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Last active September 15, 2022 05:20
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A simple standalone program using overlays with plot-snip in a pasteboard, and switching with the zooming feature
#lang racket/gui
(require plot
;;; Author: Laurent Orseau
;;; License: [Apache License, Version 2.0]( or
;;; [MIT license]( at your option.
;;; See in particular this blog bost:
(define fr (new frame% [label "fr"] [width 500] [height 500]))
(define hp (new horizontal-panel% [parent fr] [stretchable-height #f]))
(define bt-zoom
(new button% [parent hp] [label "Zoom"]
[callback (λ (bt ev)
(send snip set-mouse-event-callback #f))]))
(define bt-pos
(new button% [parent hp] [label "Position"]
[callback (λ (bt ev)
(send snip set-mouse-event-callback value-renderer))]))
(define pb (new (class pasteboard%
(define/augment (can-interactive-move? ev) #f)
(define/augment (can-interactive-resize? ev) #f)
(super-new)) ))
(define ed (new editor-canvas% [parent fr] [editor pb]))
(define (value-renderer snip event x y)
(define overlays
(and x y (eq? (send event get-event-type) 'motion)
(list (point-pict (vector x y)
(text (format "~a ~a"
(~r (+ 0. x) #:precision '(= 2))
(~r (+ 0. y) #:precision '(= 2))))
#:anchor 'auto))))
(send snip set-overlay-renderers overlays))
(define snip (plot-snip (function (λ (x) (sin x)) -10. 10.)))
(send pb insert snip)
(send fr show #t)
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