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A Variable of Game of Thrones

This is an array called gameOfThonesHouses. It is an array made up of objects. Each object represents a house in the game of thrones. Each house has a name, wikiSuffix, and people. People in a house is an array of objects. Each object represents a person. Each person has a name, description, imageSuffix, and wikiSuffix.

const gameOfThronesHouses = [
      name: "Starks",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Stark",
      people: [
          name: "Eddard \"Ned\" Stark",
          description: "Lord of Winterfell - Warden of the North - Hand of the King - Married to Catelyn (Tully) Stark",
          imageSuffix: "eddard-stark",
          wikiSuffix: "Eddard_Stark"
          name: "Benjen Stark",
          description: "Brother of Eddard Stark - First ranger of the Night's Watch",
          imageSuffix: "benjen-stark",
          wikiSuffix: "Benjen_Stark"
          name: "Robb Stark",
          description: "Son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark - Direwolf: Grey Wind",
          imageSuffix: "robb-stark",
          wikiSuffix: "Robb_Stark"
          name: "Sansa Stark",
          description: "Daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark - Direwolf: Lady",
          imageSuffix: "sansa-stark",
          wikiSuffix: "Sansa_Stark"
          name: "Arya Stark",
          description: "Daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark - Direwolf: Nymeria",
          imageSuffix: "arya-stark",
          wikiSuffix: "Arya_Stark"
          name: "Brandon \"Bran\" Stark",
          description: "Son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark - Direwolf: Summer",
          imageSuffix: "brandon-stark",
          wikiSuffix: "Brandon_Stark"
          name: "Rickon Stark",
          description: "Son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark - Direwolf: Shaggydog",
          imageSuffix: "rickon-stark",
          wikiSuffix: "Rickon_Stark"
          name: "Jon Snow",
          description: "Bastard son of Eddard Stark - Steweard in the Night's Watch - Direwolf: Ghost",
          imageSuffix: "jon-snow",
          wikiSuffix: "Jon_Snow"
      name: "Lannisters",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Lannister",
      people: [
          name: "Tywin Lannister",
          description: "Lord of Casterly Rock - Warden of the West",
          imageSuffix: "tywin-lannister",
          wikiSuffix: "Tywin_Lannister"
          name: "Tyrion Lannister",
          description: "Son of Tywin Lannister - The Imp",
          imageSuffix: "tyrion-lannister",
          wikiSuffix: "Tyrion_Lannister"
          name: "Jaime Lannister",
          description: "The Kingslayer - Knight of the Kingsgaurd - Son of Tywin Lannister",
          imageSuffix: "jaime-lannister",
          wikiSuffix: "Jaime_Lannister"
          name: "Queen Cersei (Lannister) Baratheon",
          description: "Married to King Robert Baratheon - Daughter of Tywin Lannister",
          imageSuffix: "cersei-lannister",
          wikiSuffix: "Cersei_Lannister"
      name: "Baratheons",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Baratheon",
      people: [
          name: "King Robert Baratheon",
          description: "The first of his name - Lord of the Seven Kingdoms",
          imageSuffix: "robert-baratheon",
          wikiSuffix: "Robert_Baratheon"
          name: "Stannis Baratheon",
          description: "Lord of Dragonstone - Master of Ships - Brother of Robert Baratheon",
          imageSuffix: "stannis-baratheon",
          wikiSuffix: "Stannis_Baratheon"
          name: "Renly Baratheon",
          description: "Lord of Storm's End - Master of Laws - Brother of Robert Baratheon",
          imageSuffix: "renly-baratheon",
          wikiSuffix: "Renly_Baratheon"
          name: "Joffrey Baratheon",
          description: "Heir to the Iron Throne - Son of Robert and Cersei Baratheon",
          imageSuffix: "joffrey-baratheon",
          wikiSuffix: "Joffrey_Baratheon"
          name: "Tommen Baratheon",
          description: "Son of Robert and Cersei Baratheon",
          imageSuffix: "tommen-baratheon",
          wikiSuffix: "Tommen_Baratheon"
          name: "Myrcella Baratheon",
          description: "Daughter of Robert and Cersei Baratheon",
          imageSuffix: "myrcella-baratheon",
          wikiSuffix: "Myrcella_Baratheon"
      name: "Targaryens",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Targaryen",
      people: [
          name: "Daenerys Targaryen",
          description: "Stormborn - Khaleesi of the Dothraki - The Unburnt - Mother of Dragons - Daughter of Aerys II Targaryen \"The Mad King\"",
          imageSuffix: "daenerys-targaryen",
          wikiSuffix: "Daenerys_Targaryen"
          name: "Viserys Targaryen",
          description: "The Beggar King - Son of Aerys II Targaryen \"The Mad King\"",
          imageSuffix: "viserys-targaryen",
          wikiSuffix: "Viserys_Targaryen"
      name: "Greyjoys",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Greyjoy",
      people: [
          name: "Balon Greyjoy",
          description: "Lord Reaper of Pyke - Head of House Greyjoy",
          imageSuffix: "balon-greyjoy",
          wikiSuffix: "Balon_Greyjoy"
          name: "Theon Greyjoy",
          description: "Ward of the Starks - Heir to the Iron Islands - Son of Balon Greyjoy",
          imageSuffix: "theon-greyjoy",
          wikiSuffix: "Theon_Greyjoy"
          name: "Yara Greyjoy",
          description: "Ironborn - Son of Balon Greyjoy",
          imageSuffix: "yara-greyjoy",
          wikiSuffix: "Yara_Greyjoy"
      name: "Tyrells",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Tyrell",
      people: [
          name: "Margaery (Tyrell) Baratheon",
          description: "Wife of Renly Baratheon - Sister of Loras Tyrell - Granddaughter of Olenna Tyrell",
          imageSuffix: "margaery-tyrell",
          wikiSuffix: "Margaery_Tyrell"
          name: "Loras Tyrell",
          description: "Heir to Highgarden - Commander of the Kings Gaurd - Brother of Margaery Baratheon",
          imageSuffix: "loras-tyrell",
          wikiSuffix: "Loras_Tyrell"

