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Created September 9, 2016 17:54
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(s/def :flow/predicate
(s/or :and (s/cat :op (partial = :and) :exprs (s/+ :flow/predicate))
:or (s/cat :op (partial = :or) :exprs (s/+ :flow/predicate))
:not (s/cat :op (partial = :not) :exprs (s/cat :pred :flow/predicate))
:fn keyword?
:fn-and-args (s/cat :fn (λ [x]
(and (keyword? x)
(not (some #{x} #{:and :or :not}))))
:args (s/* keyword?))))
(s/conform :flow/predicate [:and [:f :x] [:or [:not [:g :a :b :c]] [:h :z]]])
;; =>
{:op :and,
[[:fn-and-args {:fn :f, :args [:x]}]
{:op :or,
{:op :not,
:exprs {:pred [:fn-and-args {:fn :g, :args [:a :b :c]}]}}]
[:fn-and-args {:fn :h, :args [:z]}]]}]]}]
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