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Last active May 10, 2024 03:50
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  • Save Michael0x2a/d787daf9214704951690 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Michael0x2a/d787daf9214704951690 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Logs out inactive users.
Logs out inactive users, except for specific users that
have been manually approved and are allowed to stay logged
in for indefinite periods of time.
You can run this script directly on Powershell:
C:\> .\Logoff-Inactive.ps1
If you want the script to automatically log off without prompting
first, run:
C:\> .\Logoff-Inactive.ps1 -force
If you want to run the script to see inactive users without actually
logging them off (ie do a dry run), run:
C:\> .Logoff-Inactive.ps1 -dry
Note: If it complains that "execution of scripts is disabled
on this system", then first open up Powershell as an administrator
and run the following command:
C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
...and try again.
Email for any further questions you might have.
Displays this help
Forces this script to automatically log off users without
confirming first.
Performs a dry run: runs this script but does not actually log off
users to faciliate double-checking.
param (
[switch]$help = $false,
[switch]$force = $false,
[switch]$dry = $false
# All users who have been logged out longer then the
# below given time (in minutes) will be logged out
$INACTIVE_THRESHOLD = 2 * 24 * 60 # 2 days
# This is a list of all users who will NOT be logged
# out automatically, even if they're inactive.
# Make sure to add a backtick to the end of each line
# The bulk of the code starts here -- it's safe to ignore
# everything below this line.
# Parses the "idle" timestamp
function Parse-Idle($raw) {
if ($raw -notlike "*:*") {
$raw = "0:" + $raw
if ($raw -notlike "*+*") {
$raw = "0+" + $raw
$days, $rest = $raw.Split("+")
$hours, $minutes = $rest.Split(":")
$days = [int]$days
$hours = [int]$hours
$minutes = [int]$minutes
$total = ($days * 24 + $hours) * 60 + $minutes
$formatted = "{0,2} day(s), {1,2} hour(s), {2,2} minute(s)" -f $days, $hours, $minutes
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{
Days = $days
Hours = $hours
Minutes = $minutes
Total = $total
Raw = $raw
Formatted = $formatted
Write-Output $output
# Parses a single line of `Query user`
function Parse-Line ($line) {
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{
Username = $line[0].Trim()
Id = $line[1].Trim()
State = $line[2].Trim()
IdleTime = Parse-Idle $line[3].Trim()
LogonTime = $line[4].Trim()
Write-Output $output
# Prints the header surrounded by blank lines
function Print-Header($header) {
Write-Output ""
Write-Output $header
Write-Output ""
# Prints all the users under the given header
function Print-Users($header, $users) {
Print-Header $header
Write-Output (" {0,-20}{1}" -f "USERNAME", "TIME INACTIVE")
Write-Output ""
foreach ($user in $users) {
Write-Output (" {0,-20}{1}" -f $user.Username, $user.IdleTime.Formatted)
Write-Output ""
# Returns $true if the user wants to halt, $false otherwise
function Confirm() {
$title = "Logout users:"
$message = "Do you want to continue and log out the given users?"
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes",
"Logs out the inactive users."
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No",
"Quits this script and do nothing."
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
$result = [bool]$host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0)
Write-Output $result
# Start of main code
if ($help) {
Get-Help $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
} else {
# Gets raw data on which users are inactive
$rawInactive = Query user | Select-String -pattern "disc"
# Parses that data
$inactive = $rawInactive | %{$_ -replace "\s\s+", "|"} | %{Parse-Line $_.Split("|")}
# Applies the blacklist
$underThreshold = $inactive | ?{$_.IdleTime.Total -le $INACTIVE_THRESHOLD}
$overThreshold = $inactive | ?{$_.IdleTime.Total -gt $INACTIVE_THRESHOLD}
$toIgnore = $overThreshold | ?{$DO_NOT_LOGOUT -contains $_.Username}
$toLogout = $overThreshold | ?{$DO_NOT_LOGOUT -notcontains $_.Username}
# Prints diagnostic data
if (!$force -or $dry) {
Print-Users "The following users will be logged off." $toLogout
Print-Users "The following users will be ignored because they are whitelisted." $toIgnore
Print-Users "The following users will be ignored because they were recently active." $underThreshold
$response = $dry -or $(Confirm)
if ($response) {
Write-Output ""
# Finally attempting to log out
if (!$dry) {
Print-Header "Starting logout process."
foreach ($name in $toLogout) {
Write-Output (" Logging out " + $name.Username)
Write-Output ""
Print-Header "Done!"
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