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Last active August 10, 2021 13:55
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In-design debugging PoC in Silice

Quick example of an in-design debugging algorithm for Silice.


  • the algorithm generated (internal__debug) is very heavy and most likely very inefficient on the clock
  • this PoC does not handle value re-routing (you need to propagate a signal yourself to the main algorithm)
  • the counter do not behave as greatly as expected: it would be better to specify a real frequency for both sampling of the switch button and values -> This could be fixed by putting the decrement operations in an always_after block, but it does not play well with how state is managed in the algorithm (all while (!io.ready) {} would have to be rewritten another way)
  • unfortunately, Lua 5.3 lacks some functions that we had to write ourselves
  • the format parser is a bit jenky and might be difficult to modify to support more complicated format, but works for now
  • can't use preprocessor variables in an $include statement, so we had to hardcode the path (line 41)
  • only supports the formats %b and %x
Parse a C-like format and returns all the string parts and the "holes" (the formats, really)
function parse_format(fmt)
local backbone = {}
local holes = {}
-- format lexer
local current_backbone = ''
local is_format = false
for c in fmt:gmatch(".") do
if is_format then
is_format = false
if c == '%' then
current_backbone = current_backbone .. c
is_format = false
elseif c == 'b' or c == 'x' then -- TODO: support more formats later, possibly never
table.insert(backbone, current_backbone)
current_backbone = ''
table.insert(holes, c)
error('Invalid format "%' .. c .. '"')
if c == '%' then
is_format = true
current_backbone = current_backbone .. c
if is_format then
error('Invalid format "%"')
-- NOTE: insert our current backbone in the backbone list, because it may not be empty
-- if it is empty, it's ok because we want it
table.insert(backbone, current_backbone)
current_backbone = ''
return backbone, holes
Preprocessor-only debugging function for Silice, as a big proof of concept before implementing it in the compiler
function __debug(alg, fmt, ...)
local args = {...}
local args_str = ''
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
args_str = args_str .. ', ' .. v
return '__display("' .. fmt .. '", ' .. args_str .. ')'
local args_str = '{'
local N = #__DEBUG__FORMATS
local format_parts, specifiers = parse_format(fmt)
table.insert(__DEBUG__FORMATS, {fmts = format_parts, specs = specifiers})
if #specifiers ~= #args then
error('Not enough arguments to "__debug" macro: has ' .. #specifiers .. ' formats but got ' .. #args .. ' arguments')
local bus_width = {}
for k, v in ipairs(args) do
if k == 1 then
args_str = args_str .. v[2]
args_str = args_str .. ', ' .. v[2]
table.insert(bus_width, v[1])
table.insert(__DEBUG__BUS_WIDTHS, bus_width)
if sum(bus_width) > 0 then
return alg .. '.data' .. (N + 1) .. ' = ' .. args_str .. '};'
return '// 0 formats to output'
function __debug_display_fmt(fmt)
local disp = ''
for c in fmt:gmatch(".") do
if c == '\n' then
disp = disp .. ' = 8b00010000; io.set_cursor = 1; while (!io.ready) {} // Go to the next line\n'
disp = disp .. ' = 8d' .. string.byte(c) .. '; io.print = 1; while (!io.ready) {} // Print the character "' .. c .. '"\n'
return disp
function __debug_display_value(specifier, data, width)
-- INFO: first argument in data bus is at `data$i$[widthof(data$i$)-width[$i$],width[$i$]]`
-- second argument is at `data$i$[width[$i-1$]-width[$i$],width[$i$]]`
-- ...
local disp = ''
if specifier == 'b' then
for i = width, 1, -1 do
disp = disp .. ' = ' .. data .. '[' .. (i - 1) .. ', 1] ? 8d49 : 8d48; io.print = 1; while (!io.ready) {}\n'
return disp
elseif specifier == 'x' then
for i = math.roundup(width, 4) - 4, 0, -4 do
local value = ''
if i + 4 > width then
local overflowing = i + 4 - width
value = '{ ' .. overflowing .. 'b0, ' .. data .. '[' .. i .. ', ' .. (4 - overflowing) .. '] }'
value = data .. '[' .. i .. ', 4]'
disp = disp .. ' = ' .. value .. ' + (' .. value .. ' > 9 ? 8d55 : 8d48); io.print = 1; while (!io.ready) {}\n'
return disp
elseif specifier == 'd' then
disp = disp .. '// TODO: write output formatter for signed integer ("%d")'
return '// ' .. data .. '[' .. math.round(start - width) .. ',' .. width .. ']'
return disp
//! Indicates that the debugger will output on the LCD
$$DEBUG_LCD_DRIVER = '../common/'
//! The path to include to access the LCD driver
$$DEBUG_LCD_E = 'pmod8'
//! What wire is connected to the `lcd_e` pin of the LCD screen
$$DEBUG_LCD_RS = 'pmod7'
//! What wire is connected to the `lcd_rs` pin of the LCD screen
$$DEBUG_LCD_D = 'data'
//! What wires are connected to the `lcd_d` bus of the LCD screen
//! The size of the LCD bus (which should be equal to `widthof($DEBUG_LCD_D$)`)
$$DEBUG_SWITCH = 'pmod9'
//! The pin the switch button is connected to
//! How frequently should we listen for a button change
//! How many cycles are there between two samples?
