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Last active May 7, 2020 10:00
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Both by-name and by-position per argument procedure calls.
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
;;; Allow every argument to be passed by-name or by-position in a procedure call.
;;; Keywords do not need to apper in procedure headers in definitions.
;;; Accepts rest and keyword-rest arguments.
;;; A new definition of instantiate is also given to resemble this procedure call style.
;;; Resources:
;;; -
;;; -
#| Pros and Cons
** Pros:
- Everything that we previously used can still be used
(by-position and by-name calling, rest arguments)
- Procedures that have multiple optional arguments can be called by specifying
*only* the arguments for which we want to change the default value
- Wrappers and procedure extensions are easy to write
(similar, in a limited way, to inheritence concepts in classes)
- We could make classes with instantiate look like exactly procedures,
i.e., fields would be named by keywords.
The same could be done for structs.
- A procedure can ask for rest-keywords without having to resort to `make-keyword-procedure'
which is not convenient
** Cons:
- slightly slower? (not even sure?)
- ?
#| TODO:
- Force some arguments to be by name only (i.e., give a keyword followed by a name)
- Received keyword-val dicts should have symbols instead of keywords?
(i.e., keywords are actually only used in by-name calls?)
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define (cvl proc . args)
(call-with-values (λ () (apply proc args)) list))
;; l1: (listof X?)
;; l2: (listof Y?)
;; <?: X? Y? -> boolean?
;; =?: X? Y? -> boolean?
;; select: X? Y? -> (listof Z?)
;; -> (listof X?) (listof Y?) (listof Z?)
;; Take two ordered lists, and returns the intersection and the remaining parts.
;; The elements of the intersection are selected among l1 and l2 with the select procedure
;; (by defaults, elements of the intersections are elements of l1).
(define (split l1 l2
#:<? [<? <]
#:=? [=? equal?]
#:select [select (λ(a b)a)])
(let loop ([l1 l1]
[l2 l2]
[l1r '()] [l2r '()] [l12 '()])
(cond [(empty? l2)
(values (foldl cons l1 l1r) ; reverses l1r and appends l1 with it
(reverse l2r)
(reverse l12))]
[(empty? l1)
(values (reverse l1r)
(foldl cons l2 l2r)
(reverse l12))]
[else (let ([a1 (first l1)] [a2 (first l2)])
(cond [(=? a1 a2)
(loop (rest l1) (rest l2) l1r l2r (cons (select a1 a2) l12))]
[(<? a1 a2)
(loop (rest l1) l2 (cons a1 l1r) l2r l12)]
(loop l1 (rest l2) l1r (cons a2 l2r) l12)]))])))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (cvl split '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
'((1 2 3) (4 5 6) ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split '(1 2 3) '(2 5 6))
'((1 3) (5 6) (2)))
(check-equal? (cvl split '(1 2 3 5 7) '(2 4 5 6))
'((1 3 7) (4 6) (2 5)))
;; l1: (listof T?)
;; l2: (listof T?)
;; <?: T? T? -> boolean?
;; Returns the union of l1 and l2, sorted by <?.
;; l1 and l2 must be given sorted by <?.
(define (append-sorted l1 l2 [<? <])
(let loop ([l1 l1] [l2 l2] [l '()])
(cond [(empty? l1) (foldl cons l2 l)]
[(empty? l2) (foldl cons l1 l)]
[else (let ([a1 (first l1)] [a2 (first l2)])
(if (<? a1 a2)
(loop (rest l1) l2 (cons a1 l))
(loop l1 (rest l2) (cons a2 l))))])))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (append-sorted '(1 3 6) '(2 4 5 7))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
;; known-kws: (listof keyword?) ; list of known keywords. Must be sorted by keyword<?
;; args: (listof any/c) ; by-position (input) arguments
;; ikws: (listof keyword?) ; input keyword. Must be sorted with keyword<?
;; ikw-vals: (listof any/c) ; value corresponding to the ikws keyword
;; -> kws kw-vals rst kwv-rst
;; ikws and ikw-vals must have the same length.
