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Iterated prisoner's dilemma where the code can be read by the opponent.
#lang racket
(require racket/sandbox)
Original idea by Eliezer Yudkowski and Alex Mennen:
Other resources:
;=== Sandbox evaluator ===;
(define time-limit 2 #;10) ; seconds
(define memory-limit 100) ; MB
(define (make-my-eval)
(parameterize ([sandbox-path-permissions '(#;(read "/"))] ; no access to
[sandbox-eval-limits (list time-limit memory-limit)] ; per eval call
;[sandbox-output current-output-port] ; Display prints, for debugging
[sandbox-output 'string]
(make-evaluator 'racket ; or 'racket/base for smaller libs
'(define x 3))))
(define main-eval (make-my-eval))
(define in-game-eval (make-my-eval))
#;(module+ test
(require rackunit)
; no read access
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ()(my-eval '(file->string "/tmp/test.txt"))))
; time limit
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ()(my-eval `(sleep ,(* 2 time-limit)))))
;=== Prisoner's dilemma ===;
(define cooperate 0)
(define defect 1)
(define other 2)
(define (number->choice n)
(vector-ref #(C D Other) n))
(define score
; Original matrix:
; C D Other
#;#(#[(2 2) (0 3) (0 2)] ; C
#[(3 0) (1 1) (1 0)] ; D
#[(2 0) (0 1) (0 0)]); Other
; Better matrix:
; C D Other
#;#(#[(2 2) (0 3) (2 0)] ; C
#[(3 0) (1 1) (3 0)] ; D
#[(0 2) (0 3) (0 0)] ; Other
#;#(#[(4 4) (0 7) (4 0)] ; C
#[(7 0) (1 1) (7 0)] ; D
#[(0 4) (0 7) (0 0)] ; Other
; Normal game, years served (cost matrix, lower is better)
#(#[(1 1) (3 0) (1 1)] ; C
#[(0 3) (2 2) (0 3)] ; D
#[(1 1) (0 3) (3 3)] ; Other
(define (matrix-ref mat row col)
(vector-ref (vector-ref mat row) col))
;; hist is the game history of choices made,
;; from the point of view of p1.
;; The last game played is the first in the list.
(define (one-game-player p1 p2 hist)
#;(collect-garbage) ; WARNING: Takes a lot of time!
; Or maybe collect garbage every N runs, and give one eval space to each player?
(define res
(with-handlers ([values (λ(e)(printf "Error: ~a\n" (exn-message e))
(let ([res (main-eval `(,p1 ',p1 ',p2 ',hist ,in-game-eval))])
(if (or (eq? res cooperate) (eq? res defect))
(define str (get-output main-eval))
(unless (equal? str "")
(display "Player says: ")
(displayln str))
(define (one-game p1 p2 hist)
(define p1-res (one-game-player p1 p2 hist))
(define p2-res (one-game-player p2 p1 (map reverse hist)))
;(displayln (list 'choices: (map number->choice (list p1-res p2-res))))
(values (list p1-res p2-res)
(matrix-ref score p1-res p2-res)))
(define (n-games n p1 p2)
(define-values (hist p1-score p2-score)
(for/fold ([hist '()] [p1-score 0] [p2-score 0])
([i n])
(define-values (choices scores)
(one-game p1 p2 hist))
(values (cons choices hist)
(+ p1-score (first scores))
(+ p2-score (second scores)))))
(values hist p1-score p2-score))
(define (vector-update! vec i updater)
(vector-set! vec i (updater (vector-ref vec i))))
(define (all-games n players)
(define nplayers (vector-length players))
(define scores (make-vector nplayers))
(define triangle
(for/list ([i nplayers #;(sub1 nplayers)])
(for/list ([j (in-range i #;(add1 i) nplayers)])
(define-values (h p1-sc p2-sc)
(n-games n
(vector-ref players i)
(vector-ref players j)))
(vector-update! scores i (λ(s)(+ s p1-sc)))
(vector-update! scores j (λ(s)(+ s p2-sc)))
(list p1-sc p2-sc))))
(values scores triangle))
(define-syntax-rule (all-games/disp n (players ...))
(define vplayers (vector players ...))
(define splayers '(players ...))
(define nplayers (vector-length vplayers))
(define-values (scores triangle)
(all-games n vplayers))
(define left-width 15)
(define cell-width 9)
(display (~a "" #:width left-width))
(for ([p splayers #;(rest splayers)])
(display (string-append
(~s p #:width cell-width))))
#;(for ([i (sub1 nplayers)])
(display (~s (list-ref splayers i) #:width left-width))
(display (~a "" #:width (* cell-width i)))
(for ([j (in-range (add1 i) nplayers)])
(display (~s (list-ref (list-ref triangle i) (- j i 1)) #:width 9)))
(for ([i nplayers])
(display (~s (list-ref splayers i) #:width left-width))
(display (~a "" #:width (* cell-width i)))
(for ([j (in-range i nplayers)])
(display (~s (list-ref (list-ref triangle i) (- j i)) #:width 9)))
(for ([i nplayers] [s splayers])
(printf "~a:~a\n"
(~a s #:width left-width)
(~s (vector-ref scores i))))))
;=== Some prisoners ===;
; Warning: When reading some prisoner's code, we should ensure
; that it begins with (lambda... , and not (let ...
(define prisC `(λ _ ,cooperate))
(define prisD `(λ _ ,defect))
(define prisRan `(λ _ (random 2)))
(define pris1/2 `(λ(me opp hist eval)
(if (even? (length hist))
(define prisTitForTat `(λ(me opp hist eval)
;(displayln hist)
(cond [(empty? hist) 0]
[(= 0 (cadar hist)) 0]
[else 1])))
; Warning: Nested calls!
; Maybe we should turn prevent using eval in the code?
; Or call (make-eval) ?
(define (prisEval C) `(λ(me opp hist eval)
(if (equal? me opp)
,C ; cooperate with myself
(case (eval `(,opp ',opp ',me ',hist ,eval))
[(0) ,C]
[(1) 1]
[else 1]))))
(define prisEvalC (prisEval cooperate))
(define prisEvalD (prisEval defect)) ; useless, is equivalent to prisD
; The better opponent should test all future histories and take the action
; that maximizes expectation.
;(all-games 10 (vector prisC prisD prisRan pris1/2 prisTitForTat prisEvalC prisEvalD))
(all-games/disp 40 (prisC prisD prisRan pris1/2 prisTitForTat #;prisTitForTat prisEvalC #;prisEvalD))
#;(n-games 10 prisTitForTat prisEvalD)
#;(n-games 10 prisTitForTat prisEvalC)
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Metaxal commented Jun 6, 2013


               prisC    prisD    prisRan  pris1/2  prisTi...prisEvalC
prisC          (40 40)  (120 0)  (82 19)  (80 20)  (40 40)  (40 40)  
prisD                   (80 80)  (40 100) (40 100) (78 81)  (80 80)  
prisRan                          (58 64)  (59 62)  (57 60)  (70 52)  
pris1/2                                   (60 60)  (58 61)  (60 60)  
prisTitForTat                                      (40 40)  (40 40)  
prisEvalC                                                   (40 40)  

prisC          :442
prisD          :398
prisRan        :427
pris1/2        :420
prisTitForTat  :362
prisEvalC      :352

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