      name: "Tullys",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Tully",
      people: [
          name: "Catelyn (Tully) Stark",
          description: "Married to Eddard Stark - Daughter of Hoster Tully",
          imageSuffix: "catelyn-tully",
          wikiSuffix: "Catelyn_Tully"
          name: "Lysa (Tully) Arryn",
          description: "Widow of Jon Arryn - Daughter of Hoster Tully",
          imageSuffix: "lysa-tully",
          wikiSuffix: "Lysa_Tully"
          name: "Edmure Tully",
          description: "Heir to Riverrun - Son of Hoster Tully",
          imageSuffix: "edmure-tully",
          wikiSuffix: "Edmure_Tully"
          name: "Brynden Tully",
          description: "Lord of Riverrun - Head of House Tully - Brother of Hoster Tully",
          imageSuffix: "brynden-tully",
          wikiSuffix: "Brynden_Tully"
      name: "Redwyne",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Redwyne",
      people: [
          name: "Olenna (Redwyne) Tyrell",
          description: "Matriarch of House Tyrell - Queen of Thorns",
          imageSuffix: "olenna-tyrell",
          wikiSuffix: "Olenna_Tyrell"
      name: "Freys",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Freys",
      people: [
          name: "Walder Frey",
          description: "Lord of the Crossing - Head of House Frey",
          imageSuffix: "walder-frey",
          wikiSuffix: "Walder_Frey"
      name: "Arryns",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Arryns",
      people: [
          name: "Jon Arryn",
          description: "Lord of the Eyrie - Head of House Arryn - Warden of the East - Defender of the Vale",
          imageSuffix: "jon-arryn",
          wikiSuffix: "Jon_Arryn"
      name: "Dothrakis",
      wikiSuffix: "House_Dothrakis",
      people: [
          name: "Khal Drogo",
          description: "Leader of the Dothraki people - Dothraki Warlord - Married to Daenerys Targaryen",
          imageSuffix: "khal-drogo",
          wikiSuffix: "Drogo"

Using gameOfThronesHouses variable:

  1. Get the the Stark family name
  2. Get the Dothrakis family name
  3. Get the Lannister house's wikiSuffix
  4. Get the Arryns house's wikiSuffix
  5. Get the name King Robert Baratheon from the Baratheons house
  6. Get the description of Edmure Tully from the Tully house
  7. Get the imageSuffix of Olenna (Redwyne) Tyrell from the Redwyne house
  8. Get an array of all the people in the Stark family
  9. Get the number of people in the Greyjoys family
  10. Get the number of people in the Targaryens family. Bonus: Create a string that is "Starks vs Lannisters vs Baratheons vs Targaryens vs Greyjoys vs Tyrells vs Tullys vs Redwyne vs Freys vs Arryns vs Dothrakis"
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