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Capstone Project: AMC's Ticket App

Oh no! AMC's app developer QUIT! Their app needs updating ASAP.

Can you help them to update their app?

Project Requirements

Part 1

The app should have at least 2 sections. When the page loads, only the first section should be visible.

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<title>Unit 3 Project</title>
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<marquee class="why">Why you should hire Mary Medina</marquee>
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<title>HireMe! Barack Obama</title>
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<title>Disappearing Ghost</title>
<h1>Do you know my name?</h1>
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<img class="ghost-image" src=",800x800,075,f.jpg">
<div class="buttons">
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<title>A Farewell to Young Court</title>
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<p>To she who is a...</p>
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<div class="boxes farewell-box"><img src="">
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<title>Page Title</title>
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<h1>What Pokemon are you?</h1>
<p>What is your name?</p>
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<title>Who Wants to be a Millionaire Obf</title>
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Capstone Project: Marvel-Us App

Oh no! Disney's app developer QUIT! Their app needs updating ASAP.

Can you help them to update their app?

Project Requirements

Part 1

The app should have at least 3 sections. When the page loads, only the first section should be visible.

Capstone Project: AMC's Ticket App

Oh no! AMC's app developer QUIT! Their app needs updating ASAP.

Can you help them to update their app?

Project Requirements

Part 1

The app should have at least 2 sections. When the page loads, only the first section should be visible.

Mooooooove Over Movie Seat Finder

Oh no! The Moooooove Over Movie Seat Finder web developer QUIT! Their website hasn't been updated since March and their rival theater's website is getting even better.

Can you help them to update their website?

TASK 1: Movie Poster Images

First, let's name your movie theatre and add movie posters to the HTML.

TASK 2: Movie Poster Positioning