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Mike's Mirth Utils
* ChannelUtils
* @param config: {name, user, password, url, dbClass, cacheConnection, cacheName}
* @param a db connection name must be unique or will cause issues
* @param config.user: user name to use for db connection
* @param config.password: db user password
* @param config.url: db url
* @param config.dbClass: db class - Default: org.postgresql.Driver
* @param config.cacheConnection: Should cache the connection? true/false
* @param config.cacheName: default -
* @constructor
function ChannelUtils(config) {
config = config || $cfg('mirthDB'), config)
ChannelUtils.prototype = Object.create(DBConnection.prototype)
// $tryElse inherited from DBConnection
ChannelUtils.prototype.getDBID = function (cid) {
cid = cid || channelId
const resultSet = this.executeDBStatement('SELECT local_channel_id from d_channels where channel_id = ?;', true, [cid])
if ( return Number.parseInt(JSON.parse(resultSet.getString(1)))
throw new Error(channelId + ":" + channelId + ": " + "Failed to get DB ID for channelId: " + cid)
ChannelUtils.prototype.createMetaDataIndex = function (metadata) {
const columnName = metadata.toUpperCase()
const tableName = 'd_mcm' + this.getDBID()
const sqlStmt = 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS ' + 'idx_' + tableName + '_' + columnName + ' ON ' + tableName + ' ("' + columnName + '");'
this.executeDBStatement(sqlStmt, false)
ChannelUtils.prototype.getMessageByMetadata = function (key, value, cid) {
const dbID = this.getDBID(cid)
if (!dbID) {
this.throwError('getMessageByMetadata()', 'No dbID found for channel ID: ' + cid)
const sql = [
'select * from d_mc## right join d_mcm## on d_mcm##.message_id = d_mc##.message_id and d_mcm##.metadata_id = d_mc##.metadata_id where "',
'" = ?::varchar and content_type = 1'
].join('').replace(/##/g, dbID)
const sqlStmnt = this.sqlRowsAsJSON(sql)
// value is explicitly converted to a string for mirth 3.7.0 to fix:
// org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Can't infer the SQL type to use for an instance of org.mozilla.javascript.NativeString
const resultSet = this.executeDBStatement(sqlStmnt || sql, true, [String(value)])
if ( {
return sqlStmnt ? JSON.parse(resultSet.getString(1)) : resultSet
return sqlStmnt ? [] : resultSet
ChannelUtils._updateIndex = function (name, cid) {
const globalIndex = globalMap.get('ChannelUtilsIndex') || {}
globalIndex[name] = cid
globalMap.put('ChannelUtilsIndex', globalIndex)
ChannelUtils.setMessageIndex = function (key, value, name, dbConfig) {
const channelUtils = new ChannelUtils(String($cfg(dbConfig)))
channelMap.put(key, value)
ChannelUtils._updateIndex(name, channelId)
ChannelUtils.getMessageByIndex = function (key, value, name, dbConfig, options) {
options = options || {sort: true}
const channelUtils = new ChannelUtils(String($cfg(dbConfig)))
const globalIndex = globalMap.get('ChannelUtilsIndex')
const cid = globalIndex[name]
var result = channelUtils.getMessageByMetadata(key, value, cid) || []
if (options.sort) {
result = result.sort((a, b) => a.message_id > b.message_id)
if (options.parseXml) {
result = => new XML(SerializerFactory.getSerializer('HL7V2').toXML(order.content)))
if (options.filter) {
result = result.filter(order => options.filter.indexOf(order['ORC']['ORC.1']['ORC.1.1'].toString()) > -1)
return result
* Gets messages from channel with {channelID} by metadata column {key} with value of {value}
* @param {string} key metadata column
* @param {string} value metadata value
* @param {string} channelID
* @param {string} dbConfig $cfg map key for db config
* @param {boolean} [parseXml=false] should parse to XML?
* @param {boolean} [sort=true] should sort by message id?
