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Created December 19, 2013 09:37
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Bash command history parser
module Parser where
import Data.Generics
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.Time hiding (parseTime)
-- A customised version of language-sh is needed
import qualified Language.Sh.Parser as P
import qualified Language.Sh.Syntax as P
import qualified Language.Sh.Pretty as P
data CommandEntry = CommandEntry {
time :: LocalTime
, cmd :: String
} deriving (Show)
parseTime :: String -> LocalTime
parseTime str = unixToLocal $ realToFrac $ read str
unixToLocal = utcToLocalTime (hoursToTimeZone 8) . posixSecondsToUTCTime
parseCommand :: String -> Maybe [String]
parseCommand str =
case P.parse [] str of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right r -> notEmpty $ removeSpecial $ collectCommand r
removeSpecial = filter (`notElem` ["[", "[["])
notEmpty [] = Nothing
notEmpty x = Just x
collectCommand = everything (++) ([] `mkQ` getCommand)
getCommand :: P.Statement -> [String]
getCommand (P.Statement (x:_) _ _) = [P.pretty x]
getCommand _ = []
parse :: String -> [CommandEntry]
parse str = concatMap parseEntry $ tail $ splitOn "#" str
parseEntry str =
let (tstr, cmdstr') = break (=='\n') str
cmdstr = drop 1 cmdstr'
time = parseTime tstr
cmds = parseCommand cmdstr
in case cmds of
Nothing -> []
Just cs -> map (CommandEntry time) cs
module Query where
import Parser
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
sortByCount = sortGroupSort cmd (\ces -> (cmd $ head ces, length ces)) snd
groupByWeekDate =
sortGroupSort weekDate (\ces -> (weekDate $ head ces, length ces)) id
weekDate c = case toWeekDate $ localDay $ time c of (_, _, w) -> w
groupByHour =
sortGroupSort hour (\ces -> (hour $ head ces, length ces)) id
hour c = todHour $ localTimeOfDay $ time c
sortGroupSort groupCmp f sortCmp =
sortBy (comparing sortCmp)
. map f
. groupBy (\ce1 ce2 -> groupCmp ce1 == groupCmp ce2)
. sortBy (comparing groupCmp)
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