on_scroll_down)
# DoubleClickEvent is binded to restore original image.
self.bind("<Double-Button-1>", _on_double_click)
# ----------- bind dragging events ----------------
def _on_press_down(event):
""" press down to start dragging
x, y = event.x, event.y
self._move_start_x = x
self._move_start_y = y
self._press_in = True
# print("Press Down: " + f"({x},{y})")
def _on_press_up(event):
""" press up to release dragging
x, y = event.x, event.y
self._press_in = False
# print("Press Up: " + f"({x},{y})")
def _on_move(event):
""" move when press down to move showed image.
if not self._press_in:
r = self.scroll_counts.get_ratio()
if self.is_able_full_display():
return # disable dragging when the screen could fully display image.
x, y = event.x, event.y
current_moved_x = (x - self._move_start_x) / r
current_moved_y = (y - self._move_start_y) / r
# renew move start point
self._move_start_x = x
self._move_start_y = y
# dx, dy relative to center original places.
dx = current_moved_x + self._moved_actual_dx
dy = current_moved_y + self._moved_actual_dy
iw, ih = self.get_img_width(), self.get_img_height()
cx, cy = iw / 2, ih / 2
sw, sh = cx * r, cy * r
# contrain move range
column = max(sh - self.wheight / 2, 0)
row = max(sw - self.wwidth / 2, 0)
ax = clip_range(dx, -row/r, row/r)
ay = clip_range(dy, -column/r, column/r)
self._moved_actual_dx = ax
self._moved_actual_dy = ay
# print(self._moved_actual_dx, self._move_start_y)
self.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", _on_press_down)
self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", _on_press_up)
self.bind("<Motion>", _on_move)
def _change_show(self, event):
def _show_transformed_images(self):
r = self.scroll_counts.get_ratio()
move_x = self._moved_actual_dx
move_y = self._moved_actual_dy
iw, ih = self.get_img_width(), self.get_img_height()
# constrain move here
desired_image_box = [
- iw * r / 2 + move_x * r, - ih * r / 2 + move_y * r,
iw * r / 2 + move_x * r, ih * r / 2 + move_y * r,
area_box = [-self.wwidth/2, -self.wheight/2, self.wwidth/2, self.wheight/2]
clip_box = list(inter_box(desired_image_box, area_box))
# rectified box
if ih * r > self.wheight:
if clip_box[3] < area_box[3]:
my = abs(clip_box[3] - area_box[3])
move_y += my / r
if clip_box[1] > area_box[1]:
my = abs(clip_box[1] - area_box[1])
move_y -= my / r
move_y = 0
self._moved_actual_dy = 0
if iw * r > self.wwidth:
if clip_box[2] < area_box[2]:
mx = abs(clip_box[2] - area_box[2])
move_x += mx / r
if clip_box[0] > area_box[0]:
mx = abs(clip_box[0] - area_box[0])
move_x -= mx / r
move_x = 0
self._moved_actual_dx = 0
# self._moved_actual_dx = move_x
# self._moved_actual_dy = move_y
image_box = [
- iw * r / 2 + move_x * r, - ih * r / 2 + move_y * r,
iw * r / 2 + move_x * r, ih * r / 2 + move_y * r,
area_box = [-self.wwidth/2, -self.wheight/2, self.wwidth/2, self.wheight/2]
clip_box = list(inter_box(image_box, area_box))
clip_width = clip_box[2] - clip_box[0]
clip_height = clip_box[3] - clip_box[1]
# TODO: accuracy problem here.
assert abs(clip_width - min(self.wwidth, iw * r)) < 1e-2
assert abs(clip_height - min(self.wheight, ih * r)) < 1e-2
except Exception as ex:
from IPython import embed
# to image coordinates
clip_box[0] -= image_box[0]
clip_box[1] -= image_box[1]
clip_box[2] -= image_box[0]
clip_box[3] -= image_box[1]
x1, y1, x2, y2 = [int(x / r) for x in clip_box]
vimage = self.image.copy()
vimage = vimage[y1: y2, x1: x2, :]
vimage = cv2.resize(
vimage, (int(clip_width), int(clip_height)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
def is_able_full_display(self):
r = self.scroll_counts.get_ratio()
return self.wwidth >= self.get_img_width() * r and \
self.wheight >= self.get_img_height() * r
def register_window_event_handler(self, root_master):
self.window_handler = ResizeHandler(root_master, self)
def deregister_window_event_handler(self):
class ResizeHandler:
def __init__(self, toplevel, widget):
self.toplevel = toplevel
self.widget = widget
assert isinstance(self.widget, ScreenFitImageCanvas)
self._top_level_width = toplevel.winfo_width()
self._top_level_height = toplevel.winfo_height()
self.canvas_scale = 1
def bind_events(self):
self.toplevel.bind("<Configure>", self._event_dispatcher)
def _event_dispatcher(self, event):
if event.widget != self.toplevel:
if self._top_level_height == event.height and \
self._top_level_width == event.width:
if self._top_level_height < event.height or \
self._top_level_width < event.width:
# window expand event.
# print("Emmit window expand events.")
if self._top_level_height > event.height or \
self._top_level_width > event.width:
# print("Emmit window shrink events.")
self._top_level_height = event.height
self._top_level_width = event.width
eh, ew = event.height, event.width
wh, ww = self.toplevel.winfo_height(), self.toplevel.winfo_width()
assert eh == wh and ew == ww, f"{eh} =? {wh}; {ew} =? {ww}"
# try:
# assert eh == wh and ew == ww, f"{eh} =? {wh}; {ew} =? {ww}"
# except AssertionError:
# from IPython import embed
# embed()
# self.widget.configure(height=wh, width=ww)
self.widget.wheight = wh
self.widget.wwidth = ww
def _none_events(self, event):
def release(self):
self.toplevel.bind("<Configure>", self._none_events)
def bind_ratio_change_event(self):
def _change_title(event):
cscale = self.widget.scroll_counts.get_ratio()
self.toplevel.title("{:5.2f}%".format(cscale * 100))
self.widget.bind("<<ScaleChangeEvent>>", _change_title)
def main():
""" Create a GUI program for showing target image.
import sys
args = sys.argv
if len(args) > 1:
test_img_path = args[1]
test_img_path = os.path.join("..", "exps/vis/test.png")
root = tk.Tk()
root.geometry("800x600") # needed!
canvas = ScreenFitImageCanvas(root, img=test_img_path)
w, h = canvas.get_img_width(), canvas.get_img_height()
min_ratio = 0.3
if __name__ == '__main__':
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