* @param {[string]} [filter] should filter on ORC.1.1 example ['XO', 'NW', 'SC']
* @return {[*]}
ChannelUtils.getMessageByIndexV2 = function ({key, value, channelID, dbConfig, parseXml, sort, filter}) {
const channelUtils = new ChannelUtils(String($cfg(dbConfig)))
var result = channelUtils.getMessageByMetadata(key, value, channelID) || []
if (sort) {
result = result.sort((a, b) => a.message_id > b.message_id)
if (parseXml) {
result = => new XML(SerializerFactory.getSerializer('HL7V2').toXML(order.content)))
if (Array.isArray(filter)) {
result = result.filter(order => filter.indexOf(order['ORC']['ORC.1']['ORC.1.1'].toString()) > -1)
return result
/* global check, $cfg, SerializerFactory, XML, globalMap, channelMap, channelId, DBConnection*/
* DBConnection is a base class designed to be extended and provide basic DB functionality in a reusable fashion.
* Author: Michael Lee Hobbs
* History:
* - 20201226 - Initial Release
* - 20210406 - PACMANO Release, the Less is MORE edition! Line count cut by %40! Simplification of code.
* example config:
* {"name": "mirthdb", "user": "mirthdb", "password": "mirthdb", "url": "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/mirthdb", "dbClass": "org.postgresql.Driver", "cacheConnection": true}
* @param config: {name, user, password, url, dbClass, cacheConnection, cacheName}
* @param a db connection name must be unique or will cause issues
* @param config.user: user name to use for db connection
* @param config.password: db user password
* @param config.url: db url
* @param config.dbClass: db class - Default: org.postgresql.Driver
* @param config.cacheConnection: Should cache the connection? true/false
* @param config.cacheName: optional for cross channel caching - defaults to
* @constructor
function DBConnection(config) {
if (!config) this.throwError(null, 'config is undefined!')
this._config = (typeof config === 'string') ? JSON.parse(config) : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config));
['name', 'url', 'user', 'password'].forEach(key => !this._config[key] && this.throwError(null, 'config.' + key + ' is undefined!'))
this._config.cacheName = this._config.cacheName || ['cachedConnection', channelName,].join(':')
// utility functions
const $tryElse = (cb, elseCB) => {
try {
return cb()
} catch (e) {
return elseCB(e)
const $sleep = (ms) => java.lang.Thread.sleep(ms)
* Closes the DB connection
DBConnection.prototype.closeConnection = () => $tryElse(() => globalMap.get(this._config.cacheName).close(), () => '')
* Executes a SQL statement
* @param statement
* @param isQuery
* @param paramList - Java ArrayList or JS Array
* @return {*|undefined} - results or undefined
DBConnection.prototype.executeDBStatement = function (statement, isQuery, paramList, _retry) {
statement = String(statement)
_retry = (_retry || 0) + 1 // recursive call
const dbConnection = this._getConnection()
const arrList = Array.isArray(paramList) ? paramList : []
if (paramList instanceof {
const paramListIterator = paramList.iterator()
while (paramListIterator.hasNext()) arrList.push('' +
try {
return (isQuery) ? dbConnection.executeCachedQuery(statement, paramList || arrList) : dbConnection.executeUpdate(statement, paramList || arrList)
} catch (e) {
const errorCheck = ['I/O error', 'This connection has been closed.', 'FATAL: sorry, too many clients already', 'FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command'] // temporary issues // 20211005 pcoyne ADD AWS timeout
