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PMSNet stereo disparity 3 pixel error at test phase
KITTI stereo disparity 3 pixel error
* [PMSNet code](
* [type converter](
MATLAB code:
% disp_error.m
function d_err = disp_error (D_gt,D_est,tau)
E = abs(D_gt-D_est);
n_err = length(find(D_gt>0 & E>tau(1) & E./abs(D_gt)>tau(2)));
n_total = length(find(D_gt>0));
d_err = n_err/n_total;
% error threshold
tau = [3 0.05];
% stereo demo
disp('Load and show disparity map ... ');
D_est = disp_read('data/disp_est.png');
D_gt = disp_read('data/disp_gt.png');
d_err = disp_error(D_gt,D_est,tau);
So, we should also include the `equal` of both comparison
FrameWork: PyTorch
import torch
import numpy as np
# [type converter](
def np_dtype_to_torch(dtype):
type_map = {
np.dtype(np.float16): torch.HalfTensor,
np.dtype(np.float32): torch.FloatTensor,
np.dtype(np.float64): torch.DoubleTensor,
np.dtype(np.int32): torch.IntTensor,
np.dtype(np.int64): torch.LongTensor,
np.dtype(np.uint8): torch.ByteTensor,
return type_map[dtype]
def to_tensor(arg):
if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
return torch.from_numpy(arg).type(np_dtype_to_torch(arg.dtype))
elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
arg = np.array(arg)
return torch.from_numpy(arg).type(np_dtype_to_torch(arg.dtype))
raise ValueError("unsupported arg type.")
def calc_3pe(disp_pred, disp_true, original=False):
assert disp_pred.shape == disp_true.shape
assert disp_pred.dim() == 3
disp_pred = disp_pred.clone().type(torch.FloatTensor)
disp_true = disp_true.clone().type(torch.FloatTensor)
if original:
true_disp = disp_true
true_disp = disp_true.clone()
index = np.argwhere(true_disp > 0)
disp_true[index[0][:], index[1][:], index[2][:]] = np.abs(
true_disp[index[0][:], index[1][:], index[2][:]] -
disp_pred[index[0][:], index[1][:], index[2][:]])
correct = (disp_true[index[0][:], index[1][:], index[2][:]] <=
3) | (disp_true[index[0][:], index[1][:], index[2][:]] <=
true_disp[index[0][:], index[1][:], index[2][:]] * 0.05)
return 1 - (float(torch.sum(correct)) / float(len(index[0])))
def calc_3pe_standalone(disp_src, disp_dst):
assert disp_src.shape == disp_dst.shape, "{}, {}".format(
disp_src.shape, disp_dst.shape)
assert len(disp_src.shape) == 2 # (N*M)
not_empty = (disp_src > 0) & (~np.isnan(disp_src)) & (disp_dst > 0) & (
disp_src_flatten = disp_src[not_empty].flatten().astype(np.float32)
disp_dst_flatten = disp_dst[not_empty].flatten().astype(np.float32)
disp_diff_l = abs(disp_src_flatten - disp_dst_flatten)
accept_3p = (disp_diff_l <= 3) | (disp_diff_l <= disp_dst_flatten * 0.05)
err_3p = 1 - np.count_nonzero(accept_3p) / len(disp_diff_l)
return err_3p
if __name__ == '__main__':
# bz, h, w = (1, 2, 5)
bz, h, w = (20, 20, 50)
# est_disp = np.random.randint(low=10, high=200, size= (bz, h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
# gt_disp = np.random.randint(low=10, high=200, size= (bz, h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
est_disp = np.random.randint(low=100, high=2000, size=(bz, h, w)) / 10.0
gt_disp = np.random.randint(low=100, high=2000, size=(bz, h, w)) / 10.0
def err_two_ndarr(arr1, arr2):
tensor1 = to_tensor(arr1)
tensor2 = to_tensor(arr2)
# print(tensor1.shape)
e = calc_3pe(tensor1, tensor2, original=USE_ORIGINAL)
return e
def split_arr(arr, step):
l = []
for i in range(0, arr.shape[0], step):
l.append(arr[i:i + step])
return l
def clc_split_step(step=1):
est_l = split_arr(est_disp, step=step)
gt_l = split_arr(gt_disp, step=step)
err = 0
for est, gt in zip(est_l, gt_l):
err_tmp = err_two_ndarr(est, gt)
# print('{:.4f}'.format(err_tmp))
err += err_tmp
return err / len(est_l)
step_l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
for step in step_l:
e = clc_split_step(step=step)
print("step:{}, err:{:.6f}".format(step, e))
err = 0
for i in range(len(est_disp)):
est = est_disp[i]
gt = gt_disp[i]
err_3p = calc_3pe_standalone(disp_src=est, disp_dst=gt) # gt as dst
# print('{:.4f}'.format(err_3p))
err += err_3p
print("STANDALONE: {:.6f}".format(err / len(est_disp)))
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MiaoDX commented Mar 14, 2019

  • ORIGINAL:False
    step:1, err:0.942450
    step:2, err:0.942450
    step:3, err:0.942429
    step:4, err:0.942450
    step:6, err:0.942375
    STANDALONE: 0.942450

    step:1, err:0.969700
    step:2, err:0.969700
    step:3, err:0.969571
    step:4, err:0.969700
    step:6, err:0.969250
    STANDALONE: 0.942450

NOTE ALSO the batch size also matters, choose one divisor of all examples is better.
And, this partially answers one issue Outlier 3-px error value in last batch of validation set #111

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MiaoDX commented Mar 14, 2019


It is somewhat strange at first glance, it should be the same, right? Let's show with one small example:

o x
x x
o o

o means True and x for False.

With batch size:
bz=3, err = 3/6 = 0.5
bz=1, err = (1/2 + 2/2 + 0/2)/3 = 0.5
bz=2, err = (3/4 + 0/2)/2 = 3/8 = 0.375

And, another one:

o x
x x
x x
With batch size:
bz=3, err = 5/6 = 0.8333
bz=1, err = (1/2 + 2/2 + 2/2)/3 = 5/6
bz=2, err = (3/4 + 2/2)/2 = 7/8 = 0.875

SO, that is it, the last batch are not treated equally with previous ones (there is only two batch for bz=3, but easily extended), it is not so proper to calculate mean of these batches.

Then the problem becomes, how can we deal with it?

  • Make sure batch size is the divisor of all examples
    • Yes, it can be frustrating
  • Or, instead of calc mean per batch and then mean on batches, record (Correct num, ALL num) per batch and calc mean with these pairs
    • Well, are there better ways?

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MiaoDX commented Mar 17, 2019

Note, the analysis is helpful, but not that correct, please refer the correct one.

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