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Created April 26, 2022 07:12
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  • Save MichaelChirico/020922ce3c392e9fc143e5663fd74de3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MichaelChirico/020922ce3c392e9fc143e5663fd74de3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Execute a run of snapshot summaries for translations, then visualize
r_dir <- "~/github/r-svn"
all_commits <- with_dir(r_dir, system('git log --pretty="format:%H %b"', intern=TRUE))
all_commits <- all_commits[nzchar(all_commits)]
hashes <- substr(grep("^[0-9a-f]{40} ", all_commits, value=TRUE), 1, 40)
trunk_hash <- head(hashes, 1L)
# grep("trunk@33000", all_commits, value = TRUE)
oldest_commit <- "34e784f86c1457eabd46a8ca4e40ca315cdbeb54"
hash_idx_grid <- as.integer(seq(1L, match(oldest_commit, hashes), length.out = 100L))
for (idx in hash_idx_grid) {
hash <- hashes[idx]
writeLines(paste("Getting translation status for r-svn commit", hash))
with_dir(r_dir, system(paste("git reset --quiet --hard", hash)))
system(paste("./get_r_translation_status_for_revision.R", hash))
withr::with_dir(r_dir, system("git reset --quiet --hard upstream/master"))
commit_dates <- with_dir(r_dir, system('git log --date=short --pretty="format:%H %ad"', intern=TRUE))
commit_dates <- setDT(tstrsplit(commit_dates, " ", fixed = TRUE))
setnames(commit_dates, c("hash", "date"))
summaries = list.files(pattern = "^[0-9a-f]{40}\\.csv$")
translation_data <- rbindlist(lapply(setNames(nm = summaries), fread))
translation_data[commit_dates, on = c(git_commit = "hash"), date := as.IDate(]
setorder(translation_data, date, package, language, type)
fwrite(translation_data, sprintf("translation_summary_%s.csv", trunk_hash))
# this _should_ be impossible, and it's not common -- it mostly looks like it's
# due to mismatch between the messages in the .pot & .po files. a more complete
# approach would try and outer join the .pot & .po files but it may be a pain.
# instead just eliminate those observations for now. we just want a quick summary.
translation_data = translation_data[n_untranslated >= 0]
translation_data[, n_messages := n_translated + n_untranslated]
on = c(language = "code"),
`:=`(language_name = i.full_name_eng, language_native = i.full_name_native)
# can be removed after potools#295
language == "lt",
`:=`(language_name = "Lithuanian", language_native = "lietuvių")
translation_data = translation_data[!]
keyby = .(date, language_name),
n_translated = sum(n_translated),
n_messages = sum(n_messages)
pct_translated := n_translated / n_messages
dcast(.SD, date ~ language_name, value.var = "pct_translated", fill = 0)
][, {
y = 100 * as.matrix(.SD[, !'date'])
matplot(date, y, lty = 1L, type = 'l')
keyby = .(date, package),
n_translated = sum(n_translated),
n_messages = sum(n_messages)
pct_translated := n_translated / n_messages
dcast(.SD, date ~ package, value.var = "pct_translated", fill = 0)
][, {
y = 100 * as.matrix(.SD[, !'date'])
matplot(date, y, lty = 1L, type = 'l')
par(mfrow = 1:2, mar = c(9.6, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
date == max(date) & !grepl("English", language_name) & package == "base",
keyby = .(language_native),
n_translated = sum(n_translated),
n_messages = sum(n_messages)
names.arg = language_native, las = 2L,
space = 0,
col = 2:8,
main = "State of r-devel translations\nbase",
ylab = "# Translated messages"
date == max(date) & !grepl("English", language_name),
keyby = .(language_native),
n_translated = sum(n_translated),
n_messages = sum(n_messages)
names.arg = language_native, las = 2L,
space = 0,
col = 2:8,
main = "State of r-devel translations\nbase + other default packages",
ylab = "# Translated messages"
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