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Created April 2, 2019 14:12
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A birdseye view of Go

When we talk about "Go", depending on context, we can mean very different things. This is my attempt at providing the furthest possible overview of the language and ecosystem and to link to the relevant documentation about how each part fits together. So, let's dive in:

The Go programming language

The bottom turtle is Go, the programming language. It defines the format and meaning of source code and the authoritative source for how it works is the Go language specification. If something doesn't conform to the spec, it's not "Go". And conversely, if something isn't mentioned in the spec, it's not part of the language. The language spec is maintained by the Go team and versioned, with a new release roughly every six months. At the time I wrote this post, the newest release was version 1.12.

The domain of he spec are

  • The grammar of the language
  • Types, values and their semantics
  • What identifiers are predeclared and what their meaning is
  • How Go programs get executed
  • The special package unsafe (though not all of its semantics)

In short, the spec alone should enable you to write a compiler for Go. And indeed, there are many different compilers (see below).

A Go compiler and runtime

The language spec is a text document, which is not useful in and off itself. For that, you need software that actually implements these semantics. This is done in concert by a compiler (which analyzes and checks the source code and transforms it into an executable format) and a runtime (which provides the necessary environment to actually run the code). There are many different such combinations and they all differ a bit more or a bit less. Examples are

  • gc, a compiler and runtime written in pure Go (with some assembly) by the Go team itself and versioned and released together with the language. Unlike other such tools, gc doesn't strictly separate the compiler, assembler and linker - they end up sharing a lot of code and some of the classical responsibilities move or are shared between them. As such, it's in general not possible to e.g. link packages compiled by different versions of gc.
  • gccgo and libgo, a frontend for gcc and a runtime. It's written in C and maintained mainly by Ian Lance Taylor (who is on the Go team). It lives in the gcc organization though and is released according to the gcc release schedule and thus often lags a bit behind the "latest" version of the Go spec.
  • llgo, a frontend for LLVM.
  • gopherjs, compiling Go code into javascript and using a javascript-VM plus some custom code as a runtime. Long-term, it'll probably be made obsolete by gc gaining native support for WebAssembly.
  • tinygo, an incomplete implementation targeting small code size. Runs on either bare-metal micro-controllers or WebAssembly VMs, with a custom runtime. Due to its limitations it doesn't technically implement Go - notably, it doesn't include a garbage collector, concurrencies or reflection.

There are more, but this should already give you an overview over the variety of implementations. Each of these have their own idiosyncrasies and made potentially different choices for how to implement the language. Examples (some of them a bit exotic, to illustrate) where they might differ are

  • Size of int/uint - the language allows them to be either 32 or 64 bit wide.
  • How fundamental functions of the runtime, like allocation, garbage collection or concurrency are implemented.
  • The order of ranging over a map isn't defined in the language - gc famously explicitly randomizes it, gopherjs uses (last time I checked) whatever the javascript implementation you are running on uses.
  • How much extra space append allocates if it needs to - not however, when it allocates extra space.
  • How conversions between unsafe.Pointer and uintptr happen. gc, in particular, comes with its own set of rules regarding when these conversions are valid and when they aren't. In general, the unsafe package is virtual and implemented in the compiler.

In general, relying on details not mentioned in the spec (in particular the ones mentioned here) makes your program compile with different compilers, but not work as expected. So you should should avoid it, if possible.

If you install Go via a "normal" way (by downloading it from the website, or installing it via a package manager), you'll get gc and the official runtime/stdlib by the Go team. And if the context doesn't imply otherwise, when we talk about how "Go does things" we usually refer to gc. It's the main implementation.

The standard library

The standard library consists of all the Go packages mentioned here. It, too, is maintained by the Go team and versioned and released together with the language. In general, the standard library of one language version will only work with a compiler for the same language version - even if the compiler is newer and Go is backwards compatible. The reason is that the runtime is mainly implemented as its own set of packages in the standard library. The API of the standard library is stable and won't change in incompatible ways, so a Go program written against a given version of the standard library will continue to work as expected with future versions of the compiler.

Some implementations use their own version of some or all of the standard library - in particular, the runtime, reflect, unsafe and syscall packages are completely implementation-defined. As an example, I believe that AppEngine Standard used to re-define parts of the standard library for security and safety.

