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Created June 7, 2020 17:58
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What is the value of a checklist?

  • I think checklist can bring tons of value to work growth and personal growth. First off I think it helps with overall organization of thought. It will help when I am out and about either making sure I don’t forget to do something important like pick up eggs for my grocery checklist or pay a bill on time. Without check list I could easily space picking up eggs or tickets. It also help formulate a process of things to consider. Going with the eggs example lets say I remember I need eggs but while writing the list I remember that I also need hot sauce. Making a list gives me another opportunity to think of things I might forget in the moment. I also find checking things off to be satisfying and when things are not checked off I tend to work harder to make sure they get done. In the mod one belt I enjoyed the feeling of moving something to the done file and seeing a the progress bar increase and soon it will be full yahhhh! I think it is a tool that I should use more often then what I previously did however I look forward into getting into the habit more.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

  • What I plan on improving while at Turing, is a complex question with multiple answers. The most obvious is to learn a new skill of coding. I want look at a bit of coding and be able to understand what it means and build upon it. Then I want be grow more comfortable and talking tech with others and feel that I can hold my own in the conversation. I believe that we have opportunities to grow both in a work sense and a personal accept. Besides the understanding of the technical aspect I would like to grow relationships with my team. I would like to not have to worry about my weakness as much because my strength will out weigh any hinderance. I see this as a massive growth opportunity and I am thrilled to be a part of.
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