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Save MetroWind/1401473 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My take on a Zalgo text generator. Read from stdin. See " --help".
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# For Python 3
################### Read from stdin and Zalgo-ify ####################
############# By MetroWind <chris.corsair {AT} gmail> ################
import sys, os
# Characters taken from
CHAR_UP = ['\u030D', '\u030E', '\u0304', '\u0305', '\u033F',
'\u0311', '\u0306', '\u0310', '\u0352', '\u0357',
'\u0351', '\u0307', '\u0308', '\u030A', '\u0342',
'\u0343', '\u0344', '\u034A', '\u034B', '\u034C',
'\u0303', '\u0302', '\u030C', '\u0350', '\u0300',
'\u0301', '\u030B', '\u030F', '\u0312', '\u0313',
'\u0314', '\u033D', '\u0309', '\u0363', '\u0364',
'\u0365', '\u0366', '\u0367', '\u0368', '\u0369',
'\u036A', '\u036B', '\u036C', '\u036D', '\u036E',
'\u036F', '\u033E', '\u035B', '\u0346', '\u031A']
CHAR_MID = ['\u0315', '\u031B', '\u0340', '\u0341', '\u0358',
'\u0321', '\u0322', '\u0327', '\u0328', '\u0334',
'\u0335', '\u0336', '\u034F', '\u035C', '\u035D',
'\u035E', '\u035F', '\u0360', '\u0362', '\u0338',
'\u0337', '\u0361', '\u0489']
CHAR_DOWN = ['\u0316', '\u0317', '\u0318', '\u0319', '\u031C',
'\u031D', '\u031E', '\u031F', '\u0320', '\u0324',
'\u0325', '\u0326', '\u0329', '\u032A', '\u032B',
'\u032C', '\u032D', '\u032E', '\u032F', '\u0330',
'\u0331', '\u0332', '\u0333', '\u0339', '\u033A',
'\u033B', '\u033C', '\u0345', '\u0347', '\u0348',
'\u0349', '\u034D', '\u034E', '\u0353', '\u0354',
'\u0355', '\u0356', '\u0359', '\u035A', '\u0323']
ZALGO_POS = ("up", "mid", "down")
ZALGO_CHARS = {"up": CHAR_UP, "mid": CHAR_MID, "down": CHAR_DOWN}
import random
def randStr(charset, count, allow_repeat=True, return_list=True):
"""Randomly chooses a subset with `count' number of characters
from `charset', and returns the resulting string. If
`allow_repeat' is False, a permutation is chosen. If
`return_list' is True, a list of chars is returned, otherwise a
string is returned.
Result = list()
if allow_repeat:
for i in range(count):
Result = random.sample(charset, count)
if return_list:
return Result
return ''.join(Result)
def zalgo(orig_str, intensities, excludes=(' '), rand_intensity=True,
"""Zalgo-ify `orig_str'. `Intensityies' is a dict in the form of
{\"up\": intense_up, \"mid\": intense_mid, \"down\":
intense_down}. \"Intense_up\" denotes the intensity of the
up-going zalgo chars, etc. If `rand_intensity' is False,
\"intense_up\" number of up-going zalgo chars are used, etc. If
`rand_intensity' is True, a random number (but less than
\"intense_up\") of up-going zalgo chars are used, etc. If
`allow_repeat' is True, repeating zalgo chars on one char in
`orig_str' is possible. Characters in `excludes' will not be
Result = []
for OrigChar in orig_str:
if OrigChar in excludes:
ZalgoCounts = {"up": 0, "down": 0, "mid": 0}
for pos in ZALGO_POS:
if rand_intensity:
ZalgoCounts[pos] = random.randint(0, intensities[pos])
ZalgoCounts[pos] = intensities[pos]
for pos in ZALGO_POS:
Result += randStr(ZALGO_CHARS[pos], ZalgoCounts[pos], allow_repeat)
return ''.join(Result)
def main():
Usage = "Usage: %prog [options]"
import optparse
OptParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=Usage)
OptParser.add_option("-u", "--up-intensity", dest="IntenseUp", default=2,
type="int", metavar="NUM",
help="The number of Zalgo characters to put above"
"the original character. Default: %default")
OptParser.add_option("-m", "--mid-intensity", dest="IntenseMid", default=1,
type="int", metavar="NUM",
help="The number of Zalgo characters to put at"
"the original character. Default: %default")
OptParser.add_option("-d", "--down-intensity", dest="IntenseDown", default=5,
type="int", metavar="NUM",
help="The number of Zalgo characters to put below"
"the original character. Default: %default")
OptParser.add_option("-f", "--fix-intensity", dest="Random",
default=True, action="store_false",
help="Don’t randomize the intensity.")
OptParser.add_option("-e", "--excludes", dest="Excludes",
default=' ', metavar="STR",
help="Don’t Zalgo-ify characters in STR. "
"Default: \"%default\"")
(Opts, Args) = OptParser.parse_args()
Intense = {"up": Opts.IntenseUp, "mid": Opts.IntenseMid,
"down": Opts.IntenseDown}
for Line in sys.stdin:
print(zalgo(Line, Intense, tuple(Opts.Excludes), Opts.Random))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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ixai commented Aug 5, 2015

I wrote a small Slack bot to write Zalgo text with your generator.

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@ixai That's awesome XD

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vvv3000 commented Oct 9, 2015

The categorization of glyphs into up, mid, and down is not totally accurate. It's possible that some browsers incorrectly render the position of the marks, but I belive a bunch of the gylphs you have categorized in mid are really meant to be display above or below the text (for example "\u0361" which you list in mid should really be in up). Additionally, (and this is not an error) but I think it makes sense to split up the latin up characters (such as "\u0363") into their own section because often times they look a bit out of place and a user might not want those above their text. These are categories I would use:

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@vvv3000: I'm not familiar with all these accents and unicode, but your comment is very informative. Thanks~~

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