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Created June 28, 2015 11:42
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Hints for IDE.
namespace {
class atoum extends atoum\test {}
namespace atoum {
* Class test
* Not effect
* @method test given(mixed $_, $_ = null) ...
* @method test if(mixed $_)
* @method test and(mixed $_)
* @method test when(mixed $closure)
* @property test then
* Globals
* @method test implements(string $interface)
* @method test isTestedInstance()
* @property test isTestedInstance
* @property test testedClass type?
* Tested class
* @method mixed newTestedInstance($arg, $_s = null)
* @property mixed newTestedInstance
* @property mixed testedInstance
* Variable
* @method test variable(mixed $_)
* @method test isCallable()
* @property test isCallable
* @method test isNotCallable()
* @property test isNotCallable
* @method test isEqualTo(mixed $_)
* @method test isNotEqualTo(mixed $_)
* @method test isIdenticalTo(mixed $_)
* @method test isNotIdenticalTo(mixed $_)
* @method test isNull()
* @property test isNull
* Object
* @method test object(object $object)
* @method test isCloneOf(object $object)
* @method test hasSize(int $int)
* @method test isInstanceOf(string $class)
* @method test afterDestructionOf(object $object)
* @method test castToString(mixed $__toString)
* Boolean
* @method test boolean(bool $bool)
* @method test isTrue()
* @property test isTrue
* @method test isFalse()
* @property test isFalse
* String
* @method test string(string $string)
* @method test phpString(string $string)
* @method test matches(string $regex)
* @method test contains(mixed $_)
* @method test notContains(mixed $_)
* @method test hasLength(int $int)
* @method test hasLengthGreaterThan(int $int)
* @method test hasLengthLessThan(int $int)
* @method test isEqualToContentsOfFile(string $path)
* @method test length() : Integer
* @property test length : Integer
* @method test isEmpty()
* @property test isEmpty
* @method test isNotEmpty()
* @property test isNotEmpty
* Utf8String
* @method test utf8String()
* @property test utf8String
* Integer
* @method test integer(int $int)
* @method test isGreaterThan(mixed $_)
* @method test isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(mixed $_)
* @method test isLessThan(mixed $_)
* @method test isLessThanOrEqualTo(mixed $_)
* @method test isZero()
* @property test isZero
* Float
* @method test float(float $float)
* @method test phpFloat(float $float)
* @method test isNearlyEqualTo(float $float)
* Array
* @method test array(array $array)
* @method test phpArray(array $array)
* @method test strictlyContains(mixed $_)
* @method test strictlyNotContains(mixed $_)
* @method test containsValues(array $array)
* @method test notContainsValues(array $array)
* @method test strictlyContainsValues(array $array)
* @method test strictlyNotContainsValues(array $array)
* @method test hasKey(mixed $_)
* @method test notHasKey(mixed $_)
* @method test hasKeys(array $array)
* @method test notHasKeys(array $array)
* @method test keys()
* @property test keys
* @method test sizeof(\Countable $object) : Integer
* @method test size() : Integer
* @property test size : Integer
* DateInterval
* @method test dateInterval(\DateInterval $object)
* DateTime
* @method test dateTime(\DateTime $object)
* @method test mysqlDateTime(\DateTime $hash)
* @method test hasDate(mixed $yyyy, mixed $mm, mixed $dd)
* @method test hasDateAndTime(mixed $yyyy, mixed $mm, mixed $dd, mixed $hh, mixed $ii, mixed $ss)
* @method test hasDay(mixed $dd)
* @method test hasHours(mixed $hh)
* @method test hasMinutes(mixed $ii)
* @method test hasMonth(mixed $mm)
* @method test hasSeconds(mixed $ss)
* @method test hasTime(mixed $hh, mixed $ii, mixed $ss)
* @method test hasTimezone(string $tz)
* @method test hasYear(mixed $yyyy)
* Class
* @method test class(string $className)
* @method test phpClass(string $className)
* @method test hasConstant(string $name)
* @method test hasInterface(string $name)
* @method test hasMethod(string $name)
* @method test hasNoParent()
* @property test hasNoParent
* @method test hasParent()
* @property test hasParent
* @method test isAbstract()
* @property test isAbstract
* @method test isFinal()
* @property test isFinal
* @method test isSubclassOf(string $name)
* Error
* @method test error()
* @property test error
* @method test exists()
* @property test exists
* @method test notExists()
* @property test notExists
* @method test withType(int $E_flags)
* Exception
* @method test exception(\Closure $closure)
* @property test exception
* @method test hasCode(int $code)
* @method test hasDefaultCode()
* @property test hasDefaultCode
* @method test hasMessage(string $msg)
* @method test hasNestedException(\Exception $e = null)
* @property test hasNestedException
* @method test message()
* @property test message
* Hash
* @method test hash(string $hash)
* @method test isMd5()
* @property test isMd5
* @method test isSha1()
* @property test isSha1
* @method test isSha256()
* @property test isSha256
* @method test isSha512()
* @property test isSha512
* Mock
* @method test mock(object $mock)
* @method test call(string $methodName)
* @method test atLeastOnce()
* @property test atLeastOnce
* @method test exactly(int $nb)
* @method test never()
* @property test never
* @method test once()
* @property test once
* @method test twice()
* @property test twice
* @method test thrice()
* @property test thrice
* @method test withAnyArguments()
* @property test withAnyArguments
* @method test withArguments(mixed $arg, $_s = null)
* @method test withIdenticalArguments(mixed $arg, $_s = null)
* @method test wasCalled()
* @property test wasCalled
* @method test wasNotCalled()
* @property test wasNotCalled
* Output
* @method test output(\Closure $closure)
* @method test stream(mixed $_help)
* @method test isRead()
* @property test isRead
* @method test isWrite()
* @property test isWrite
class test extends \mageekguy\atoum\test {}
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