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Last active June 2, 2022 20:13
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zig compile error
//! parser for nodelang written in zig
pub const Tok = enum {
other, // need at least two here to trigger it
const Token = struct {
tok: Tok,
str: []const u8,
pub fn new(tok: Tok, str: []const u8) Token {
return Token{.tok=tok, .str=str};
fn parseMany(comptime tokOrNodeTypes: [2]Tok) !?u32 {
// inline for seems to be necessary, I tried manually inlining
inline for (tokOrNodeTypes) |tokType| {
// manually inlining prevents the compiler segfault from appearing
const tok = try @as(anyerror!Token,, ":"));
// being in the else clause seems to be necessary
if (tok.tok != tokType) {} else {
while (true) {
// returning instead of breaking seems to be necessary
return null;
return 0;
pub fn main() !void {
_ = try parseMany(.{Tok.colon, Tok.colon});
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fails to compile on: compiler: 0.10.0-dev.290+3901b6fb0

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