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Jekyll - how to build a REST API

Jekyll - how to build a REST API

Serve your data as static JSON

How to make a read-only JSON REST API using Jekyll.

This doesn't need any Ruby plugins - you just use some built-in templating features in Jekyll 3 or 4.

You will end up with a single JSON file contains data for all pages on the site, and another JSON file of just posts. Alternatively, you can replace every HTML page and post with a JSON version.


Data source

You might have data stored in your Jekyll project. Typically in YAML, CSV or JSON file in the _data/ directory. Or in the frontmatter of your pages. This tutorial shows you how to render as JSON pages.

The data files could be:

  • in version control (visible in Git and on GitHub)
  • dynamic (ignored by Git) - for example if you have a script to fetch API data and write to _data every time you deploy your site.


This is useful if you want to make your data available for another service or for others to consume (like GitHub, Twitter and Facebook make their data available on APIs). Or perhaps you have JavaScript single-page application that reads from your API backend to serve the app or build a search index.


Given data in page frontmatter or a YAML data file:

  - a: 1
    b: 2
  - a: 100
    b: 200

Or CSV data as:

a,  b
1,  2

The rendered JSON page will look like this:

  • localhost:4000/foo.json
      { "a": "1", "b": "2" },
      { "a": "100", "b": "200" }

Static site note

Note that Jekyll is a static site generator. So your JSON API data will only be updated whenever you make a commit and the site rebuilds. If your API needs to have data which changes based on many users or needs to change in realtime, then you're better off using Node.js or Python for your API.

Summary of approach

Here we will use .json as the file extension, instead of the usual .md or .html. This means your HTTP header will be set correctly:

Content-Type	application/json

We'll also make sure to set the layout to null so that we get a pure JSON page without any HTML styling.

We'll use our the YAML data to build the response. If you use the jsonify Jekyll, you can convert data straight to JSON without worrying about for loops or JSON syntax.

I recommend using a Jekyll extension for your IDE, to handle Liquid syntax highlighting and recognizing frontmatter. Then make sure you choose jekyll as your formatter for your .json files.

Sitemap note

It looks like JSON files are excluded from a sitemap file by default. The plugin recognizes just HTML and Markdown files.


Taking it further

See also Data files in the Jekyll docs. You might iterate over data in a JSON or YAML file or files to build up output on a page. The data files are your database and then Jekyll builds your API. This is also a way to build a databse JSON file to be consumed on the frontend such as for search functionality.

Or you might store your data in the frontmatter of Jekyll Collections which get outputted as pages similar to the Page example below. That way you can group your JSON data into collections as interate over them easily.

All pages endpoint

Make a single JSON file containing data for all pages.

See also Post listing section.

Use site.pages if you want to list pages. This will exclude posts and collections.

  • api/pages.json
    layout: none
      {%- for page in site.pages %}
          "title":      {{- page.title | jsonify }},
          "url":        {{- page.url | relative_url | jsonify }}
        {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
      {% endfor -%}

You can do something similar with items in site.my_collection or all collections with site.collections.

Mix formats

If you mix your pages as HTML and JSON, you can add a filter to get only JSON files.

{% if post.ext == '.json' %}

This field works for posts only.

For pages, you'll have to use (e.g. and check if it ends with .json.

Pages as JSON files

Render each Markdown page as a JSON file, using frontmatter for data. Note that no HTML file is generated here.

  • _layouts/page.html - build up the JSON object, quoting all values and in the case of the body text we convert from markdown to HTML.
    layout: none
    {"title":{{ page.title | jsonify }},"content":{{ page.body | markdownify | jsonify }},"links":{{ page.links | jsonify }}}
  • foo.json - a Jekyll HTML/markdown page with a .json extension.
    layout: page
    title: Foo
    body: |
      Hello, **world**.
      I am here.
      - title: Go track on Exercism
      - title: Go tour  welcome page
      - title: Learn Go with Tests
      - title: Go for Python programmers

Output file

Visit at http://localhost:4000/foo.json

{"title":"Testing","content":"<p>Hello, <strong>world</strong>.\nI am here.</p>\n","links":[{"title":"Go track on Exercism","url":""},{"title":"Go tour  welcome page","url":""},{"title":"Learn Go with Tests","url":""},{"title":"Go for Python programmers","url":""}]}

Here it is in a more readable format:

  "content":"<p>Hello, <strong>world</strong>.\nI am here.</p>\n",
  "links": [
    {"title":"Go track on Exercism","url":""},
    {"title":"Go tour  welcome page","url":""},
    {"title":"Learn Go with Tests","url":""},
    {"title":"Go for Python programmers","url":""}

All posts endpoint

Make a single JSON file containing data for all posts.

Input file

  • api/posts.json
    layout: none
      {%- for post in site.posts %}
          "id":         {{- | jsonify -}},
          "title":      {{- post.title | jsonify }},
          "date":       {{- | jsonify }},
          "url":        {{- post.url | relative_url | jsonify }},
          "tags":       {{- post.tags | jsonify }},
          "categories": {{- post.categories | jsonify }}
        {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
      {% endfor -%}

Add content too if you need that, but it will make the output a lot longer and the JSON file will make a lot bigger to download.

"content": {{- content | jsonify }}

You might want to put that through a Markdown to HTML converter filter if you want HTML.

Also note that Liquid code in the content won't get rendered - you'll get the raw code.

Output file

  • /posts/
          "title":"Meaning and recognition",
          "date":"2020-05-15 00:00:00 +0200",
        // more posts...


Optionally set a permalink as:

permalink: /api/posts/

Then you can access it as /api/posts/ instead of /api/posts.json.

Posts as JSON files

How to output each Markdown post into a JSON file.

Input file

Here we make a post in the usual _posts directory.

The layout is also much lighter and more flexible - using the data object without caring about keys, values and formatting.

The downside is that you have to be more verbose in your post frontmatter to define a YAML variable with & and then use it with *. Based on this YAML tutorial.

Also note unlike in the page example above, we don't covert to body content from markdown to HTML.

  • _layouts/post.html - a layout which uses frontmatter and converts it to JSON output.
    layout: none
    {{ | jsonify }}
  • _posts/2020-12-12-hello.json - a post with a .jsonextension.
    layout: post
    title: &title Hello world
    categories: &categories
      - Go
      - Python
    content: &content |
      Hello, **world**
      I am here
      title: *title
      categories: *categories
      content: *content

Output file

Visit at http://localhost:4000/go/python/2020/12/12/hello.json

{"title":"Hello world","categories":["Go","Python"],"content":"Hello, **world**\nI am here\n"}
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Thanks for the additional info - glad this gist is providing a discussion and sharing.

The problem I understand was with image paths within the page content - if the site is on a subpath like and you use relative_url then I think that gets lost.

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RyanTG commented May 24, 2022

Correct - yes, I was focused on content. Your solutions seem the best (hard code or prepend later). Thanks!

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