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Pair Project Reflection hang in mod-1
# Hang In There
### Abstract
This was a partner project that encompassed working with javascript to get a functional motivational posters page by interacting with the CSS and HTML files provided. Some of the steps included
Establishing a clear working relationship with my partner and setting goals that could be reached within our timeline.
Integrating math.random to make a random to make a function that will use eventListeners to represent display a random poster on submitting on a load of the page
Our team then used a form to make submission work to display a new poster by the user
The user would then be able to click save the poster to have the poster saved to our data model SavedPosters that would be used to update the dom in our saved poster section
With the poster being saved the poster would then inherit a class from the article section that would help display format the poster into a mini-poster this would also prevent duplicates from being made by using an if statement
Inside the saved poster section the user would be able to double click to remove the mini-poster from the data model and the dom
### Overall
Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a colleague and how you resolved it. (only choose if applicable to this project)
One of the times that our team ran a disagreement was during how to properly use delete a save poster function we utilized our teammate agreement form to solve the issue. This resulted in both of us taking the time to research our own ideas and theories then we came together presented the ideas and talked about the benefits and flaws of each idea. In this, we tried both ideas to see which would work best this resulted in a combination of both ideas.
### Technical
You can’t work out how to solve a coding problem. What do you do to find the answer?
So we used several a detailed path on how to get to the answer
1. we would try solving the issue by talking it out if that gave any hint we would try looking those up in google or MDN.
2. If that did not work then we went right to detail out our pseudocode more to see if we could write out the steps we need and did some more searching.
3. We then would talk through the code one more time, if this did not yield any results we would reach out to our peers and see if they were having a similar issue and how to best address these issues.
4. With our, we would walk through the issue explaining what we expected, what we tried, and what we have gotten from our results. This resulted in finding our results
### Reflection
A personal/perfectional takeaway I have from this project is the value of setting partner expectations right off the bat. This really helped with how our team would communicate with issues or what the goals of the project were for both of us. We also knew where we wanted to be each day. I also feel that communicating was rather easy being since we exchanged numbers right off the bat and would both pay attention to our slack channel
I was really lost with the concept of classes and how they would interact with the HTML and js. I feel that I have a stronger understanding of that at this time. I feel that I could make a button or check for events at this time. Additionally, I learned a ton about how the DOm interacts with the data model. We had an issue with delete posters that would delete fr4om the data model but not the dom. Seeing that error firsthand made it rather clear which was which and why we would use one over the other.
I would like to focus on getting comfortable splitting off earlier to do research, I also think that I could improve my technical writing skills to be better suited for the README document.
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