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Last active December 21, 2023 19:51
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react recommendations for new users

Do you have any good react start up guides you recommend?

My take,

The documentation on hooks is very helpful

  • the fact that it is not the default when you go through the react docs is kind of frustrating.

^ I would read through 1-8

Resources that I use regularly:

blog-posts from:
log-rocket, kent c dodds, or tweets from dan abrimov.

The only thing that is super helpful to know with react class components is
an understanding of the lifecycle methods and how rendering works in react:

Which has this document:

For the most part with react hooks the most used hooks in a project are often
useState, useEffect and useRef

Good kent c Dodds articles

The virtual dom diffs the actual dom and determines what needs to be committed
The "render" phase: create React elements React.createElement (learn more)
The "reconciliation" phase: compare previous elements with the new ones (learn more)
The "commit" phase: update the DOM (if needed).

Regarding the front end framework landscape:

React is definitely a good language to start with,

Even though it is like the wild wild west
everyone does their own thing.

React is simple, but here are some helpful patterns to use:


logic tests, (often these are unit tests)

  • testing functions with different inputs and expecting certain outputs.

Render tests:

Some example tests that I reference:
^ most of the tests I write are very similar to this template.

helpful intro talk:

currently I am looking at testing with time zones:

Part 2

Conceptual javascript video, event loop

Some links / videos

The kent react performance workshop

Touches on a lot of items we consider when building a react app

Warning webpack zone: feel free to ignore

Javascript performance considerations (addy osmani)

10k or bust talk (from 2018)

Stuff covered in 10k or bust talk:

  1. bundle size configuration
  2. network throttling
  3. babel preset configs
  4. lazy loading / tree shaking, back when lazy loading was new 😄
  5. more stuff
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