Again, when referring to "the standard library" we mean the officially maintained and distributed one, hosted on

The build tool

To make the language user-friendly, you need a build tool. The primary role of this tool is to find the package you want to compile, find all of its dependencies, and execute the compiler and linker with the arguments necessary to build them. Go (the language) has support for packages, which combine multiple source files into one unit and it defines how to import and use other packages - but importantly, it doesn't define how import paths map to source files or how they are layed out on disk. As such, each build tool comes with its own ideas for this. It's possible to use a generic build tool (like Make) for this purpose, but there are a bunch of Go-specific ones:

  • The go tool¹ is the officially by the Go team maintained build tool. It is versioned and released with the language itself. It expects a directory called GOROOT (from an environment variable, with a compiled in default) to contain the compiler, the standard library and various other tools. And it expects all source code in a single directory called GOPATH (from an environment variable, defaulting to $HOME/go or equivalent). Specifically, package a/b is expected to have its source at $GOPATH/src/a/b/c.go etc. and $GOPATH/src/a/b is expected to only contain source files of one package. It also has a mechanism to download a package and its dependencies recursively from an arbitrary server, in a fully decentralized scheme, though it does not support versioning. The go tool also contains extra tooling for testing Go code, reading documentation ( is served by the Go tool), file bugs, run various tools…
  • gopherjs comes with its own build tool, that largely mimics the Go tool.
  • gomobile is a build tool specifically to build Go code for mobile operating systems.
  • dep, gb, glide,… are community-developed build-tools and dependency managers, each with their own approach to file layout (some are compatible with the go tool, some aren't) and dependency declarations.
  • bazel is the open source version of Google's own build system. While it's not actually Go-specific, I'm mentioning it explicitly due to common claims that idiosyncrasies of the go tool are intended to serve Google's own use cases. However, the go tool (and many public tools for open source) can't be used at Google, because bazel uses an incompatible file layout.

The build tool is what most users directly interface with and as such, it's what largely determines aspects of the Go ecosystem and how packages can be combined and thus how different Go programmers interact. As above, the go tool is what's implicitly refered to unless more context is given and thus its design decisions have largely influenced public opinion about "Go". While there are alternative tools and they have wide adoption for use cases like company-internal code, the open source community in general expects code to conform to the expectations of the go tool, which (among other things) means

  • Be documented according to the godoc format.
  • Have tests that can be run via go test.
  • Be fully compilable by a go build (usually called "go-gettable"). In particular, to use go generate if generating source-code or metaprogramming is required and commit the generated artifacts.
  • Namespace import paths with a domain-name as the first component and have that domain-name either be a well-known code hoster or have a webserver running on it, so that go get works and can find dependencies.
  • Have one package per directory and use build constraints for conditional compilation.

The documentation of the go tool is very comprehensive and probably a good starting point to learn how Go implements various ecosystem aspects.


Go's standard library includes several packages to interact with Go source code. As a result (and due to a strong desire to keep the canonical Go distribution lean), Go has developed a strong culture of developing third-party tools. In general, these tools need to know where to find source code though and might need access to type information. The go/build package implements the conventions used by the Go tool (and can thus also serve as documentation for parts of its build process). The downside is, that tools build on top of it sometimes don't work with code relying on other build tools. That's why there is a new package in development which integrates nicely with other build tools.

By its nature, the list of Go tools is long and everybody has their own preferences. They include

In Summary

Where you should go, if you

There are, of course, many more useful suplementary documents, but this should serve as a good start.

[1] Note: The Go team is currently rolling out support for modules, which is a unit of code distribution above packages, including support for versioning and more infrastructure to solve some issues with the "traditional" go tool. With that, basically everything in that paragraph becomes obsolete. However, for now the module support exists but is opt-in. And as the point of this article is to provide an overview of the separation of concerns, which doesn't actually change, I felt it was better to stay within ye olden days - for now.

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Merovius commented Apr 4, 2019

@johanbrandhorst: Can you be… more specific? ^^ I can't see it.

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ghost commented Apr 5, 2019

Regarding typos:

The domain of he spec are


So you should should avoid it, if possible.

If I'm not mistaken, one 'should' should suffice. :)

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