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C++ Conway's Game of Life
//Michael Estes
//Conway's Game of Life C++
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void enterBoard(char firstBoard[][45], int& rows, int& columns);
void fileBoard(char firstBoard[][45], int &rows, int &columns);
void keyboardBoard(char firstBoard[][45], int &rows, int &columns);
void pattern(char board[][45], int& rows, int& columns);
void playGame(char currentBoard[][45], char nextBoard[][45], int rows, int columns);
void restartGame(char firstBoard[][45],char currentBoard[][45], int rows, int columns);
void displayBoard(char board[][45], int rows, int columns);
int cellNeighbors(char board[][45], int row, int column);
void boardCopy(char initBoard[][45], char newBoard[][45]);
float numLiveCells(char board[][45]);
void stop(void);
int main()
char firstBoard[25][45], currentBoard[25][45], nextBoard[25][45];
int choice, rows, columns;
cout << "Conway's Game of Life" << endl;
enterBoard(firstBoard, rows, columns);
boardCopy(firstBoard, currentBoard);
displayBoard(currentBoard, rows, columns);
cout << "Menu" << endl
<< "(1) Play Conway's Game of Life" << endl
<< "(2) Restart the Game" << endl
<< "(3) Display the Current Board" << endl
<< "(4) Enter a New Board" << endl
<< "(5) Stop the Program" << endl;
cout << "Please enter your choice between 1 and 5: ";
cin >> choice;
}while(choice > 5 || choice < 1);
if(choice == 1)
playGame(currentBoard, nextBoard, rows, columns);
else if(choice == 2)
restartGame(firstBoard, currentBoard, rows, columns);
else if(choice == 3)
displayBoard(currentBoard, rows, columns);
else if(choice == 4)
enterBoard(firstBoard, rows, columns);
else if(choice == 5)
}while(choice != 5);
return 0;
void enterBoard(char firstBoard[][45], int& rows, int& columns)
int fileKeyboard;
cout << "Would you like to load the data from a file(1), keyboard?(2)" << endl
<< "or use a predifined pattern(3): ";
cin >> fileKeyboard;
if(fileKeyboard == 1)
fileBoard(firstBoard, rows, columns);
else if(fileKeyboard == 2)
keyboardBoard(firstBoard, rows, columns);
else if(fileKeyboard == 3)
pattern(firstBoard, rows, columns);
cout << "Please enter 1 for file, 2 for keyboard or 3 for pattern: ";
cin >> fileKeyboard;
}while(fileKeyboard < 1 || fileKeyboard > 3);
void fileBoard(char firstBoard[][45], int &rows, int &columns)
char fileName[101];
fstream infile;
cout << "Please enter the location of the file: ";
cin >> fileName;, ios::in);
infile >> rows;
infile >> columns;
for(int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for(int ix = 1; ix <= columns; ix++)
infile >> firstBoard[i][ix];
void keyboardBoard(char firstBoard[][45], int &rows, int &columns)
char again;
int liveRow, liveCol;
cout << "Please enter the number of rows between 5 and 20: ";
cin >> rows;
}while(rows < 5 || rows > 20);
cout << "Please enter the number of columns between 5 and 40: ";
cin >> columns;
}while(columns < 5 || columns > 40);
for(int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for(int ix = 1; ix <= columns; ix++)
firstBoard[i][ix] = '-';
cout << "Please enter the live cells" << endl;
cout << "Please enter the row (between 1 and " << rows << "): ";
cin >> liveRow;
}while(liveRow < 1 || liveRow > rows);
cout << "Please enter the column (between 1 and " << columns << "): ";
cin >> liveCol;
}while(liveCol < 1 || liveCol > columns);
firstBoard[liveRow][liveCol] = '*';
cout << "Would you like to add another live cell? (y/n): ";
cin >> again;
}while(again == 'y' || again == 'Y');
void pattern(char board[][45], int& rows, int& columns)
int i, ix;
rows = 20;
columns = 40;
for(i = 1; i <= rows; ++i)
for(ix = 1; ix <= columns; ++ix)
board[i][ix] = '-';
for(i = 1; i <= rows; i+=2)
for(ix = 1; ix <= columns; ix++)
board[i][ix] = '*';
void playGame(char currentBoard[][45], char nextBoard[][45], int rows, int columns)
int numTurns;
int neighbors;
cout << "How many turns would you like to play? (Greater than 0): ";
cin >> numTurns;
}while(numTurns < 1);
displayBoard(currentBoard, rows, columns);
for(int turns = 0; turns < numTurns; ++turns)
for(int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for(int ix = 1; ix <= columns; ix++)
neighbors = cellNeighbors(currentBoard, i, ix);
if (neighbors < 2)
nextBoard[i][ix] = '-';
else if (neighbors > 3)
nextBoard[i][ix] = '-';
else if (neighbors == 3)
nextBoard[i][ix] = '*';
else if (currentBoard[i][ix] == '*' && neighbors == 2)
nextBoard[i][ix] = '*';
nextBoard[i][ix] = '-';
displayBoard(nextBoard, rows, columns);
boardCopy(nextBoard, currentBoard);
void restartGame(char firstBoard[][45],char currentBoard[][45], int rows, int columns)
playGame(firstBoard, currentBoard, rows, columns);
void displayBoard(char board[][45], int rows, int columns)
char keepGoing;
int i, ix;
float percent, live;
live = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= rows + 1; i++)
cout << "|";
for(ix = 1; ix <= columns; ix++)
if(board[i][ix] != '*')
board[i][ix] = ' ';
cout << board[i][ix];
cout << "|" << endl;
live = numLiveCells(board);
percent = (live / (rows * columns)) * 100;
cout << "Rows = " << rows << ", Columns = " << columns << ", Live = " << live << ", Pct = " << percent << endl;
cout << "Press any letter or number to continue: ";
cin >> keepGoing;
int cellNeighbors(char board[][45], int row, int column)
int neighbor;
neighbor = 0;
if(board[row-1][column-1] == '*')
if(board[row][column-1] == '*')
if(board[row-1][column] == '*')
if(board[row-1][column+1] == '*')
if(board[row+1][column-1] == '*')
if(board[row+1][column] == '*')
if(board[row][column+1] == '*')
if(board[row+1][column+1] == '*')
return neighbor;
void boardCopy(char initBoard[][45], char newBoard[][45])
for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
for(int ix = 0; ix < 45; ix++)
newBoard[i][ix] = initBoard[i][ix];
float numLiveCells(char board[][45])
float live;
live = 0.0f;
for(int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
for(int ix = 1; ix <= 40; ix++)
if(board[i][ix] == '*')
return live;
void stop(void)
cout << "Goodbye" << endl;
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