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Created July 20, 2013 15:56
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Hue 1.1 schedule time formats
“time” (string)– Required - Time when the schedule occurs in extended ISO 8601:2004 format. Note time is always measured in the bridge in UTC time.
The set value that is supported is as follows:-
Non-recurring schedule – [YYYY]:[MM]:[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Non-recurring schedule with random– [YYYY]:[MM]:[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]A[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Recurring schedule – W[bbb]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Recurring schedule with random – W[bbb]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]A[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Timer – PT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Timer with random element - PT[hh]:[mm]:[ss] A[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Recurring timer – R[nn]/PT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Recurring timer with random element – R[nn]/PT[hh]:[mm]:[ss]A[hh]:[mm]:[ss]
Where YYYY is the year [1970..2097], MM is the month[01:12], DD is the date [01:31].
Where hh is hours [00..24], mm is minutes [00:59], ss is seconds [00:59].
T indicates the next part is a time
Where P indicates the following is an interval
Where A indicates the start of an approximate time interval.
Where R indicates the following should be recurring
nn [absent or 00..99]specifies how many recurrences there should be. Not specifying n implies it should repeat forever. A value of one means the event will only be triggered once.
Where W indicates weekly recurrence.
bbb [0..127] – is a bit mask to indicate which days in a 7 day cycle are chosen.
• so bbb = 0MTWTFSS – So only Tuesdays is 00100000 = 32
• Weekdays is 01111100 = 124
/ - seperates the recurrence from the time
Note: If two schedules with a random element are set in the bridge with identical “time” resources they will execute simultaneously although at a different random time in the window each recurrence.
e.g. W124/T06:00:00A00:30:00 will trigger an event every weekday at 6am +- 30 minutes. i.e on Monday it might go off at 5.45, on Tuesday at 6.05 and at Wednesday at 6.20 etc. Each event will have the random element seperately applied to it.
e.g. PT00:05:00A00:00:30 will trigger an event after 5 minutes +/- 30 seconds
e.g. R/PT00:25:00A00:05:00 will trigger an event every 25 minutes +/- 5 minutes
e.g. W124/T06:00:00 will trigger an event every weekday at 6am.
e.g. R24/PT01:00:00 will trigger an event every hour for the next 24 hours from when it is set.
e.g. PT00:05:00 will trigger an event after 5 minutes
Incorrectly formatted value should raise error 7. If the time is in the past and will never trigger error 7 should also be raised.
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I've just spent 4 hours looking for the what bbb means. Had to use advanced google search to get here. Thank you for this information !!!!

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