if (_retry < 10 && errorCheck.some(check => e.message.indexOf(check) > -1)) {
$sleep(_retry * 100)
return this.executeDBStatement(statement, isQuery, paramList, _retry)
const debugStatement = arrList.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.replace('?', "'" + cur + "'"), statement)
throw this.errorPrefix('executeDBStatement', 'statement: ' + debugStatement + ', isQuery: ' + isQuery + ' on "' + + '"', e)
} finally {
if (!this._config.cacheConnection) this.closeConnection()
* Executes multiple request in order
* @param paramsArr [statement, isQuery, paramList] - See executeDBStatement
* @return [{*|undefined}]
DBConnection.prototype.executeDBStatements = (paramsArr) =>[statement, isQuery, paramList]) => this.executeDBStatement(statement, isQuery, paramList))
DBConnection.prototype.errorPrefix = function (func, msg, error) {
(error = error || new Error()).message = channelName + ': ' + + (func && '.' + func || '') + (msg && ' - ' + msg || '') + '\n' + error.message //+ '\n' + error.stack
return error
* Throw or log and error adding additional information
* @param func - optional - Name of function that is throwing
* @param msg - optional - Additional message, example could be additional error information
* @param error - original error object
DBConnection.prototype.throwError = function (func, msg, error) {
(error = error || new Error()).message = channelName + ': ' + + (func && '.' + func || '') + (msg && ' - ' + msg || '') + '\n' + error.message + '\n' + error.stack
throw error
DBConnection.prototype._getConnection = function (_retry) {
_retry = (_retry || 0) + 1
const dbConnection = globalMap.get(this._config.cacheName)
const result = $tryElse(() => !Boolean(globalMap.get(this._config.cacheName).getConnection().isClosed()), (e) => e)
if (result === true) return dbConnection
if (result instanceof Error && _retry > 5) this.throwError('_getConnection()', 'Failed to open a connection!', result)
$sleep(_retry * 100)
const {dbClass, url, user, password} = this._config
try {
globalMap.put(this._config.cacheName, DatabaseConnectionFactory.createDatabaseConnection(dbClass, url, user, password))
} catch (e) {
this.throwError('_getConnection', '', e)
return this._getConnection(_retry)
* Wraps sql statement in array to json and array agg if wrapper for a given DB is found.
* @param sql
* @return {String} sql statement
DBConnection.prototype.sqlRowsAsJSON = function (sql) {
const wrappers = {
'org.postgresql.Driver': (sql) => "select array_to_json(array_agg(t)) from (" + sql + ") as t;"
if (wrappers[this._config.dbClass]) return wrappers[this._config.dbClass](sql)
* Wraps sql statement in array agg if wrapper for a given DB is found.
* @param sql
* @return {String} sql statement
DBConnection.prototype.sqlAsJSON = function (sql) {
const wrappers = {
'org.postgresql.Driver': (sql) => "select array_agg(t) from (" + sql + ") as t;"
if (wrappers[this._config.dbClass]) return wrappers[this._config.dbClass](sql)
* Author: Michael Lee Hobbs
* History:
* - 20201221 - Initial Release
* - 20201226 - Added expect.component, preprocessor's, encoding's
* - 20201226 - Added response.setResponseStatus, limitMsgObx5Length
const utils = {
string: {
removeNonAscii: (str) => String(str || '').replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/g, ''),
splitOnSpace: (str, length, noTrim) => {
var regex = new RegExp("(.{1," + length + "}(\\s|$))\\s*", 'g')
