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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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* @ngdoc function
* @name publishToFacebookGroups
* @description publishes a deal as photos to an array of fb groups
* @param {resource} deal The deal to share
* @param {array} groups An Array of groups to share on
* @returns {boolean} A promise to know later if the deal sharing process failed or succeeded
function publishToFacebookGroups(deal, groups) {
$rootScope.currentUser.balance -= groups.length;
var deferred = $q.defer();
// The Full Sharing Payload (Image/Post)
var sharingPayload = {
hLink: window.location.toString().split('-')[0], //TODO: Try without slug
hPicture: deal.cover_photo_url,
hName: deal.title,
hDescription: deal.description,
hMessage: $compile($templateCache.get('partials/foo.html'))(deal)
// Initializing Batch Processing Job Queue
batch_data = [];
// Creating Batch Processing Jobs
for (i=0;i<groups.length;i++) {
// Options for each job
var options = {
method: 'post',
relative_url: group[i].url + "/photos", // e.g: '/groups/:id/photos'
// Serializing json to query string via $.param
body: $.param({
message: sharingPayload.hMessage,
url: sharingPayload.hPicture
// Pusing Job Options to the Queue
// Doing the Actual Request with Facebook API
FB.api("/", 'post', {
batch: batch_data // The batch we prepared above
}, function(fbResult) {
var results = [];
// if request succeed we should recieve an Array
if (fbResult.length) deferred.resolve(fbResult); //TODO: discuss what to send
// Iterating over returned posts ids from facebook
for (i=0;i<fbResult.length;i++) {
// Parsing Facebook Resource JSON
var fbResource = JSON.parse(fbResult[i].body);
// if it's a real resource push it to the server
//TODO: Why we could recieve something without id !? What is it ?
if (fbResource['id']) {
results.push(fbResource['post_id']); // we just need post id to attach it to our deal Record in DB
// Pushing Post Ids to our server to be attached with the deal
$.post( SETTINGS.mainURL + '/deals/' + + '/fb_groups_shared.json',{
share_data: results
).done(function(res) {
deferred.resolve(res); //TODO: discuss what to send
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