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Created November 12, 2011 14:03
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(defvar initial '(0 0 0 1 0 1))
(defvar final '(1 1 1 1 1 1))
(defun inverser (x)
(if (= x 1) 0 1)
(defun new-state(state pos)
(when (<= (length state) (+ pos 1)) (return-from new-state state))
(let ((i 0)(new-list '()))
(dolist (arrow state new-list)
(if (or (= i pos) (= i (+ pos 1)))
(setq new-list (append new-list (list (inverser arrow))))
(setq new-list (append new-list (list arrow)))
(setq i (+ i 1))
(new-state '(0 0 0 1 0 1) 3)
;; Recherche les successeurs d'un etat
(defun successors (state)
(let ((succ '()))
(dotimes (var (- (length state) 1) succ)
(setq succ (append succ (list (new-state state var)))
(successors '(0 0 0 1 0 1))
;; Exploration en profondeur
(defun explore-depth (state)
(print state)
(if (equal state initial) (setq visited NIL))
(if (equal state final) (return-from explore-depth T))
(push state visited)
(dolist (succ (successors state) NIL)
(let ((continuer T))
(dolist (var visited)
(when (equal succ var)(setq continuer NIL)))
(when (and continuer (explore-depth succ))
(return-from explore-depth T))
(explore-depth initial)
;;exploration en largeur
(defun explore-breath (state)
(let ((state-list (list state)) (new-state-list '()) (retour NIL))
(while (equal retour NIL)
(dolist (x state-list)
(setq new-state-list (append (successors x) new-state-list)))
(setq state-list new-state-list)
(print state-list)
(setq new-state-list '())
(dolist (x state-list)
(if (equal x '(1 1 1 1 1 1))
(setq retour T)))
(explore-breath initial)
;; Recherche de la proximite entre 2 etats
(defun proximite (state-1 state-2)
(eval (cons '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (a b) (if (equal a b) 1 0)) state-1 state-2)))
(proximite initial final)
;; Ordonne une liste selon la proximite
(defun trie-proximite (list)
(let ((tmp-list list) (new-list '()) (succ NIL))
(setq tmp-list list)
(setq succ NIL)
(dolist (var tmp-list)
(when (not (member var new-list))
(when (equal succ NIL) (setq succ var))
(when (< (proximite var final) (proximite succ final))
(setq succ var))
(push succ new-list)
(when (= (length new-list) (length list)) (return-from trie-proximite new-list))
;; Exploration en profondeur avec optimisation
(defun explore-depth-2 (state)
(print state)
(if (equal state initial) (setq visited NIL))
(if (equal state final) (return-from explore-depth-2 T))
(push state visited)
(dolist (succ (trie-proximite (successors state)) NIL)
(let ((continuer T))
(dolist (var visited)
(when (equal succ var)(setq continuer NIL)))
(when (and continuer (explore-depth-2 succ))
(return-from explore-depth-2 T))
(explore-depth-2 initial)
;; Exploration en largeur avec optimisation
(defun explore-breath-2 (state)
(let ((state-list (list state)) (new-state-list '()) (retour NIL))
(while (equal retour NIL)
(dolist (x state-list)
(setq new-state-list (append (trie-proximite (successors x)) new-state-list)))
(setq state-list new-state-list)
(print state-list)
(setq new-state-list '())
(dolist (x state-list)
(if (equal x '(1 1 1 1 1 1))
(setq retour T)))
(explore-breath-2 initial)
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