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Created October 12, 2012 00:14
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Flask Redis Cache
import redis
import time
def cache_or_get(fp, expiry=300, r=redis.Redis(db=5)):
Input fp: file to cache or get
Input expiry: time to expire for file (default 300 seconds)
Input r: redis instance (default new instance with db set to 4)
Wherever you have a render_template(), replace it with a
You may need to prefix the templates/ to your html files.
fpKey = "cached:"+fp
if r.exists(fpKey):
return r.get(fpKey)
with open(fp, "rb") as f:
data =
p = r.pipeline()
p.set(fpKey, data)
p.expire(fpKey, expiry)
return data
def stressTest(fp="templates/index.html", trials = 10000):
Input fp: File path of cached files
Input trials: number of runs
# Read the file x number of times
a = time.time()
for x in range(trials):
with open(fp, "rb") as f:
data = f.readlines()
b = time.time()
readAvg = trials/(b-a)
# Read the file, cache it, read it with a new instance each time
a = time.time()
for x in range(trials):
data = cache_or_get(fp)
b = time.time()
cachedAvg = trials/(b-a)
# Read file, cache it, pass in redis instance each time
a = time.time()
r = redis.Redis(db=6)
for x in range(trials):
data = cache_or_get(fp, r=r)
b = time.time()
inCachedAvg = trials/(b-a)
print "Average time for reading file %s times: %.2f ms" %(trials, readAvg)
print "Average time for cached file with new instance %s times: %.2f ms" %(trials, cachedAvg)
print "Average time for reading file with set instance %s times: %.2f ms" %(trials, inCachedAvg)
print "New Instance Caching yields a %.1f percent increase in access time" %(100*cachedAvg/(cachedAvg+readAvg))
print "Persistent Instance Caching yields a %.1f percent increase in access time" %(100*inCachedAvg/(inCachedAvg+readAvg))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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