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Last active January 5, 2021 21:48
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Save Mesabloo/95b49f36292f3814e6ac24018ba95c43 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A micro-intrepreter written in plain JavaScript.
// Interpreter callstack
type CallStack = { vars: { name: string, value: Value }[] }[]
// A runtime value
type Value = Integer | Function | PrimFunction
type Integer = { type: 'Integer', value: int }
type Function = { type: 'Function', args: string[], block: ASTBlock }
type PrimFunction = { type: 'PrimFunction', val: (Value...) => Value }
// Any node in the AST
type ASTNode = ASTBlock | ASTLet | ASTReturn | ASTExpr | ASTFunDef
// "{ instrs... }"
type ASTBlock = { type: 'ASTBlock', instrs: ASTNode[] }
// "(let var value)"
type ASTLet = { type: 'ASTLet', name: string, val: ASTExpr }
// "(return value)"
type ASTReturn = { type: 'ASTReturn', val: ASTExpr }
// "(func f (params...) { instrs... })"
type ASTFunDef = { type: 'ASTFunDef', name: string, args: string[], val: ASTBlock }
// An expression
type ASTExpr = ASTInteger | ASTFunCall
// An integer
type ASTInteger = { type: 'ASTInteger', value: int }
// A function call
type ASTFunCall = { type: 'ASTFunCall', name: string, args: ASTExpr[] }
// An identifier
type ASTId = { type: 'ASTId', name: string }
function add(args/*: Value... */)/*: Value */ {
let accumulator = 0
for (const integer of args) {
if (integer.type !== 'Integer')
continue //! should rather be an error
accumulator += integer.value
return { type: 'Integer', value: accumulator }
let defaultFunctions = [
{ name: 'print', value: { type: 'PrimFunction', val: console.log }, },
{ name: '+', value: { type: 'PrimFunction', val: add, }, },
let callStack/*: CallStack */ = [ { vars: defaultFunctions } ]
function evalProgram(p/*: ASTBlock */)/*: undefined */ {
return undefined
function evalBlock(b/*: ASTBlock */)/*: (Value|undefined, bool) */ {
if (typeof this.instrEvaluators === 'undefined') {
this.instrEvaluators =
new Map()
.set('ASTBlock', evalBlock)
.set('ASTLet', evalLet)
.set('ASTReturn', evalReturn)
.set('ASTFunDef', evalFunDef)
// all expressions
.set('ASTInteger', (i) => [evalExpr(i), false])
.set('ASTFunCall', (i) => [evalExpr(i), false])
.set('ASTId', (i) => [evalExpr(i), false])
for (const inst of b.instrs) {
const res = this.instrEvaluators.get(inst.type)(inst)
if (res[1]) {
return res
return [undefined, false]
function evalFunDef(f/*: ASTFunDef */)/*: (undefined, bool) */ {
let currentStackFrame = callStack[callStack.length - 1]
currentStackFrame.vars.push({ name:, value: { type: 'Function', args: f.args, block: f.val } })
return [undefined, false]
function evalLet(l/*: ASTLet */)/*: (undefined, bool) */ {
let currentStackFrame = callStack[callStack.length - 1]
currentStackFrame.vars.push({ name:, value: evalExpr(l.val) })
return [undefined, false]
function evalReturn(r/*: ASTReturn */)/*: (Value, bool) */ {
return [evalExpr(r.val), true]
function evalExpr(e/*: ASTExpr */)/*: Value|undefined */ {
if (typeof this.exprEvaluators === 'undefined') {
this.exprEvaluators =
new Map()
.set('ASTInteger', evalInteger)
.set('ASTFunCall', evalFunCall)
.set('ASTId', evalId)
return this.exprEvaluators.get(e.type)(e)
function evalInteger(i/*: ASTInteger */)/*: Value */ {
return { type: 'Integer', value: i.value }
function evalFunCall(c/*: ASTFunCall */)/*: Value|undefined */ {
let varMap = new Map()
for (const stackFrame of callStack) {
for (const variable of stackFrame.vars) {
varMap.set(, variable.value)
// Map.prototype.set() overrides the value at the given key if already present
if (typeof this.valueEvaluators === 'undefined') {
this.valueEvaluators =
new Map()
.set('Integer', (i, _) => i) //! should rather be an error
.set('PrimFunction', evalPrimFunction)
.set('Function', evalFunction)
let fun = varMap.get(
return this.valueEvaluators.get(fun.type)(fun, c.args)
function evalId(id/*: ASTId */)/*: Value */ {
let varMap = new Map()
for (const stackFrame of callStack) {
for (const variable of stackFrame.vars) {
varMap.set(, variable.value)
// Map.prototype.set() overrides the value at the given key if already present
return varMap.get(
function evalPrimFunction(fun/* PrimFunction */, args/*: ASTExpr[]|undefined */)/*: Value */ {
return fun.val(...(args || []).map(evalExpr))
function evalFunction(fun/*: Function */, args/* ASTExpr[]|undefined */)/*: Value|undefined */ {
let bindings =, i) => ({ name, value: evalExpr(args[i]) }))
callStack.push({ vars: bindings })
let val = evalBlock(fun.block)
return val[0]
//----------------------------- TEST ------------------------------------
let program = {
type: 'ASTBlock',
instrs: [
type: 'ASTLet',
name: 'i',
val: { type: 'ASTInteger', value: 10 }
type: 'ASTFunDef',
name: 'length',
args: [ 'el', ],
val: {
type: 'ASTBlock',
instrs: [
type: 'ASTLet',
name: 'i',
val: { type: 'ASTInteger', value: 0 }
type: 'ASTReturn',
val: { type: 'ASTId', name: 'i' }
type: 'ASTFunCall',
name: 'print',
args: [
type: 'ASTFunCall',
name: 'length',
args: [
{ type: 'ASTInteger', value: 0 },
{ type: 'ASTInteger', value: 1 },
Input program:
(let i 10)
(func length (el) {
(let i 0)
(return i)
(print (test 0))
{ type: "Integer", value: 0 }
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