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Last active December 18, 2015 16:18
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Breadth first numbering
data Tree a = EndNode | Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
data FlatTree = FlatLeaf | FlatNode deriving (Show)
data NumberedTree a = NumLeaf | NumNode Integer deriving (Show)
instance (Show a) => Show (Tree a) where
show = showTreeIndented 0
where showTreeIndented indentation Leaf = concat (take indentation $ repeat " ") ++ "[]\n"
showTreeIndented indentation (Node value left right) = concat (take indentation $ repeat " ") ++ (show value) ++ "\n" ++ showTreeIndented (indentation + 1) left ++ showTreeIndented (indentation + 1) right
tree = Node "a"
(Node "b"
(Node "c"
(Node "d"
(Node "e"
treeToList [] = []
treeToList (EndNode:rest) = FlatLeaf : treeToList rest
treeToList (Leaf:rest) = FlatLeaf : treeToList (rest ++ [EndNode, EndNode])
treeToList (Node _ left right : rest) = FlatNode : treeToList (rest ++ [left, right])
numberList _ [] = []
numberList nextNumber (FlatLeaf:rest) = NumLeaf : numberList nextNumber rest
numberList nextNumber (FlatNode:rest) = NumNode nextNumber : numberList (nextNumber + 1) rest
numberListToTree index nodes = case nodes !! index of
NumLeaf -> Leaf
NumNode a -> Node a (numberListToTree leftChildIndex nodes) (numberListToTree rightChildIndex nodes)
where leftChildIndex = index * 2 + 1
rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2
numberTree = numberListToTree 0 . numberList 1 . treeToList . (: [])
main = do
print tree
print $ numberTree tree
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