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`Navigate' the menus with a search-list-box (quickscript)
#lang racket/base
(require quickscript
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out)
;;; Author: Laurent Orseau
;;; License: [Apache License, Version 2.0]( or
;;; [MIT license]( at your option.
(script-help-string "`Navigate' the menus with a search-list-box")
(define (make-menu-palette top-item)
(define contents '())
(let loop ([item top-item] [path ""])
(cond [(or (is-a? item menu-item-container<%>))
(define new-path
(if (is-a? item labelled-menu-item<%>)
(string-append path (send item get-plain-label) "|")
(for-each (λ (ch) (loop ch new-path)) (send item get-items))]
[(is-a? item menu-item%)
(define new-path (string-append path (send item get-plain-label)))
(define callback (λ () (send item command (new control-event% [event-type 'menu]))))
(set! contents (cons (list new-path callback)
(reverse contents))
(define (make-button-palette top-wnd)
(define contents '())
(let loop ([obj top-wnd])
(cond [(or (is-a? obj area-container<%>))
(for-each loop (send obj get-children))]
[(and (object-method-arity-includes? obj 'get-button-label 0)
(object-method-arity-includes? obj 'command 0))
; probably a switchable-button%
; can't test (for now) with `is-a?` because the mrlib module is not
; shared with drracket
(define (callback) (send obj command))
(set! contents (cons (list (send obj get-button-label) callback)
[(is-a? obj button%)
; racket/gui is shared with drracket, so we can test button%
(define (callback) (send obj command (new control-event% [event-type 'button])))
(set! contents (cons (list (send obj get-plain-label) callback)
(reverse contents))
;; Use word-filter if exists, otherwise revert to default
;; This is *not* a function, to avoid being call within Quickscript's namespace,
;; where search-list-box is not defined (not sure why it doesn't work though).
(define search-list-box-filter
(let-values ([(l1 l2) (module->exports 'search-list-box)])
(if (memq 'word-filter (flatten (cons l1 l2)))
;; wnd: the window that originally had the focus, to restore the focus
;; before calling the callback.
(define (show-palette contents
#:label [label "Command palette"]
#:orig-focus [wnd #f]
#:parent [parent #f])
(define slb
(new search-list-box-frame% ; todo: maybe should be a dialog (think tiling wms)
[parent parent]
[label label]
[width 800]
[contents contents]
[key first]
[filter search-list-box-filter]
[callback (λ (idx label content)
(when idx
(send slb show #f)
(when wnd (send wnd focus)
; Busy loop to make sure the window has the focus.
; Don't wait more than 0.5s to avoid deadlocking in case of problem.
(let ([wait-seconds 0.02] [wait-max 0.5])
(let loop ([waited 0])
(unless (or (send wnd has-focus?) (> waited wait-max))
(sleep/yield wait-seconds)
(loop (+ waited wait-seconds))))))
(define callback (second content))
(queue-callback callback)))]
[show? #f]))
(send slb center)
(send slb show #t)
;=== Quickscripts ===;
(define-script command-palette
#:label "All menus"
#:menu-path ("Command &palette")
#:shortcut f4
#:shortcut-prefix () ; empty, because default is (ctrl)
(λ (selection #:frame drfr)
(define slb (show-palette (make-menu-palette (send drfr get-menu-bar))
#:parent drfr
#:orig-focus (send drfr get-focus-window)))
(define-script command-palette-scripts
#:label "Scripts menu only"
#:menu-path ("Command &palette")
#:shortcut f4
#:shortcut-prefix (shift)
(λ (selection #:frame drfr)
(define items (send (send drfr get-menu-bar) get-items))
(define script-menu
(findf (λ (it) (and (is-a? it menu%)
(equal? (send it get-plain-label) "Scripts")))
(define slb (show-palette (make-menu-palette script-menu)
#:label "Command palette (Scripts menu)"
#:parent drfr
#:orig-focus (send drfr get-focus-window)))
(define-script command-palette-buttons
#:label "Buttons"
#:menu-path ("Command &palette")
;#:shortcut f4
;#:shortcut-prefix () ; empty, because default is (ctrl)
(λ (selection #:frame drfr)
(define slb (show-palette (make-button-palette drfr)
#:label "Command palette (buttons)"
#:parent drfr
#:orig-focus (send drfr get-focus-window)))
(module url2script-info racket/base
(provide filename url)
(define filename "command-palette.rkt")
(define url ""))
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Metaxal commented Nov 6, 2021

Screenshot from 2021-10-31 14-10-57

By default:
F4: command palette for the all DrRacket menus
Shift-F4: command palette for the Scripts menu only

There's also a palette for all the buttons found in the DrRacket frame. (no keybinding associated to this at the moment.):
Screenshot from 2021-11-06 10-11-06

Requires the search-list-box package.

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