;; The convention 'kwv' means (listof keyword? any/c)
(define (split-args known-kws args ikws ikw-vals)
;(define known-kws '(#:a #:b #:c)) ; should be sorted
(define-values (kwv-rst unused-kws1 used-kwvs)
(split (map cons ikws ikw-vals) known-kws
#:<? (λ (a b) (keyword<? (car a) b))
#:=? (λ (a b) (eq? (car a) b))
#;#;#:select (λ (a b) a)))
;(displayln (list 'kwv-rst: kwv-rst 'unused-kws1: unused-kws1 'used-kwvs: used-kwvs))
(define-values (unused-kws rst used-kwv-args)
(split unused-kws1 args
#:=? (λ _ #t) #:select cons))
;(displayln (list 'rst: rst 'unused-kws unused-kws 'used-kwv-args: used-kwv-args))
(define all-kwvs
(append-sorted used-kwvs used-kwv-args
(λ (a b) (keyword<? (car a) (car b)))))
(define-values (okws okw-vals)
(values (map car all-kwvs)
(map cdr all-kwvs)))
(values okws okw-vals rst kwv-rst))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '() '() '() '())
'(() () () ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '(#:a #:b) '() '() '())
'(() () () ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '(#:a #:b #:c) '(a b c) '() '())
'((#:a #:b #:c) (a b c) () ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '() '(a b c) '() '())
'(() () (a b c) ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '(#:a #:b #:c) '() '(#:a #:b #:c) '(a b c))
'((#:a #:b #:c) (a b c) () ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '(#:a #:b #:c) '(a c) '(#:b) '(b))
'((#:a #:b #:c) (a b c) () ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '(#:a #:b #:c) '(a c d) '(#:b) '(b))
'((#:a #:b #:c) (a b c) (d) ()))
(check-equal? (cvl split-args '(#:a #:b #:c) '(a c) '(#:b #:d) '(b d))
'((#:a #:b #:c) (a b c) () ((#:d . d))))
;; mand-kws: list of mandatory keywords (currently unused)
;; opt-kws: list of optional keywords (currently unused)
;; known-kws: *ordered* list of the mandatory and optional keywords
(struct fun (proc mand-kws opt-kws known-kws kw-rest?)
#:property prop:procedure
(λ(kws kw-args this . pos-args)
;(let-values ([(r a k) (args->kws+args this pos-args (map list kws kw-args))])
(let-values ([(k v r rkv) (split-args (fun-known-kws this) pos-args kws kw-args)])
(cond [(fun-kw-rest? this)
(keyword-apply (fun-proc this) k v r #:kw-rest rkv)]
[(empty? rkv)
(keyword-apply (fun-proc this) k v r)]
(error "Procedure does not take the following keywords:"
(map first rkv))])))))
(define datum-symbol->keyword
(compose string->keyword symbol->string syntax->datum))
(define-syntax def-proc
[(_ (name x:id ... (y:id w:expr) ... (~optional (~seq #:kw-rest kw-rest:id)) . rst) body ...)
(let* ([xs (syntax->list #'(x ...))]
[x-kws (map datum-symbol->keyword xs)]
[xxs (foldr list* '() x-kws xs)]
[xxs (if (attribute kw-rest)
(list* '#:kw-rest #'kw-rest xxs)
[ys (syntax->list #'(y ...))]
[ws (syntax->list #'(w ...))]
[y-kws (map datum-symbol->keyword ys)]
[yys (foldr list* '() y-kws (map list ys ws))]
[l (append xxs yys)]
[known-kws (sort (append x-kws y-kws) keyword<?)]
(with-syntax ([x-kws x-kws] [y-kws y-kws] [known-kws known-kws]
[kw-rest? (if (attribute kw-rest) #'#t #'#f)])
#`(define name (fun (λ (#,@l . rst) body ...)
'x-kws 'y-kws 'known-kws kw-rest?))))]))