// TODO: group all above fields in the `config` table
$$if not PMOD and not SIMULATION then
$$ error('The board must be configured with pmod enabled')
$$if not ICESTICK and not SIMULATION then
$$ error('This code was written for the iCEstick. Modifications must be done for other boards.')
$$if DEBUG_BUS_SIZE == 4 then
$$ LCD_4BITS = 1
$$elseif DEBUG_BUS_SIZE == 8 then
$$ LCD_4BITS = 0
$$ error('DEBUG_BUS_SIZE must be either 4 or 8, because the LCD 1602 screen only supports those two.')
$$LCD_2LINES = 1
$$LCD_MODE = 0
$$if DEBUG_USE_LCD then
// FIXME: ideally, we would use the variable $DEBUG_LCD_DRIVER$, but this is impossible in Silice
// yet, this code will be generated from some config table, which means that the string will be harcoded
// therefore, we won't have this problem once that code is automatically generated inside the compiler
$$DEBUG_SAMPLE_FREQ_WIDTH = math.round(math.log(DEBUG_SAMPLE_FREQ, 2) + 1)
algorithm main(
output uint$NUM_LEDS$ leds,
$$if PMOD then
inout uint8 pmod,
) {
$$for i = 7, 10 do
uint1 pmod$i$ = uninitialized;
uint4 data = uninitialized;
uint14 cnt(0);
$$if SIMULATION then
uint8 pmod = uninitialized;
// TODO: automatically generate
internal__debug dbg(
lcd_e :> $DEBUG_LCD_E$,
lcd_rs :> $DEBUG_LCD_RS$,
lcd_d :> $DEBUG_LCD_D$,
btn_switch <: $DEBUG_SWITCH$,
leds :> leds,
$$if PMOD then
pmod.oenable := 8b00111111;
pmod.o := {2bxx, pmod8, pmod7, data};
pmod9 := pmod.i[6, 1];
pmod10 := pmod.i[7, 1];
pmod := {pmod10, pmod9, pmod8, pmod7, data};
while (1) {
$__debug('dbg', 'Test1: [%b]', {7, '7b1000011'})$
$__debug('dbg', 'Test2: [%x]', {8, '8h24'})$
// INTERNALS -----------------
algorithm internal__debug(
output uint1 lcd_e,
output uint1 lcd_rs,
output uint$DEBUG_BUS_SIZE$ lcd_d,
input uint1 btn_switch,
output uint$NUM_LEDS$ leds,
$$for i = 1, __DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES do
$$ local bus_width = math.round(sum(__DEBUG__BUS_WIDTHS[i]))
$$ if bus_width > 0 then
input uint$bus_width$ data$i$,
$$ end
) <autorun> {
$$if __DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES > 0 then
uint$__DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES$ cycle_state(1);
uint$DEBUG_SAMPLE_FREQ_WIDTH$ sample_cnt(0);
// NOTE: register all inputs so that we do not alter the state between two samples
$$ for i = 1, __DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES do
$$ local bus_width = math.round(sum(__DEBUG__BUS_WIDTHS[i]))
$$ if bus_width > 0 then
uint$bus_width$ data$i$_reg(0);
$$ end
$$ end
$$ if DEBUG_BUS_SIZE == 4 then
// NOTE: if the bus is only 4 bits wide, we need it to span the 4 UPPER bits of what is given
// to the LCD driver.
