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Last active January 24, 2019 11:11
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Executes a basic Excel API call
name: Shape - Demo
description: Executes a basic Excel API call
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: >
$("#InsertShape").click(() => tryCatch(InsertShape));
$("#AddText").click(() => tryCatch(AddText));
$("#FormatText").click(() => tryCatch(FormatText));
$("#SetMargin").click(() => tryCatch(SetMargin));
$("#AddSVG").click(() => tryCatch(AddSVG));
async function InsertShape() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
shape = shapes.addGeometricShape(shapeType, left, top, width, height);
await context.sync();
console.log(`Succeed to insert Shape. Name:${}, Left:${shape.left};`);
async function AddText() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
let count = shapes.getCount();
await context.sync();
let shape;
if (count.value > 0) {
shape = shapes.items[0];
} else {
shape = shapes.addGeometricShape(shapeType, left, top, width, height);
await context.sync();
console.log(`Insert a shape because there is none.`);
let txfm = shape.textFrame;
let range = txfm.textRange;
range.text = "What can you do for text in shape?";
range.font.size = 18;
await context.sync();
console.log(`Add Text: ${range.text}`);
async function SetMargin() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
let count = shapes.getCount();
await context.sync();
let shape;
if (count.value > 0) {
shape = shapes.items[0];
} else {
console.log(`This is no shape. Please run "Insert Shape" First.`);
let txfm = shape.textFrame;
txfm.leftMargin = 20;
txfm.topMargin = 20;
txfm.rightMargin = 5;
txfm.bottomMargin = 5;
await context.sync();
console.log(`Succeed to set margins.`);
async function FormatText() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
let count = shapes.getCount();
await context.sync();
let shape;
if (count.value > 0) {
shape = shapes.items[0];
} else {
console.log(`This is no shape. Please run "Insert Shape" First.`);
let txfm = shape.textFrame;
let range = txfm.textRange;
range.text = questionStr + boldStr + italicStr + underlineStr + redStr + fontStr + sizeStr;
range.font.size = 18;
let boldRange = range.getCharacters(boldPos, boldLength);
boldRange.font.bold = true;
let italicRange = range.getCharacters(italicPos, italicLength);
italicRange.font.italic = true;
let underlineRange = range.getCharacters(underlinePos, underlineLength);
underlineRange.font.underline = "dotDash"; //Excel.ShapeFontUnderlineStyle.dotDash;
let redRange = range.getCharacters(redPos, redLength);
redRange.font.color = "red";
let fontRange = range.getCharacters(fontPos, fontLength); = "Cooper Black";
let sizeRange1 = range.getCharacters(sizePos1, sizeLength1);
sizeRange1.font.size = 22;
let sizeRange2 = range.getCharacters(sizePos2, sizeLength2);
sizeRange2.font.size = 26;
await context.sync();
console.log("Succed to format text.");
async function AddSVG() {
await (context) => {
let shapes = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet().shapes;
let img = shapes.addSVG(svgStr);
await context.sync();
let shapeType = Excel.GeometricShapeType.roundRectangle;
let left = 100,
top = 100,
height = 250,
width = 300;
let questionStr = "What can you do for text in shape?\r"; //
let boldStr = "Set to Bold!\r"; // length = 14
let italicStr = "Set to Italic!\r";
let underlineStr = "Add Underline!\r";
let redStr = "Change color!\r";
let fontStr = "Change font Cooper Black!\r";
let sizeStr = "Set Bigger and Bigger!\r";
let svgStr = `<svg width='100' height='100'
xmlns=""><circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40'
stroke='green' stroke-width='4' fill='yellow' />Sorry, your browser does not
support inline SVG.</svg>`;
let boldPos = questionStr.length + 7;
let boldLength = 4;
let beforeItalic = questionStr + boldStr;
let italicPos = beforeItalic.length + 7;
let italicLength = 6;
let beforeUnderline = beforeItalic + italicStr;
let underlinePos = (questionStr + boldStr + italicStr).length + 4;
let underlineLength = 9;
let beforeRed = beforeUnderline + underlineStr;
let redPos = beforeRed.length + 7;
let redLength = 5;
let beforeFont = beforeRed + redStr;
let fontPos = beforeFont.length + 12;
let fontLength = 12;
let beforeSize = beforeFont + fontStr;
let sizePos1 = beforeSize.length + 4;
let sizeLength1 = 6;
let sizePos2 = sizePos1 + sizeLength1 + 5;
let sizeLength2 = 6;
/** Default helper for invoking an action and handling errors. */
async function tryCatch(callback) {
try {
await callback();
} catch (error) {
language: typescript
content: |
<h2>Shape API Demo</h2>
<button id="InsertShape" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">A Shape</span>
<button id="AddText" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">What can you do?</span>
