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elixir, traversing maps and lists. Also look at iex history.


Shrink a map into a head | tail by using another maps keys:

(note: you could skip a step here by just having a list of keys.)

Starting place:

map = %{k1: :v1, k2: :v2, k3: :v3}  
exampleMap = %{k1: :anyName, k2: :valueDoesNotMatter}

removeMap = Map.keys(exampleMap)  
newMap1 = Map.drop(map, removeMap)

removeMap2 = Map.keys(newMap1)  
newMap2 = Map.drop(map, removeMap2)

IO.inspect([newMap1, newMap2])

Look at your current IEx process's iex_history queue:
(also in this post ... traversing a twice nested Keyword list)

first iteration: uses to get by index and work on my machine.

( self) |> |>elem(1) |> |> Map.fetch(:iex_history) |> elem(1)|>

second iteration: uses Keyword.fetch to make the solution more compatable with other peoples computers.

( self) |> |>elem(1) |> Keyword.fetch(:iex_history) |> elem(1) |>

final iteration, uses get_in and avoids how the previous solutions added complications to the data structure wrapping parts tuples along the process.

self |> |> get_in([:dictionary,:iex_history]) |> IEx.History.each(&IO.inspect/1)
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