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Created November 27, 2018 15:19
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Playing around with IEEE754
ieee754 = function(x, precision = 'long') {
switch(precision, long = {
dig_exponent = 11L
exp_shift = 1023L
dig_mantissa = 52L
}, short = {
dig_exponent = 8L
exp_shift = 127L
dig_mantissa = 23L
}, stop("Valid precisions are 'long' and 'short'."))
sign = as.integer(x < 0)
x = abs(x)
exponent = 0
while (x < 2^(exponent <- exponent - 1)){}
x = x - 2^exponent
mantissa = integer(dig_mantissa)
for (ii in seq_along(mantissa)) {
if ((delta <- x - 2^(exponent-ii)) < 0) {
mantissa[ii] = 0L
} else {
mantissa[ii] = 1L
x = delta
bias_exponent = as.integer(intToBits(exponent + exp_shift))[dig_exponent:1]
out = list(
sign = sign,
bias_exponent = bias_exponent,
mantissa = bits,
precision = precision
class(out) = 'ieee754'
print.ieee754 = function(x, hex = FALSE) {
bin_str_to_hex = function(b) {
N = nchar(b)
n_chunk = ceiling(N/4)
out = character(n_chunk)
for (ii in seq_along(out)) {
rng = N - 4L*ii + c(1L, 4L)
chunk = substr(b, rng[1L], rng[2L])
out[length(out) + 1L - ii] =
sprintf('%X', sum(2^((nchar(chunk) - 1L):0) *
as.integer(strsplit(chunk, NULL)[[1L]])))
paste(out, collapse = '')
if (hex) {
bias_print = bin_str_to_hex(x$bias_exponent)
mantissa_print = bin_str_to_hex(x$mantissa)
} else {
bias_print = x$bias_exponent
mantissa_print = x$mantissa
sprintf('%d | %s | %s', x$sign,
prettyNum(bias_print, big.mark = ' ', big.interval = 4L),
prettyNum(mantissa_print, big.mark = ' ', big.interval = 4L))
print.ieee754 = function(x, hex = FALSE) {
bin_to_hex = function(b) {
N = length(b)
n_chunk = ceiling(N/4)
out = character(n_chunk)
for (ii in seq_along(out)) {
chunk = b[N - 4L*ii + 1:4]
out[length(out) + 1L - ii] =
sprintf('%X', sum(2L^((length(chunk) - 1L):0) * chunk))
paste(out, collapse = '')
if (hex) {
bias_print = bin_to_hex(x$bias_exponent)
mantissa_print = bin_to_hex(x$mantissa)
} else {
bias_print = paste(x$bias_exponent, collapse = '')
mantissa_print = paste(x$mantissa, collapse = '')
sprintf('%d | %s | %s', x$sign,
prettyNum(bias_print, big.mark = ' ', big.interval = 4L),
prettyNum(mantissa_print, big.mark = ' ', big.interval = 4L))
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