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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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MEAN.JS setup summary
## Setup your MEAN.JS and Heroku dev/stage/prod environment
# Config for your project:
## Create Production server
# From our repo directory, create a heroku app
heroku create $YOURAPPNAME
# Make this production server
git remote rename heroku production
# Add MongoHQ db
heroku addons:add mongohq --app $YOURAPPNAME
# Configure for Production
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production --app $YOURAPPNAME
# Deploy
git push production master
heroku open --app $YOURAPPNAME
## Create Staging server
# Configure
heroku fork -a $YOURAPPNAME $YOURAPPNAME-stage
git remote add stage$YOURAPPNAME-stage.git
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production --app $YOURAPPNAME-stage
# Deploy
git push stage dev:master
heroku open --app $YOURAPPNAME-stage
## Setup your MEAN.JS project
# Config for your project:
# Fork project on GitHub
# Clone it
git clone$GITHUB/mean.git $PROJECT
# Make your dev branch
git checkout -b dev
# Make a remote called upstream to the Official repo
git remote add upstream
# fetch upstream repo data.
git fetch upstream
# Branch for MEAN.JS code - track upstream master for changes
git checkout -b meanjs --track upstream/master
# Configure remote for pull requests
git remote rename origin fork
# Setup a private repo. Don't forget your ssh key
# Configure new origin to private repo
git remote add origin$BITBUCKET/$PROJECT.git
# Push local branches to origin. Set upstream so they push/pull to origin automatically
git push --set-upstream origin master
git push --set-upstream origin dev
# leave meanjs upstream as remote upstream
git push origin meanjs
# Ok, end of configuration
exit 0
## Task: Update project from Official MEAN.JS
git pull upstream master
# Or because we used --track to configure branch
git checkout meanjs
git pull
# Switch to our dev branch and merge changes
git checkout dev
git merge meanjs
## TASK: Contribute code back to MEAN.JS
# Syntax: [remote] [branch]
git push fork meanjs
# Goto and make your pull request
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