var matches = String(str).match(regex) || ['']
return => (noTrim) ? ele : ele.trim())
clean: (str, defaultValue) => String(str || defaultValue || '').replace(/undefine|null/g, ''),
cleanAllObjectKeys: (obj) => Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => obj[k] = utils.string.clean(obj[k])),
date: {
toHL7DT: (date, includeTZ) => {
const _date = (date instanceof Date) ? date.toISOString() : String(date)
var tz = ''
if (includeTZ) tz = '-0000'
return _date.split('.')[0].replace(/[\s-T:]/g, '') + tz
toHL7Date: (date) => {
const _date = (date instanceof Date) ? date.toISOString() : String(date)
return _date.split('T')[0].replace(/[\s-T:]/g, '')
getAge: (date) => {
date = (typeof date === 'string') ? new Date(date) : date
const year = (new Date()).getFullYear()
return year - date.getFullYear()
parseHL7DT: (dateString) => {
const year = dateString.substring(0, 4)
const month = dateString.substring(4, 6)
const day = dateString.substring(6, 8)
const hour = dateString.substring(8, 10) || '00'
const min = dateString.substring(10, 12) || '00'
const sec = dateString.substring(12, 14) || '00'
var tz = '-0000'
if (dateString.indexOf(/[-+]/)) tz = dateString.slice(-5) // has tz
var dtStr = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + 'T' + hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec + tz
return new Date(dtStr)
handlers: {
runIt: (fn, args) => (typeof fn === 'function') ? fn(args) : fn,
tryIt: (fn, defaultValue) => {
var result = undefined
try {
if (Array.isArray(fn)) fn.some(func => (result = utils.handlers.tryIt(func)) !== undefined)
else result = utils.handlers.runIt(fn)
return result !== undefined ? result : utils.handlers.runIt(defaultValue)
} catch (e) {
return utils.handlers.runIt(defaultValue, e)
array: {
limitElementLength: (arr, length) => {
var out = []
arr.forEach((line) => {
var _line = line.trim()
if (_line.length > length) utils.string.splitOnSpace(_line, length).forEach(l => out.push(l))
else out.push(_line)
return out
xml: {
encoding: {
field: {value: '|', escaped: '\\F\\'},
component: {value: '^', escaped: '\\S\\'},
fieldRepetition: {value: '~', escaped: '\\R\\'},
escape: {value: '\\', escaped: '\\E\\'},
subcomponent: {value: '&', escaped: '\\T\\'},
// segment: {value: '\r' escaped: '\\Cxxyy\\'},
unescapeEncodingChars: (str, encoding) => {
const {field, component, fieldRepetition, escape, subcomponent} = encoding || utils.xml.encoding
const getRegex = (enc) => new RegExp('\\' + enc.escaped + '\\', 'g')
const decode = (str, code) => str.replace(getRegex(code), code.value)
var out = decode(str, field)
out = decode(out, field)
out = decode(out, component)
out = decode(out, fieldRepetition)
out = decode(out, subcomponent)
return decode(out, escape)
escapeEncodingChars: (str, encoding) => {
const {field, component, fieldRepetition, escape, subcomponent} = encoding || utils.xml.encoding
var out = utils.xml.unescapeEncodingChars(str)
return out.split('').map(char => {
if (char === field.value) return field.escaped
if (char === component.value) return component.escaped
if (char === fieldRepetition.value) return fieldRepetition.escaped
if (char === escape.value) return escape.escaped
if (char === subcomponent.value) return subcomponent.escaped
return char
writePerson: (seg, data, hasId) => {
if (!seg) throw new Error('seg cannot be undefined!')
const {id, family, given, middle, suffix, prefix, degree} = data
const base = + '.'