(module+ test
(def-proc (foo a b c [d 'dd] [e 'ee])
(list a b c d e))
(check-equal? (foo 'a 'b 'c)
'(a b c dd ee))
(check-equal? (foo 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)
'(a b c d e))
(check-equal? (foo #:a 'a #:b 'b #:c 'c)
'(a b c dd ee))
(check-equal? (foo 'a 'b #:c 'c #:e 'e)
'(a b c dd e))
(check-equal? (foo 'a #:c 'c #:b 'b #:d 'd)
'(a b c d ee))
(check-equal? (foo #:b 'b #:c 'c #:e 'e #:a 'a )
'(a b c dd e))
(check-equal? (foo 'b 'c #:a 'a) ; bad style?
'(a b c dd ee))
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (foo))) ; too few arguments
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (foo 1 2 3 #:t 't))) ; unknown keyword #:t
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (foo 1 2 3 4 5 6))) ; too many arguments
; With a rest argument:
(def-proc (bar x . rst) (list x rst))
(check-equal? (bar 1) '(1 ()))
(check-equal? (bar 1 2 3) '(1 (2 3)))
(check-equal? (bar 1 #:x 2 3) '(2 (1 3)))
; With a keyword-rest argument:
(def-proc (baz a [b 'b] #:kw-rest kw-rest)
(list a b kw-rest))
(check-equal? (baz 'a)
'(a b ()))
(check-equal? (baz 'a #:c 'c)
'(a b ((#:c . c))))
(check-equal? (baz 'a #:b 'bb)
'(a bb ()))
(check-equal? (baz 'a 'bb #:d 'd #:e 'e)
'(a bb ((#:d . d) (#:e . e))))
; With both by-pos rest and keyword-rest arguments:
(def-proc (qux a [b 'b] #:kw-rest kw-rest . rst)
(list a b rst kw-rest))
(check-equal? (qux 'a)
'(a b () ()))
(check-equal? (qux 'a 'bb 'd 'e #:c 'c)
'(a bb (d e) ((#:c . c))))
(check-equal? (qux 'a #:b 'bb 'c)
'(a bb (c) ()))
(check-equal? (qux 'a 'bb 'c 'f #:d 'd #:e 'e)
'(a bb (c f) ((#:d . d) (#:e . e))))
; Defining a wrapper is very easy:
; (while keeping the other default arguments)
(def-proc (foo2 [b 'bbb] #:kw-rest kw-rest . rst)
(keyword-apply foo (map car kw-rest) (map cdr kw-rest) rst #:b b))
(check-equal? (foo2 #:a 'a #:c 'c)
'(a bbb c dd ee))
(check-equal? (foo2 #:a 'a #:c 'c #:b 'bb)
'(a bb c dd ee))
; Extending a proc is also very easy:
(def-proc (foo3 x #:kw-rest kw-rest . rst)
(list x (keyword-apply foo (map car kw-rest) (map cdr kw-rest) rst)))
;; Actually, the received keywords should only be the symbols, not the keywords,
;; and the conversion keyword<->symbol should be automatic, i.e., the user
;; uses keywords only in procedure calls, but receives symbols from #:kw-rest
;; and passes symbols to keyword-apply.
;; (?)
;;; Making `instantiate' look like a procedure call:
(define-syntax my-instantiate
[(_ cl v:expr ... (~seq k:keyword kv:expr) ...)
(let ([l (map (λ (k kv) (list (string->symbol (keyword->string (syntax->datum k))) kv))
(syntax->list #'(k ...))
(syntax->list #'(kv ...)))])
#`(instantiate cl
(v ...)
(module+ test
(define foo%
(class object%
(init-field a b [c 'cc])
(define/public (get) (list a b c))))
(check-equal? (send (my-instantiate foo% #:b 'b #:a 'a) get)
'(a b cc))
(check-equal? (send (my-instantiate foo% 'a 'b) get)
'(a b cc))
(check-equal? (send (my-instantiate foo% 'a #:b 'b #:c 'c) get)
'(a b c))
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