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Created April 17, 2014 23:29
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Vectors in different dependently typed programming lanugages
-- Based on the built in Agda implementation
module Vec where
-- The unit. A null of sorts.
data One : Set where
unit : One
-- A tuple.
data _*_ (A B : Set) : Set where
pair : A -> B -> A * B
-- A natural number is either zero or a successor of another natural number. One is suc zero, two is suc suc zero, etc.
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
suc : Nat -> Nat
-- A vector is parametrized by a natural number and some type.
-- A zero length vector is a unit.
-- A vector of any other length is a pair - an element and a vector of length one less than this one
Vec : Nat -> Set -> Set
Vec zero X = One
Vec (suc n) X = X * Vec n X
(* Based on the built in Coq implementation *)
(* All sorts of imports, like natural numbers *)
Require Import Arith_base.
Require Vectors.Fin.
Import EqNotations.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
(* A vector is parametrized by some type A (its contents) and a natural number (its length) *)
Inductive t A : nat -> Type :=
|nil : t A 0 (* An empty vector is of length 0 *)
|cons : forall (h:A) (n:nat), t A n -> t A (S n). (* Concating an element to a vector increases its size by one (S n) *)
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