var index = 1
if (hasId) seg[base + index++] = id || ''
seg[base + index++] = family || ''
seg[base + index++] = given || ''
seg[base + index++] = middle || ''
seg[base + index++] = suffix || ''
seg[base + index++] = prefix || ''
seg[base + index++] = degree || ''
expect: {
component: (xmlObj, options) => {
options.encoding = options.encoding || utils.xml.encoding
const {encoding, suppressError, shouldEscape} = options
try {
if (xmlObj.hasSimpleContent()) return xmlObj.toString()
// this means we have subcomponents
const segName =
const json = JSON.parse(XmlUtil.toJson(xmlObj.toString()))[segName]
const out = Object.keys(json).reduce((acc, key) => acc.push(json[key]) && acc, []).join(encoding.subcomponent.value)
if (!shouldEscape) return out
return utils.xml.escapeEncodingChars(out, encoding)
} catch (e) {
if (!suppressError) throw e
logger.error(channelName + ': Error! ' + e)
preprocessor: {
* Executes each transformer on each seg of a raw HL7 message
* @param message - raw HL7 message
* @param transformers - array of functions that will be executed in order with each being passed the result of the previous function with the first being passed the original seg
* @param segmentDeliminator - optional default \r
* @return {string}
process: (message, transformers, segmentDeliminator) => {
segmentDeliminator = segmentDeliminator || '\r'
return String(message)
.map(seg => transformers.reduce((acc, transformer) => transformer(acc) || acc, seg) || seg)
transformers: {
nonRepeatingField: (filter, fields, fieldDeliminator, fieldRepetition) => {
fieldDeliminator = fieldDeliminator || '|'
fieldRepetition = fieldRepetition || '~'
return (seg) => {
if (seg.startsWith(filter)) {
return seg.split(fieldDeliminator)
.map((ele, i) => fields.includes(i) ? ele.replace(new RegExp(fieldRepetition, 'g'), '\\R\\') : ele)
postprocessor: {
limitMsgObx5Length: (msg, length) => {
var newMsg = <HL7Message/>;
for each(seg in msg.children()) {
var segName = String(
if (segName === 'MSH') newMsg.MSH = msg.MSH.copy()
else if (segName === 'OBX') {
utils.string.splitOnSpace(seg['OBX.5']['OBX.5.1'].toString(), length).forEach(line => {
var obx = seg.copy()
obx['OBX.5']['OBX.5.1'] = line
} else {
for (var i = 1; i <= newMsg.elements('OBX').length(); i++) {
newMsg.OBX[i - 1]['OBX.1']['OBX.1.1'] = i
return newMsg
response: {
setResponseStatus: (msg, statusMap, maxAttempts) => {
// called outside a response transformer
if (!responseStatus) {
logger.warn(channelName + ': called utils.response.setResponseStatus outside of a response transformer!')
const status = String(msg['ERR']['ERR.4']['ERR.4.2'])
const attempt = Number.parseInt(connectorMessage.getSendAttempts()) || 0
if (maxAttempts && maxAttempts > attempt) return
statusMap.some((map) => {
if (map.match === status) {
responseStatus = map.status
return true
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = utils
* PersistentMap extends DBConnection and is a DB backed persistent map and can be accessed from anywhere/anytime unlike most Mirth Connect maps.
* Author: Michael Lee Hobbs
* History:
* - 20201226 - Initial Release
* example config:
* {
* "mapName": "john_doe_memorial_persistent_map",
* "name": "mirthdb",
* "user": "mirthdb",
* "password": "mirthdb",
* "url": "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/mirthdb",
* "dbClass": "org.postgresql.Driver",
* "cacheConnection": true,
* "expires": 15
* }
* Usage Example:
* ### Start of Example ###
* # Deploy Script
* var persistentMap = new PersistentMap(JSON.parse($cfg('joe_doe_memorial_persistent_map')))
* persistentMap.initialize()
* return;
* # Transformer Script Source:
* var $p = new PersistentMap(JSON.parse($cfg('john_doe_memorial_persistent_map')))
* var id = msg['V_ALLDATA']['V_CUSTOM']['RECORDID']
* $p.set(id + ':' + type, msg['V_ALLDATA']['V_OBSERVATIONREPORT']['BUFFERCONTENT'])
* const txt = $p.get(id + ':TXT').value
* const pdf = $p.get(id + ':PDF').value
* if (!txt || !pdf) return destinationSet.removeAll()
* ### End of Example ###
* @param config: {mapName, name, user, password, url, dbClass, cacheConnection, expires, initialize}
* @param config.mapName: mapName name
* @param a db connection name must be unique or will cause issues
* @param config.user: user name to use for db connection
* @param config.password: db user password
* @param config.url: db url
* @param config.dbClass: db class
* @param config.cacheConnection: Should cache the connection? true/false
* @param config.expires: optional integer, defaults to 30, number of days entry will expire in and be deleted after last update - this can be set per channel
* @param config.initialize: optional boolean, if true will call PersistentMap.initialize()
* @constructor
function PersistentMap(config) {, config)
this._expires = Number.parseInt(config.expires) || 30
if (!config.mapName) throw new Error(this.getErrorPrefix('constructor(config)') + ' - config.mapName is undefined!')
