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Last active May 16, 2024 12:45
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GitHub GraphQL - Get Pull Requests using GH's GraphQL API

Get Pull Requests using GH's GraphQL API

How to get Pull Requests data using Github in the browser, or using the API to allow for automating reporting or building in values into a website.



There some approaches followed in this gist.

Get Pull Requests for the user

Use the pullRequests object on the viewer (current user). And showing the repo associated. This is not so clean.

Or get PRs withing repos of the view.

Search Pull Requests against other repos

The approaches above are not so flexible.

This approach uses a search that one can do in the browser on Github and use that query in a search function in the GQL API.

  1. Click Pull Requests on Github or go to .
  2. Change the search parameters or enter your own search.
  3. Use that search for the search GQL file in this gist.
    • Note that type should be ISSUE to get Pull Requests. Alternatively, get USER or REPOSITORY objects for other searches.
    • The default order is newest first. You can use oldest first with sort:created-asc.

Here are sample searches:

  • Default:
    • Get all own PRs for my user, whether for my own repos or not. Includes private repos by default and excludes archived repos.
    • is:open is:pr author:MichaelCurrin archived:false
  • Get all my contributions to public repos not owned by me:
  • PRs in atom/atom and atom/github after a given data:
    • is:pr created:>2019-04-01 repo:atom/atom repo:atom/github

Running queries


Use the explorer linked in Resources, copy and paste a query and run.



How to run a query using curl and an auth token.

curl -H "Authorization: bearer token" -X POST -d " \
 { \
   \"query\": \"query { viewer { login }}\" \
 } \

See Forming calls in the docs for details.


See below for simplified sample data for search query described earlier.

  "issueCount": 1,
  "edges": [
      "node": {
        "number": 105,
        "title": "fix: Allow config flag to take a parameter",
        "repository": {
          "nameWithOwner": "docsifyjs/docsify-cli"
        "createdAt": "2020-05-17T18:59:33Z",
        "mergedAt": "2020-05-18T08:39:27Z",
        "url": "",
        "changedFiles": 1,
        "additions": 1,
        "deletions": 1

Future development

I like the search approach so want to use that more.

  • The query can be parametized - send JSON data as the search query. Unfortunately the query has to be prepated in JSON - you can't send just username as an argument (unless GQL has a way to concatenate strings).
  • Adding paging for higher volume searches.
  • Extend to search for other types not just PRs.
  • Add a parser to turn the data in a CSV, or embed on a website.
viewer {
pullRequests(first: 100, states: CLOSED, orderBy: {field: UPDATED_AT, direction: DESC}) {
nodes {
repository {
viewer {
repositories(first: 5) {
nodes {
pullRequests(last: 5) {
nodes {
reviews(last: 100) {
nodes {
author {
search(query: "is:merged is:pr is:public archived:false author:MichaelCurrin -user:MichaelCurrin", type: ISSUE, first: 100) {
edges {
node {
... on PullRequest {
repository {
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Cool. Thanks for validating my approach, @MichaelCurrin

I have tried just the otherrepo-aws and I get the same error. There must be a configuration issue in that repo. If I have a GITHUB_TOKEN that should cover all the repos in my org, right?

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@dadamsGS Is it a private repo? Make sure your token includes private repos in scope.

You also run in the GH GraphQL explorer to see if it works there

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Is it possible to get all the PRs, whose title startsWith some string?
I couldn't find it in the docs.

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The search is limited to the search syntax (same in the APIs and in the UI as far as I know)

You can do advanced search here and generate syntax but there is nothing about PR name

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bivald commented May 23, 2023

This gist saved me hours of work, thank you =)

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@bivald glad to hear, you're welcome!

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Hi @MichaelCurrin , I tried to run the query: but getting error.

I want to get the list of all PRs in list of repos in my ORG created after a specific date and created with specific base branch . Is it possible to get this info?

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