<button id="FormatText" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">Set your own style!</span>
<button id="SetMargin" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">And a better margin.</span>
<!-- <button id="AddSVG" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">Yeah!</span>
</button> -->
language: html
content: ''
language: css
libraries: |
name: Shape - Demo
description: Executes a basic Excel API call
author: MiaofeiWang
host: EXCEL
api_set: {}
content: |-
$("#InsertShape").click(() => tryCatch(InsertShape));
$("#AddText").click(() => tryCatch(AddText));
$("#FormatText").click(() => tryCatch(FormatText));
$("#SetMargin").click(() => tryCatch(SetMargin));
async function InsertShape() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
shape = shapes.addGeometricShape(shapeType, left, top, width, height);
await context.sync();
console.log(`Succeed to insert Shape. Name:${}, Left:${shape.left};`);
async function AddText() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
let count = shapes.getCount();
await context.sync();
let shape;
if (count.value > 0) {
shape = shapes.items[0];
else {
shape = shapes.addGeometricShape(shapeType, left, top, width, height);
await context.sync();
console.log(`Insert a shape because there is none.`);
let txfm = shape.textFrame;
let range = txfm.textRange;
range.text = "What can you do to text in shape?";
range.font.size = 14;
await context.sync();
console.log(`Add Text: ${range.text}`);
async function SetMargin() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
let count = shapes.getCount();
await context.sync();
let shape;
if (count.value > 0) {
shape = shapes.items[0];
else {
console.log(`This is no shape. Please run "Insert Shape" First.`);
let txfm = shape.textFrame;
txfm.leftMargin = 20;
txfm.topMargin = 20;
txfm.rightMargin = 5;
txfm.bottomMargin = 5;
await context.sync();
console.log(`Succeed to set margins.`);
async function FormatText() {
await (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let shapes = sheet.shapes;
let count = shapes.getCount();
await context.sync();
let shape;
if (count.value > 0) {
shape = shapes.items[0];
else {
console.log(`This is no shape. Please run "Insert Shape" First.`);
let txfm = shape.textFrame;
let range = txfm.textRange;
range.text = questionStr + boldStr + italicStr + underlineStr
+ redStr + fontStr + sizeStr;
range.font.size = 14;
let boldRange = range.getCharacters(boldPos, boldLength);
boldRange.font.bold = true;
let italicRange = range.getCharacters(italicPos, italicLength);
italicRange.font.italic = true;
let underlineRange = range.getCharacters(underlinePos, underlineLength);
underlineRange.font.underline = "dotDash"; //Excel.ShapeFontUnderlineStyle.dotDash;
let redRange = range.getCharacters(redPos, redLength);
redRange.font.color = "red";
let fontRange = range.getCharacters(fontPos, fontLength); = "Cooper Black";
let sizeRange1 = range.getCharacters(sizePos1, sizeLength1);
sizeRange1.font.size = 18;
let sizeRange2 = range.getCharacters(sizePos2, sizeLength2);
sizeRange2.font.size = 22;
await context.sync();
console.log("Succed to format text.");
let shapeType = Excel.GeometricShapeType.roundRectangle;
let left = 100, top = 100, height = 200, width = 250;
let questionStr = "What can you do to text in shape?\r"; //
let boldStr = "Set to Bold!\r"; // length = 14
let italicStr = "Set to Italic!\r";
let underlineStr = "Add Underline!\r";
let redStr = "Change color!\r";
let fontStr = "Change font Cooper Black!\r";
let sizeStr = "Get Bigger and Bigger!\r";
let boldPos = questionStr.length + 7;
let boldLength = 4;
let beforeItalic = questionStr + boldStr;
let italicPos = beforeItalic.length + 7;
let italicLength = 6;
let beforeUnderline = beforeItalic + italicStr;
let underlinePos = (questionStr + boldStr + italicStr).length + 4;
let underlineLength = 9;
let beforeRed = beforeUnderline + underlineStr;
let redPos = beforeRed.length + 7;
let redLength = 5;
let beforeFont = beforeRed + redStr;
let fontPos = beforeFont.length + 12;
let fontLength = 12;
let beforeSize = beforeFont + fontStr;
let sizePos1 = beforeSize.length + 4;
let sizeLength1 = 6;
let sizePos2 = sizePos1 + sizeLength1 + 5;
let sizeLength2 = 6;
/** Default helper for invoking an action and handling errors. */
async function tryCatch(callback) {
try {
await callback();
catch (error) {
language: typescript
content: |
<h2>Shape API Demo</h2>
<button id="InsertShape" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">Insert Shape</span>
<button id="AddText" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">Add Text</span>
<button id="FormatText" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">Format Text</span>
<button id="SetMargin" class="ms-Button">
<span class="ms-Button-label">Set Margin</span>
language: html
content: ''
language: css
libraries: |
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