uint8 lcd_d_ = uninitialized;
$$ end
$$ for i = 1, __DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES do
$$ local fmt = __DEBUG__FORMATS[i]
$$ local width = __DEBUG__BUS_WIDTHS[i]
$$ local start = math.round(sum(width))
$$ if start > 0 then
$$ for j = 1, #fmt.specs do
$$ start = start - width[j]
uint$width[j]$ data$i$_$j$ <:: data$i$_reg[$start$, $width[j]$];
$$ end
$$ end
$$ end
$$ if not SIMULATION then
lcdio io;
lcd_$__LCD_SIZE$_$LCD_2LINES+1$_$__LCD_PIXEL_RATIO$ lcd(
lcd_e :> lcd_e,
lcd_rs :> lcd_rs,
$$ if DEBUG_BUS_SIZE == 4 then
lcd_d :> lcd_d_,
$$ else
lcd_d :> lcd_d,
$$ end
io <:> io,
$$ end
leds := {sample_cnt == 0, (btn_switch && switch_cnt == 0), 1b$LCD_4BITS$, btn_switch && switch_cnt == 0};
$$ if DEBUG_BUS_SIZE == 4 then
// NOTE: 4 bits wide bus needs to span the 4 upper bits of the `D` bus
// (such that it is bound to `D4-D7` instead of `D0-D3`)
lcd_d := lcd_d_[4, 4];
$$ end
always_before {
// NOTE: sample the inputs only when the counter reaches 0
$$ for i = 1, __DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES do
$$ local bus_width = math.round(sum(__DEBUG__BUS_WIDTHS[i]))
$$ if bus_width > 0 then
data$i$_reg = sample_cnt == 0 ? data$i$ : data$i$_reg;
$$ end
$$ end
$$ if not SIMULATION then
// Wait for LCD initialization to end
while (!io.ready) {}
$$ end
while (1) {
while (!io.ready) {}
if (btn_switch && switch_cnt == 0) {
io.clear_display = 1;
while (!io.ready) {}
} else {
// Depending on the current state, output one message
onehot (cycle_state) {
$$ for i = 1, __DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES do
case $i - 1$: {
$$ if SIMULATION then
__display("$__DEBUG__FORMATS[i]$", data$i$);
$$ else
$$ local fmt = __DEBUG__FORMATS[i]
$$ local width = __DEBUG__BUS_WIDTHS[i]
$$ local print_fmt = true
$$ function fmt_or_spec(n)
$$ if n == 1 then
$$ return 1
$$ else
$$ return n - fmt_or_spec(n - 1)
$$ end
$$ end
$$ for j = 1, #fmt.fmts + #fmt.specs do
$$ local idx = fmt_or_spec(j)
$$ if print_fmt then
$$ else
$__debug_display_value(fmt.specs[idx], 'data' .. i .. '_' .. idx, width[idx])$
$$ end
$$ print_fmt = not print_fmt
$$ end
io.return_home = 1; while (!io.ready) {}
$$ end
$$ end
default: {
// NOTE: Go back to the first state (wrap)
cycle_state = 1b1;
$$ if __DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES > 1 then
cycle_state = btn_switch && switch_cnt == 0 ? {cycle_state[0, $__DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES-1$], cycle_state[$__DEBUG__NUMBER_OF_BUSES-1$, 1]} : cycle_state;
$$ end
switch_cnt = switch_cnt != 0 ? switch_cnt - 1 : $DEBUG_SWITCH_SAMPLE_FREQ_WIDTH$d$DEBUG_SWITCH_SAMPLE_FREQ$;
sample_cnt = sample_cnt != 0 ? sample_cnt - 1 : $DEBUG_SAMPLE_FREQ_WIDTH$d$DEBUG_SAMPLE_FREQ$;
ifdef tool -s -b $@ -p basic,pmod -o BUILD_$(subst :,_,$@) -t $(tool)
else -s -b $@ -p basic,pmod -o BUILD_$(subst :,_,$@)
rm -rf BUILD_*
-- NOTE: these functions are not available in Lua 5.3
Reduce a list starting from an initial element, and combining elements using a specific function.
Example: `table.reduce({1, 2, 3, 4}, function (x, y) return x + y end, 0)` is equivalent to:
- `table.reduce({2, 3, 4}, function (x, y) return x + y end, 0 + 1)`
- `table.reduce({3, 4}, function (x, y) return x + y end, 0 + 1 + 2)`
- `table.reduce({4}, function (x, y) return x + y end, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3)`
- `0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4`
- `10`
Borrowed from:
table.reduce = function(list, fn, init)
local acc = init
for k, v in ipairs(list) do
if 1 == k and not init then
acc = v
acc = fn(acc, v)
return acc
sum = function(list)
return table.reduce(list, function(x, y) return x + y end, 0)
Round the argument to the nearest integer
math.round = function(i)
return math.floor(i + 0.5)
Round `n` to the upper nearest multiple of `k`
math.roundup = function(n, k)
-- Algorithm adaptated to Lua from:
if k == 0 then
return n
local rem = math.abs(n) % k
if rem == 0 then
return n
if n < 0 then
return -(math.abs(n) - rem)
return n + k - rem
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