this._mapName = config.mapName
if (config.initialize) this.initialize()
PersistentMap.prototype = Object.create(DBConnection.prototype)
* Initializes the DB with table for a PersistentMap. This is called by the constructor if config.initialize === true
PersistentMap.prototype.initialize = function () {
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + this._mapName,
" key varchar(64) not null,",
" value text,",
" created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),",
" updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),",
" expires_at timestamp with time zone,",
" CONSTRAINT " + this._mapName + "_key_unique UNIQUE(key)",
* Drops table/indexes for PersistentMap. To execute a drop you must call the drop function like so: PersistentMap.drop().areYouSure('YES')
* @returns {{areYouSure: areYouSure}}
PersistentMap.prototype.drop = function () {
return {
areYouSure: function (answer) {
if (answer !== 'YES') throw new Error(this.getErrorPrefix('drop().areYouSure(answer)') + ' - expected answer === "YES" found "' + answer + '"')
this.executeDBStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + this._mapName + ";", false)
* Returns a key, value pair
* @param key - the key/value pair to return
* @returns {object|undefined} {key, value} or undefined if key does not exist
PersistentMap.prototype.get = function (key) {
const sqlStmnt = 'select row_to_json(t) from (select key, value from ' + this._mapName + ' where key = ?) as t;'
const resultSet = this.executeDBStatement(sqlStmnt, true, [key])
return ( ? JSON.parse(resultSet.getString(1)) : {}
* Returns an array of key, value pairs where value ilike %query%
* Can be slow once map grows to a large size or does not have a reasonable expires
* @param query - text to search for in values
* @returns {Array}
*/ = function (query) {
const sqlStmnt = "select json_agg(t) from (select key, value from " + this._mapName + " where value ilike '%" + query + "%') as t;"
const resultSet = this.executeDBStatement(sqlStmnt, true)
return ( ? JSON.parse(resultSet.getString(1)) : []
* Sets a key to value and will overwrite an existing key/value pair
* @param key - the key to set
* @param value - the value to set the key to
* @param expires_at - optional ISO timestamp, defaults to now + PersistentMap.expires days
* @returns {number} the id of the inserted value or -1 if there insert/update failure
PersistentMap.prototype.set = function (key, value, expires_at) {
const updated_at = (new Date()).toISOString()
if (!expires_at) {
expires_at = new Date()
expires_at = (new Date(expires_at.setDate(expires_at.getDate() + this._expires))).toISOString()
const sqlStmnt = [
"INSERT INTO " + this._mapName + " (key, value, updated_at, expires_at)",
"VALUES (?, ?, ?::timestamp, ?::timestamp)",
"ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT " + this._mapName + "_key_unique DO UPDATE",
"SET value = EXCLUDED.value, updated_at = EXCLUDED.updated_at, expires_at = EXCLUDED.expires_at",
"returning id;",
const resultSet = this.executeDBStatement(sqlStmnt, true, [key, value, updated_at, expires_at])
return ( ? Number.parseInt(resultSet.getString(1)) : -1
* Deletes a key/value pair
* @param key - the key to delete
PersistentMap.prototype.delete = function (key) {
const sqlStmnt = "DELETE FROM " + this._mapName + " WHERE key = ?;"
this.executeDBStatement(sqlStmnt, true, [key])
* Prunes any key/value pair where the expires_at is less than NOW()
PersistentMap.prototype.prune = function () {
const sqlStmnt = "DELETE FROM " + this._mapName + " WHERE expires_at is not null and expires_at < NOW();"
try {
this.executeDBStatement(sqlStmnt, false)
} catch (e) {
// it's possible prune could fail when called from the constructor and initialize has not yet been called
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